



$database = new medoo("my_database");$database->select("bccount", ["user_name","email"
], ["user_id[<]" => 20
]);var_dump($database->error());// array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "42S02" [1]=> int(1146) [2]=> string(36) "Table 'my_database.bccount' doesn't exist" }


$database = new medoo("my_database");$database->select("account", ["user_name","email"
], ["user_id[<]" => 20
]);echo $database->last_query();
// SELECT user_name, email FROM account WHERE user_id < 20



$database = new medoo("my_database");$database->_select("account", ["user_name","email"
], ["user_id[<]" => 20
// SELECT user_name, email FROM account WHERE user_id < 20




/*!* Medoo database framework** Version* * Copyright 2013, Angel Lai* Released under the MIT license** @代码小睿 修改如下:* 增加PDO事务* query exec select insert update delete replace get has count max min avg sum 方法各增加直接输出 sql 语句的方法* 如 select 则对应 _select 方法*/
class medoo{protected $database_type = 'mysql';// For MySQL, MSSQL, Sybaseprotected $server = 'localhost';protected $username = 'username';protected $password = 'password';// For SQLiteprotected $database_file = '';// Optionalprotected $port = 3306;protected $charset = 'utf8';protected $database_name = '';protected $option = array();// Variable protected $queryString;// Debugprotected $debug = false;public function __construct($options){try{$commands = array();if(is_string($options)){if(strtolower($this->database_type) == 'sqlite'){$this->database_file = $options;}else{$this->database_name = $options;}}else{foreach($options as $option => $value){$this->$option = $value;}}$type = strtolower($this->database_type);if(isset($this->port) && is_int($this->port * 1)){$port = $this->port;}$set_charset = "SET NAMES '" . $this->charset . "'";switch($type){case 'mariadb':$type = 'mysql';case 'mysql':// Make MySQL using standard quoted identifier$commands[] = 'SET SQL_MODE=ANSI_QUOTES';case 'pgsql':$dsn = $type . ':host=' . $this->server . (isset($port) ? ';port=' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;$commands[] = $set_charset;break;case 'sybase':$dsn = $type . ':host=' . $this->server . (isset($port) ? ',' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;$commands[] = $set_charset;break;case 'mssql':$dsn = strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== false ?'sqlsrv:server=' . $this->server . (isset($port) ? ',' . $port : '') . ';database=' . $this->database_name :'dblib:host=' . $this->server . (isset($port) ? ':' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name;// Keep MSSQL QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON for standard quoting$commands[] = 'SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON';$commands[] = $set_charset;break;case 'sqlite':$dsn = $type . ':' . $this->database_file;$this->username = null;$this->password = null;break;}$this->pdo = new PDO($dsn, $this->username,$this->password,$this->option);foreach($commands as $value){$this->pdo->exec($value);   }}catch(PDOException $e){throw new Exception($e->getMessage());}}public function beginTransaction(){$this->pdo->beginTransaction();}public function commit(){$this->pdo->commit();}public function rollBack(){$this->pdo->rollBack();}public function query($query){$this->queryString = $query;return $this->debug ? $query : $this->pdo->query($query);}public function _query($query){$this->debug = true;echo $this->query($query);}public function exec($query){$this->queryString = $query;return $this->debug ? $query : $this->pdo->exec($query);}public function _exec($query){$this->debug = true;echo $this->exec($query);}public function quote($string){return $this->pdo->quote($string);}protected function column_quote($string){return '"' . str_replace('.', '"."', $string) . '"';}protected function column_push($columns){if($columns == '*'){return $columns;}if(is_string($columns)){$columns = array($columns);}$stack = array();foreach($columns as $key => $value){preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*)\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\)/i', $value, $match);if(isset($match[1]) && isset($match[2])){array_push($stack, $this->column_quote( $match[1] ) . ' AS ' . $this->column_quote( $match[2] ));}else{array_push($stack, $this->column_quote( $value ));}}return implode($stack, ',');}protected function array_quote($array){$temp = array();foreach($array as $value){$temp[] = is_int($value) ? $value : $this->pdo->quote($value);}return implode($temp, ',');}protected function inner_conjunct($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor){$haystack = array();foreach($data as $value){$haystack[] = '(' . $this->data_implode($value, $conjunctor) . ')';}return implode($outer_conjunctor . ' ', $haystack);}protected function data_implode($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor = null){$wheres = array();foreach($data as $key => $value){if(($key == 'AND' || $key == 'OR') && is_array($value)){$wheres[] = 0 !== count(array_diff_key($value, array_keys(array_keys($value)))) ?'(' . $this->data_implode($value, ' ' . $key) . ')' :'(' . $this->inner_conjunct($value, ' ' . $key, $conjunctor) . ')';}else{preg_match('/([\w\.]+)(\[(\>|\>\=|\<|\<\=|\!|\<\>)\])?/i', $key, $match);if(isset($match[3])){if($match[3] == ''){$wheres[] = $this->column_quote($match[1]) . ' ' . $match[3] . '= ' . $this->quote($value);}else if($match[3] == '!'){$column = $this->column_quote($match[1]);switch(gettype($value)){case 'NULL':$wheres[] = $column . ' IS NOT NULL';break;case 'array':$wheres[] = $column . ' NOT IN (' . $this->array_quote($value) . ')';break;case 'integer':case 'double':$wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . $value;break;case 'string':$wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . $this->quote($value);break;}}else{if($match[3] == '<>'){if(is_array($value)){if(is_numeric($value[0]) && is_numeric($value[1])){$wheres[] = $this->column_quote($match[1]) . ' BETWEEN ' . $value[0] . ' AND ' . $value[1];}else{$wheres[] = $this->column_quote($match[1]) . ' BETWEEN ' . $this->quote($value[0]) . ' AND ' . $this->quote($value[1]);}}}else{if(is_numeric($value)){$wheres[] = $this->column_quote($match[1]) . ' ' . $match[3] . ' ' . $value;}else{$datetime = strtotime($value);if($datetime){$wheres[] = $this->column_quote($match[1]) . ' ' . $match[3] . ' ' . $this->quote(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $datetime));}}}}}else{if(is_int($key)){$wheres[] = $this->quote($value);}else{$column = $this->column_quote($match[1]);switch(gettype($value)){case 'NULL':$wheres[] = $column . ' IS NULL';break;case 'array':$wheres[] = $column . ' IN (' . $this->array_quote($value) . ')';break;case 'integer':case 'double':$wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . $value;break;case 'string':$wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->quote($value);break;}}}}}return implode($conjunctor . ' ', $wheres);}public function where_clause($where){$where_clause = '';if(is_array($where)){$single_condition = array_diff_key($where, array_flip(explode(' ', 'AND OR GROUP ORDER HAVING LIMIT LIKE MATCH')));if($single_condition != array()){$where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($single_condition, '');}if(isset($where['AND'])){$where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($where['AND'], ' AND');}if(isset($where['OR'])){$where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($where['OR'], ' OR');}if(isset($where['LIKE'])){$like_query = $where['LIKE'];if(is_array($like_query)){$is_OR = isset($like_query['OR']);if($is_OR || isset($like_query['AND'])){$connector = $is_OR ? 'OR' : 'AND';$like_query = $is_OR ? $like_query['OR'] : $like_query['AND'];}else{$connector = 'AND';}$clause_wrap = array();foreach($like_query as $column => $keyword){if(is_array($keyword)){foreach($keyword as $key){$clause_wrap[] = $this->column_quote($column) . ' LIKE ' . $this->quote('%' . $key . '%');}}else{$clause_wrap[] = $this->column_quote($column) . ' LIKE ' . $this->quote('%' . $keyword . '%');}}$where_clause .= ($where_clause != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . '(' . implode($clause_wrap, ' ' . $connector . ' ') . ')';}}if(isset($where['MATCH'])){$match_query = $where['MATCH'];if(is_array($match_query) && isset($match_query['columns']) && isset($match_query['keyword'])){$where_clause .= ($where_clause != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . ' MATCH ("' . str_replace('.', '"."', implode($match_query['columns'], '", "')) . '") AGAINST (' . $this->quote($match_query['keyword']) . ')';}}if(isset($where['GROUP'])){$where_clause .= ' GROUP BY ' . $this->column_quote($where['GROUP']);}if(isset($where['ORDER'])){preg_match('/(^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*)(\s*(DESC|ASC))?/', $where['ORDER'], $order_match);$where_clause .= ' ORDER BY "' . str_replace('.', '"."', $order_match[1]) . '" ' . (isset($order_match[3]) ? $order_match[3] : '');if(isset($where['HAVING'])){$where_clause .= ' HAVING ' . $this->data_implode($where['HAVING'], '');}}if(isset($where['LIMIT'])){if(is_numeric($where['LIMIT'])){$where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $where['LIMIT'];}if(is_array($where['LIMIT']) && is_numeric($where['LIMIT'][0]) && is_numeric($where['LIMIT'][1])){$where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $where['LIMIT'][0] . ',' . $where['LIMIT'][1];}}}else{if($where != null){$where_clause .= ' ' . $where;}}return $where_clause;}public function select($table, $join, $columns = null, $where = null){$table = '"' . $table . '"';$join_key = is_array($join) ? array_keys($join) : null;if(strpos($join_key[0], '[') !== false){$table_join = array();$join_array = array('>' => 'LEFT','<' => 'RIGHT','<>' => 'FULL','><' => 'INNER');foreach($join as $sub_table => $relation){preg_match('/(\[(\<|\>|\>\<|\<\>)\])?([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)/', $sub_table, $match);if($match[2] != '' && $match[3] != ''){if(is_string($relation)){$relation = 'USING ("' . $relation . '")';}if(is_array($relation)){if(isset($relation[0])){ // For ['column1', 'column2']$relation = 'USING ("' . implode($relation, '", "') . '")';}else{ // For ['column1' => 'column2']$relation = 'ON ' . $table . '."' . key($relation) . '" = "' . $match[3] . '"."' . current($relation) . '"';}}$table_join[] = $join_array[ $match[2] ] . ' JOIN "' . $match[3] . '" ' . $relation;}}$table .= ' ' . implode($table_join, ' ');}else{$where = $columns;$columns = $join;}$query = $this->query('SELECT ' . $this->column_push($columns) . ' FROM ' . $table . $this->where_clause($where));return is_string($query) ? $query : ($query ? $query->fetchAll((is_string($columns) && $columns != '*') ? PDO::FETCH_COLUMN : PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : false);}public function _select($table, $join, $columns = null, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->select($table, $join, $columns, $where);}public function insert($table, $datas){$lastId = array();$query = array();// Check indexed or associative arrayif(!isset($datas[0])){$datas = array($datas);}foreach($datas as $data){$keys = implode('", "', array_keys($data));$values = array();foreach($data as $key => $value){switch(gettype($value)){case 'NULL':$values[] = 'NULL';break;case 'array':$values[] = $this->quote(serialize($value));break;case 'integer':case 'double':case 'string':$values[] = $this->quote($value);break;}}$exec = $this->exec('INSERT INTO "' . $table . '" ("' . $keys . '") VALUES (' . implode($values, ', ') . ')');is_string($exec) ? $query[] = $exec : $lastId[] = $this->pdo->lastInsertId();}return $query ? implode('; ', $query) : (count($lastId) > 1 ? $lastId : $lastId[0]);}public function _insert($table, $datas){$this->debug = true;echo $this->insert($table, $datas);}public function update($table, $data, $where = null){$fields = array();foreach($data as $key => $value){if(is_array($value)){$fields[] = $this->column_quote($key) . '=' . $this->quote(serialize($value));}else{preg_match('/([\w]+)(\[(\+|\-|\*|\/)\])?/i', $key, $match);if(isset($match[3])){if(is_numeric($value)){$fields[] = $this->column_quote($match[1]) . ' = ' . $this->column_quote($match[1]) . ' ' . $match[3] . ' ' . $value;}}else{$column = $this->column_quote($key);switch(gettype($value)){case 'NULL':$fields[] = $column . ' = NULL';break;case 'array':$fields[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->quote(serialize($value));break;case 'integer':case 'double':case 'string':$fields[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->quote($value);break;}}}}return $this->exec('UPDATE "' . $table . '" SET ' . implode(', ', $fields) . $this->where_clause($where));}public function _update($table, $data, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->update($table, $data, $where);}public function delete($table, $where){return $this->exec('DELETE FROM "' . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where));}public function _delete($table, $where){$this->debug = true;echo $this->delete($table, $where);}public function replace($table, $columns, $search = null, $replace = null, $where = null){if(is_array($columns)){$replace_query = array();foreach($columns as $column => $replacements){foreach($replacements as $replace_search => $replace_replacement){$replace_query[] = $column . ' = REPLACE("' . $column . '", ' . $this->quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_replacement) . ')';}}$replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query);$where = $search;}else{if(is_array($search)){$replace_query = array();foreach($search as $replace_search => $replace_replacement){$replace_query[] = $columns . ' = REPLACE("' . $columns . '", ' . $this->quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_replacement) . ')';}$replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query);$where = $replace;}else{$replace_query = $columns . ' = REPLACE("' . $columns . '", ' . $this->quote($search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace) . ')';}}return $this->exec('UPDATE "' . $table . '" SET ' . $replace_query . $this->where_clause($where));}public function _replace($table, $columns, $search = null, $replace = null, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->replace($table, $columns, $search, $replace, $where);}public function get($table, $columns, $where = null){if(!isset($where)){$where = array();}$where['LIMIT'] = 1;$data = $this->select($table, $columns, $where);return is_string($data) ? $data : (isset($data[0]) ? $data[0] : false);}public function _get($table, $columns, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->get($table, $columns, $where);}public function has($table, $where){$query = $this->query('SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "' . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where) . ')');return is_string($query) ? $query : $query->fetchColumn() === '1';}public function _has($table, $where){$this->debug = true;echo $this->has($table, $where);}public function count($table, $where = null){$query = $this->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "' . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where));return is_string($query) ? $query : 0 + ($query->fetchColumn());}public function _count($table, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->count($table, $where);}public function max($table, $column, $where = null){$query = $this->query('SELECT MAX("' . $column . '") FROM "' . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where));return is_string($query) ? $query : 0 + ($query->fetchColumn());}public function _max($table, $column, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->max($table, $column, $where);}public function min($table, $column, $where = null){$query = $this->query('SELECT MIN("' . $column . '") FROM "' . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where));return is_string($query) ? $query : 0 + ($query->fetchColumn());}public function _min($table, $column, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->min($table, $column, $where);}public function avg($table, $column, $where = null){$query = $this->query('SELECT AVG("' . $column . '") FROM "' . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where));return is_string($query) ? $query : 0 + ($query->fetchColumn());}public function _avg($table, $column, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->avg($table, $column, $where);}public function sum($table, $column, $where = null){$query = $this->query('SELECT SUM("' . $column . '") FROM "' . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where));return is_string($query) ? $query : 0 + ($query->fetchColumn());}public function _sum($table, $column, $where = null){$this->debug = true;echo $this->sum($table, $column, $where);}public function error(){return $this->pdo->errorInfo();}public function last_query(){return $this->queryString;}public function info(){return array('server' => $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO),'client' => $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION),'driver' => $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME),'version' => $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION),'connection' => $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS));}



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