

2.线程数据块_tiddata(C/C++运行时库的实现 _beginthreadex与_beginthread)







3.Usage Count:引用计数,初始化为2

4.Suspend Count:挂起数,初始化为1。





RtlUserThreadStart函数是线程真正起始执行的地方,因为新线程的指令指针是指向这个函数 。RtlUserThreadStart函数原型使你认为它收到二个参数,但那不是真的,这只是意味着它被调用自另一个函数。新的线程只不过在这里生效和开始执行。










线程数据块是_beginthreadex函数维护的一个数据结构,存储了线程相关的一些信息。我们先来看_beginthreadex的源码(VS2008的存储在C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\crt\src\threadex.c中):

_MCRTIMP uintptr_t __cdecl _beginthreadex (void *security,unsigned stacksize,unsigned (__CLR_OR_STD_CALL * initialcode) (void *),void * argument,unsigned createflag,unsigned *thrdaddr)
{_ptiddata ptd;                  /* pointer to per-thread data */uintptr_t thdl;                 /* thread handle */unsigned long err = 0L;     /* Return from GetLastError() */unsigned dummyid;               /* dummy returned thread ID *//* validation section */_VALIDATE_RETURN(initialcode != NULL, EINVAL, 0);/* Initialize FlsGetValue function pointer */__set_flsgetvalue();/** Allocate and initialize a per-thread data structure for the to-* be-created thread.*/if ( (ptd = (_ptiddata)_calloc_crt(1, sizeof(struct _tiddata))) == NULL )goto error_return;/** Initialize the per-thread data*/_initptd(ptd, _getptd()->ptlocinfo);ptd->_initaddr = (void *) initialcode;ptd->_initarg = argument;ptd->_thandle = (uintptr_t)(-1);#if defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL)if(!_getdomain(&(ptd->__initDomain))){goto error_return;}
#endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) *//** Make sure non-NULL thrdaddr is passed to CreateThread*/if ( thrdaddr == NULL )thrdaddr = &dummyid;/** Create the new thread using the parameters supplied by the caller.*/if ( (thdl = (uintptr_t)CreateThread( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)security,stacksize,_threadstartex,(LPVOID)ptd,createflag,(LPDWORD)thrdaddr))== (uintptr_t)0 ){err = GetLastError();goto error_return;}/** Good return*/return(thdl);/** Error return*/
error_return:/** Either ptd is NULL, or it points to the no-longer-necessary block* calloc-ed for the _tiddata struct which should now be freed up.*/_free_crt(ptd);/** Map the error, if necessary.** Note: this routine returns 0 for failure, just like the Win32* API CreateThread, but _beginthread() returns -1 for failure.*/if ( err != 0L )_dosmaperr(err);return( (uintptr_t)0 );

其中被标红加粗的二部分是重点,即首先初始化了一个线程数据块(_ptiddata ptd),将线程函数地址及参数设置到线程数据块内,该块是分配在堆上的。之后调用CreateThread函数创建线程,要注意传入该函数的参数,即要运行的函数_threadstartex(注意不是线程函数), 其参数是线程数据块(LPVOID)ptd


1.将新建线程与内存数据块关联(__fls_setvalue,该函数是操作系统函数,即所谓的线程局部存储(Thread Local Storage, TLS))


static unsigned long WINAPI _threadstartex (void * ptd)
{_ptiddata _ptd;                  /* pointer to per-thread data *//* Initialize FlsGetValue function pointer */__set_flsgetvalue();/** Check if ptd is initialised during THREAD_ATTACH call to dll mains*/if ( ( _ptd = (_ptiddata)__fls_getvalue(__get_flsindex())) == NULL){/** Stash the pointer to the per-thread data stucture in TLS*/if ( !__fls_setvalue(__get_flsindex(), ptd) )ExitThread(GetLastError());/** Set the thread ID field -- parent thread cannot set it after* CreateThread() returns since the child thread might have run* to completion and already freed its per-thread data block!*/((_ptiddata) ptd)->_tid = GetCurrentThreadId();}else{_ptd->_initaddr = ((_ptiddata) ptd)->_initaddr;_ptd->_initarg =  ((_ptiddata) ptd)->_initarg;_ptd->_thandle =  ((_ptiddata) ptd)->_thandle;
#if defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL)_ptd->__initDomain=((_ptiddata) ptd)->__initDomain;
#endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) */_freefls(ptd);ptd = _ptd;}/** Call fp initialization, if necessary*/
#ifndef MRTDLL
#ifdef CRTDLL_fpclear();
#else  /* CRTDLL */if (_FPmtinit != NULL &&_IsNonwritableInCurrentImage((PBYTE)&_FPmtinit)){(*_FPmtinit)();}
#endif  /* CRTDLL */
#endif  /* MRTDLL */#if defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL)DWORD domain=0;if(!_getdomain(&domain)){ExitThread(0);}if(domain!=_ptd->__initDomain){/* need to transition to caller's domain and startup there*/::msclr::call_in_appdomain(_ptd->__initDomain, _callthreadstartex);return 0L;}
#endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) */_callthreadstartex();/** Never executed!*/return(0L);

static void _callthreadstartex(void)
{_ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct *//* must always exist at this point */ptd = _getptd();/** Guard call to user code with a _try - _except statement to* implement runtime errors and signal support*/__try {_endthreadex (( (unsigned (__CLR_OR_STD_CALL 

*)(void *))(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initaddr) ) ( ((_ptiddata)ptd)->

_initarg ) ) ;}__except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ){/** Should never reach here*/_exit( GetExceptionCode() );} /* end of _try - _except */}


1. 如上标红地方运行真正线程函数



这里_callthreadstartex调用_endthreadex直接删除线程,而不是回退到_threadstartex,再到RtlUserThreadStart, 若直接返回的话,线程数据块并未删除,会造成内存泄露。






下面附上_tiddata的具体内容,可以参考下(VS2008,C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\crt\src\mtdll.h)。

View Code

struct _tiddata {unsigned long   _tid;       /* thread ID */uintptr_t _thandle;         /* thread handle */int     _terrno;            /* errno value */unsigned long   _tdoserrno; /* _doserrno value */unsigned int    _fpds;      /* Floating Point data segment */unsigned long   _holdrand;  /* rand() seed value */char *      _token;         /* ptr to strtok() token */wchar_t *   _wtoken;        /* ptr to wcstok() token */unsigned char * _mtoken;    /* ptr to _mbstok() token *//* following pointers get malloc'd at runtime */char *      _errmsg;        /* ptr to strerror()/_strerror() buff */wchar_t *   _werrmsg;       /* ptr to _wcserror()/__wcserror() buff */char *      _namebuf0;      /* ptr to tmpnam() buffer */wchar_t *   _wnamebuf0;     /* ptr to _wtmpnam() buffer */char *      _namebuf1;      /* ptr to tmpfile() buffer */wchar_t *   _wnamebuf1;     /* ptr to _wtmpfile() buffer */char *      _asctimebuf;    /* ptr to asctime() buffer */wchar_t *   _wasctimebuf;   /* ptr to _wasctime() buffer */void *      _gmtimebuf;     /* ptr to gmtime() structure */char *      _cvtbuf;        /* ptr to ecvt()/fcvt buffer */unsigned char _con_ch_buf[MB_LEN_MAX];/* ptr to putch() buffer */unsigned short _ch_buf_used;   /* if the _con_ch_buf is used *//* following fields are needed by _beginthread code */void *      _initaddr;      /* initial user thread address */void *      _initarg;       /* initial user thread argument *//* following three fields are needed to support signal handling and* runtime errors */void *      _pxcptacttab;   /* ptr to exception-action table */void *      _tpxcptinfoptrs; /* ptr to exception info pointers */int         _tfpecode;      /* float point exception code *//* pointer to the copy of the multibyte character information used by* the thread */pthreadmbcinfo  ptmbcinfo;/* pointer to the copy of the locale informaton used by the thead */pthreadlocinfo  ptlocinfo;int         _ownlocale;     /* if 1, this thread owns its own locale *//* following field is needed by NLG routines */unsigned long   _NLG_dwCode;/** Per-Thread data needed by C++ Exception Handling*/void *      _terminate;     /* terminate() routine */void *      _unexpected;    /* unexpected() routine */void *      _translator;    /* S.E. translator */void *      _purecall;      /* called when pure virtual happens */void *      _curexception;  /* current exception */void *      _curcontext;    /* current exception context */int         _ProcessingThrow; /* for uncaught_exception */void *              _curexcspec;    /* for handling exceptions thrown from std::unexpected */
#if defined (_M_IA64) || defined (_M_AMD64)void *      _pExitContext;void *      _pUnwindContext;void *      _pFrameInfoChain;unsigned __int64    _ImageBase;
#if defined (_M_IA64)unsigned __int64    _TargetGp;
#endif  /* defined (_M_IA64) */unsigned __int64    _ThrowImageBase;void *      _pForeignException;
#elif defined (_M_IX86)void *      _pFrameInfoChain;
#endif  /* defined (_M_IX86) */_setloc_struct _setloc_data;#ifdef _M_IX86void *      _encode_ptr;    /* EncodePointer() routine */void *      _decode_ptr;    /* DecodePointer() routine */
#endif  /* _M_IX86 */void *      _reserved1;     /* nothing */void *      _reserved2;     /* nothing */void *      _reserved3;     /* nothing */int _cxxReThrow;        /* Set to True if it's a rethrown C++ Exception */unsigned long __initDomain;     /* initial domain used by _beginthread[ex] for managed function */};typedef struct _tiddata * _ptiddata;



void __cdecl _endthreadex (unsigned retcode)
{_ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct *//** Call fp termination, if necessary*/
#ifdef CRTDLL_fpclear();
#else  /* CRTDLL */if (_FPmtterm != NULL &&_IsNonwritableInCurrentImage((PBYTE)&_FPmtterm)){(*_FPmtterm)();}
#endif  /* CRTDLL */ptd = _getptd_noexit();if (ptd) {/** Free up the _tiddata structure & its subordinate buffers*      _freeptd() will also clear the value for this thread*      of the FLS variable __flsindex.*/_freeptd(ptd);}/** Terminate the thread*/ExitThread(retcode);}





<<Windows核心编程 第五版>>

Windows via C/C++ 中“RtlUserThreadStart函数”的翻译


VC源码:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\crt\src\mtdll.h || threadex.c(VS2008)


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