






1 using System;
2  using System.Collections.Generic;
3  using System.Linq;
4 using System.Text;
5 //
6 using System.Drawing;
7 using System.Drawing.Printing;
8 using System.Data;
9 using System.Windows.Forms;
10 //using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
11 using System.Reflection;
13 namespace WinFormTest
14 {
15 ///<summary>
16 /// 数据报表统计
17 /// ryan-2010/9/19
18 ///</summary>
19 publicclass DataReprot
20 {
21 #region//property
22 //image size
23 int _Width =600;
24 int _Height =420;
25 //pager
26 privateint _TopMargin =50;
27 privateint _LeftMargin =60;
28 privateint _RightMargin =50;
29 privateint _BottomMargin =60;
30 private Font _TitleFont =new Font("宋体", 18, FontStyle.Bold);
31 private Font _ColumnsHeaderFont =new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
32 private Font _ContentFont =new Font("宋体", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
33 SolidBrush brush=new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
34 Pen pen =new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black));
35 int _RowHeight =30;
36 int _CurrentPageIndex;
37 int _PageCount;
38 int _RowsCount;
39 int _CurrentRowsIndex;
40 int _MaxRowsCount =35;
41 Point _CurrentPoint;
42 DataTable _DT;
43 string _Title;
44 string _ImgTitle;
45 string[] _ColumnsHeader;
46 string[] _BottomStr;
47 #endregion
49 #region//DataReprot()
50 public DataReprot(string title, string imgTitle, DataTable dataTable, string[] columnsHeader, string[] bottomStr)
51 {
52 _Title = title;
53 _DT = Sort(dataTable);
54 _ImgTitle = imgTitle;
55 _ColumnsHeader = columnsHeader;
56 _RowsCount = dataTable.Rows.Count;
57 _BottomStr = bottomStr;
58 _CurrentPageIndex =0;
59 _CurrentRowsIndex =0;
60 //pagecount
61 if ((dataTable.Rows.Count +20) % _MaxRowsCount ==0)
62 _PageCount = (dataTable.Rows.Count +20) / _MaxRowsCount;
63 else
64 _PageCount = ((dataTable.Rows.Count +20) / _MaxRowsCount) +1;
65 }
66 #endregion
68 #region//保存为excl
69 publicvoid SaveAsExcl(string fileFullPath)
70 {
71 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass excel =new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass();
72 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wBook = excel.Workbooks.Add(true);
73 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet wSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)wBook.ActiveSheet;
74 excel.DisplayAlerts =false;
75 excel.AlertBeforeOverwriting =false;
76 //
77 excel.ActiveWorkbook.sav
78 excel.Cells[1, 1] ="网上搜索C#实现excel操作的示例太多了,但不知道有多少是经过验证确实 ";
80 //
81 excel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs(fileFullPath);
82 excel.Quit();
83 }
84 #endregion
86 #region//对dt排序
87 public DataTable Sort(DataTable dataTable)
88 {
89 string orderName = dataTable.Columns[1].ColumnName;
90 DataView dv = dataTable.DefaultView;
91 dv.Sort = orderName +" DESC";
92 dataTable = dv.ToTable();
93 return dataTable;
94 }
95 #endregion
97 #region//打印报表
98 public PrintPreviewDialog PrintReport()
99 {
101 //
102 PrintDocument printDoc=new PrintDocument();
103 printDoc.PrintPage+=PrintPage;
104 printDoc.BeginPrint += BeginPrint;
105 PrintPreviewDialog pPreviewDialog =new PrintPreviewDialog();
106 pPreviewDialog.Document = printDoc;
107 pPreviewDialog.ShowIcon =false;
108 pPreviewDialog.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom =1.0;
109 pPreviewDialog.TopLevel =false;
110 SetPrintPreviewDialog(pPreviewDialog);
111 return pPreviewDialog;
112 }
113 #endregion
115 #region//Bitmap GetPieImage()
117 #region//绘制饼状图
118 ///<summary>
119 /// 绘制饼状图
120 ///</summary>
121 ///<returns></returns>
122 public Bitmap GetPieImage(string title, DataTable dataTable)
123 {
124 Bitmap image = GenerateImage(title);
125 dataTable = DataFormat(dataTable);
126 //主区域图形
127 Rectangle RMain =new Rectangle(35, 70, 380, 300);
128 //图例信息
129 Rectangle RDes =new Rectangle(445, 90, 10, 10);
130 Font f =new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
132 Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image);
133 g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
134 g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
135 try
136 {
137 //分析数据,绘制饼图和图例说明
138 double[] ItemRate = GetItemRate(dataTable);
139 int[] ItemAngle = GetItemAngle(ItemRate);
140 int Angle1 =0;
141 int Angle2 =0;
142 int len = ItemRate.Length;
143 Color c =new Color();
144 //3D
145 g.DrawPie(new Pen(Color.Black), RMain, 0F, 360F);
146 g.DrawPie(new Pen(Color.Black), new Rectangle(RMain.X, RMain.Y +10, RMain.Width, RMain.Height), 0F, 360F);
147 g.FillPie(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new Rectangle(RMain.X, RMain.Y +10, RMain.Width, RMain.Height), 0F, 360F);
148 //绘制
149 for (int i =0; i < len; i++)
150 {
151 Angle2 = ItemAngle[i];
152 //if (c != GetRandomColor(i))
153 c = GetRandomColor(i);
155 SolidBrush brush =new SolidBrush(c);
156 string DesStr = dataTable.Rows[i][0].ToString() +"("+ (ItemRate[i] *100).ToString(".00") +"%"+")";
157 //
158 DrawPie(image, RMain, c, Angle1, Angle2);
159 Angle1 += Angle2;
160 DrawDes(image, RDes, c, DesStr, f, i);
161 }
163 return image;
164 }
165 finally
166 {
167 g.Dispose();
168 }
169 }
170 #endregion
172 #region//绘制图像的基本数据计算方法
173 ///<summary>
174 /// 数据格式化
175 ///</summary>
176 private DataTable DataFormat(DataTable dataTable)
177 {
178 if (dataTable ==null)
179 return dataTable;
180 //把大于等于10的行合并,
181 if (dataTable.Rows.Count <=10)
182 return dataTable;
183 //new Table
184 DataTable dataTableNew = dataTable.Copy();
185 dataTableNew.Rows.Clear();
186 for (int i =0; i <8; i++)
187 {
188 DataRow dataRow = dataTableNew.NewRow();
189 dataRow[0] = dataTable.Rows[i][0];
190 dataRow[1] = dataTable.Rows[i][1];
191 dataTableNew.Rows.Add(dataRow);
192 }
193 DataRow dr = dataTableNew.NewRow();
194 dr[0] ="其它";
195 double allValue =0;
196 for (int i =9; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
197 {
198 allValue += Convert.ToDouble(dataTable.Rows[i][1]);
199 }
200 dr[1] = allValue;
201 dataTableNew.Rows.Add(dr);
202 return dataTableNew;
203 }
204 ///<summary>
205 /// 计算数值总和
206 ///</summary>
207 privatestaticdouble Sum(DataTable dataTable)
208 {
209 double t =0;
210 foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows)
211 {
212 t += Convert.ToDouble(dr[1]);
213 }
214 return t;
215 }
216 ///<summary>
217 /// 计算各项比例
218 ///</summary>
219 privatestaticdouble[] GetItemRate(DataTable dataTable)
220 {
221 double sum = Sum(dataTable);
222 double[] ItemRate =newdouble[dataTable.Rows.Count];
223 for (int i =0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
224 {
225 ItemRate[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dataTable.Rows[i][1]) / sum;
226 }
227 return ItemRate;
228 }
229 ///<summary>
230 /// 根据比例,计算各项角度值
231 ///</summary>
232 privatestaticint[] GetItemAngle(double[] ItemRate)
233 {
234 int[] ItemAngel =newint[ItemRate.Length];
235 for (int i =0; i < ItemRate.Length; i++)
236 {
237 double t =360* ItemRate[i];
238 ItemAngel[i] = Convert.ToInt32(t);
239 }
240 return ItemAngel;
241 }
242 #endregion
244 #region// 随即扇形区域颜色,绘制区域框,
245 ///<summary>
246 /// 生成随机颜色
247 ///</summary>
248 ///<returns></returns>
249 privatestatic Color GetRandomColor(int seed)
250 {
251 Random random =new Random(seed);
252 int r =0;
253 int g =0;
254 int b =0;
255 r = random.Next(0, 230);
256 g = random.Next(0, 230);
257 b = random.Next(0, 235);
258 Color randomcolor = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
259 return randomcolor;
260 }
261 ///<summary>
262 /// 绘制区域框、阴影
263 ///</summary>
264 privatestatic Bitmap DrawRectangle(Bitmap image, Rectangle rect)
265 {
266 Bitmap Image = image;
267 Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Image);
268 g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
269 g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
270 try
271 {
272 Rectangle rn =new Rectangle(rect.X +3, rect.Y +3, rect.Width, rect.Height);
273 SolidBrush brush1 =new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(233, 234, 249));
274 SolidBrush brush2 =new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(221, 213, 215));
275 //
276 g.FillRectangle(brush2, rn);
277 g.FillRectangle(brush1, rect);
278 return Image;
279 }
280 finally
281 {
282 g.Dispose();
283 }
284 }
285 #endregion
287 #region//绘制图例框、图列信息,绘制扇形
288 ///<summary>
289 /// 绘制图例信息
290 ///</summary>
291 privatestatic Bitmap DrawDes(Bitmap image, Rectangle rect, Color c, string DesStr, Font f, int i)
292 {
293 Bitmap Image = image;
294 Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Image);
295 g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit;
296 g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.Default;
297 try
298 {
299 SolidBrush brush =new SolidBrush(c);
300 Rectangle R =new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y +25* i, rect.Width, rect.Height);
301 Point p =new Point(rect.X +12, rect.Y +25* i);
302 //❀颜色矩形框
303 g.FillRectangle(brush, R);
304 //文字说明
305 g.DrawString(DesStr, f, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), p);
306 return Image;
307 }
308 finally
309 {
310 g.Dispose();
311 }
312 }
313 //绘制扇形
314 privatestatic Bitmap DrawPie(Bitmap image, Rectangle rect, Color c, int Angle1, int Angle2)
315 {
316 Bitmap Image = image;
317 Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Image);
318 g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
319 g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
320 try
321 {
322 SolidBrush brush =new SolidBrush(c);
323 Rectangle R =new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
324 g.FillPie(brush, R, Angle1, Angle2);
325 return Image;
326 }
327 finally
328 {
329 g.Dispose();
330 }
331 }
332 #endregion
334 #region//绘制基本图形
335 ///<summary>
336 /// 生成图片,统一设置图片大小、背景色,图片布局,及标题
337 ///</summary>
338 ///<returns>图片</returns>
339 private Bitmap GenerateImage(string Title)
340 {
341 Bitmap image =new Bitmap(_Width, _Height);
342 Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image);
343 //标题
344 Point PTitle =new Point(30, 20);
345 Font f1 =new Font("黑体", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
346 //线
347 int len = (int)g.MeasureString(Title, f1).Width;
348 Point PLine1 =new Point(20, 40);
349 Point PLine2 =new Point(20+len+20, 40);
350 Pen pen =new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(8, 34, 231)), 1.5f);
351 //主区域,主区域图形
352 Rectangle RMain1 =new Rectangle(20, 55, 410, 345);
353 Rectangle RMain2 =new Rectangle(25, 60, 400, 335);
354 //图例区域
355 Rectangle RDes1 =new Rectangle(440, 55, 150, 345);
356 //图例说明
357 string Des ="图例说明:";
358 Font f2 =new Font("黑体", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
359 Point PDes =new Point(442, 65);
360 //图例信息,后面的x坐标上累加20
361 Rectangle RDes2 =new Rectangle(445, 90, 10, 10);
362 g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
363 g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
364 try
365 {
366 //设置背景色、绘制边框
367 g.Clear(Color.White);
368 g.DrawRectangle(pen, 1, 1, _Width-2 , _Height-2);
369 //绘制标题、线
370 g.DrawString(Title, f1, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), PTitle);
371 g.DrawLine(pen, PLine1, PLine2);
373 //主区域
374 image = DrawRectangle(image, RMain1);
375 //图例区域
376 image = DrawRectangle(image, RDes1);
377 //“图例说明”
378 g.DrawString(Des, f2, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), PDes);
379 //return
380 return image;
381 }
382 finally
383 {
384 g.Dispose();
385 }
387 }
388 #endregion
390 #endregion
393 #region//绘制图形、报表
395 #region//print Event
396 privatevoid PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
397 {
398 _CurrentPageIndex++;
399 _CurrentPoint =new Point(_LeftMargin, _RightMargin);
400 int serialNumWidth =60;
401 int colWidth = (e.PageBounds.Width - _LeftMargin - _RightMargin - serialNumWidth) / _DT.Columns.Count;
402 //第一页绘制标题,图形
403 if (_CurrentPageIndex ==1)
404 {
405 DrawTitle(e);
406 DrawImage(e);
407 DrawTableHeader(e, serialNumWidth, colWidth);
408 DrawBottom(e);
409 DrawTableAndSerialNumAndData(e, serialNumWidth, colWidth);
410 if (_PageCount >1)
411 e.HasMorePages =true;
413 }
414 elseif (_CurrentPageIndex == _PageCount)
415 {
416 DrawTableHeader(e, serialNumWidth, colWidth);
417 DrawTableAndSerialNumAndData(e, serialNumWidth, colWidth);
418 DrawBottom(e);
419 e.HasMorePages =false;
420 e.Cancel =true;
421 }
422 else
423 {
424 DrawTableHeader(e, serialNumWidth, colWidth);
425 DrawTableAndSerialNumAndData(e, serialNumWidth, colWidth);
426 DrawBottom(e);
427 e.HasMorePages =true;
429 }
430 }
431 privatevoid BeginPrint(object sender,PrintEventArgs e)
432 {
433 _CurrentPageIndex =0;
434 _CurrentRowsIndex =0;
435 e.Cancel =false;
436 }
437 #endregion
439 #region//绘制标题
440 privatevoid DrawTitle(PrintPageEventArgs e)
441 {
442 //标题 居中
443 _CurrentPoint.X = (e.PageBounds.Width) /2- (int)(e.Graphics.MeasureString(_Title, _TitleFont).Width) /2;
444 e.Graphics.DrawString(_Title, _TitleFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), _CurrentPoint);
445 _CurrentPoint.Y += (int)(e.Graphics.MeasureString(_Title, _TitleFont).Height);
446 //标题下的线
447 int len = (int)(e.Graphics.MeasureString(_Title, _TitleFont).Width) +100;
448 int start = (e.PageBounds.Width) /2- len /2;
449 e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black)), new Point(start, _CurrentPoint.Y), new Point(start + len, _CurrentPoint.Y));
450 _CurrentPoint.Y +=3;
451 e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black)), new Point(start, _CurrentPoint.Y), new Point(start + len, _CurrentPoint.Y));
452 _CurrentPoint.Y +=50;
453 _CurrentPoint.X = _LeftMargin;
454 }
456 #endregion
458 #region//绘制统计图
459 privatevoid DrawImage(PrintPageEventArgs e)
460 {
461 //标题 居中
462 _CurrentPoint.X = (e.PageBounds.Width) /2- _Width /2;
463 e.Graphics.DrawImage(GetPieImage(_ImgTitle, _DT), _CurrentPoint);
464 _CurrentPoint.X = _LeftMargin;
465 _CurrentPoint.Y += _Height+50;
466 }
468 #endregion
470 #region//绘制页尾
471 privatevoid DrawBottom(PrintPageEventArgs e)
472 {
473 int pageNumWidth =70;
474 int count = _BottomStr.Length;
475 int width = (e.PageBounds.Width - _LeftMargin - _RightMargin - pageNumWidth) / (count +1);
476 int y = e.PageBounds.Height - _BottomMargin +5;
477 int x=_LeftMargin;
478 //line
479 e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black)), x, y, e.PageBounds.Width - _RightMargin, y);
480 y +=5;
481 for (int i =0; i < count; i++)
482 {
483 if(i>0)
484 x += width;
485 e.Graphics.DrawString(_BottomStr[i], _ContentFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), x, y);
486 }
487 x = e.PageBounds.Width - _RightMargin - pageNumWidth;
488 e.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("第{0}页/共{1}页",_CurrentPageIndex,_PageCount), _ContentFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), x, y);
489 }
491 #endregion
493 #region//绘制表格和序号、数据
495 privatevoid DrawTableAndSerialNumAndData(PrintPageEventArgs e, int serialNumWidth, int colWidth)
496 {
497 int useAbleHeight = e.PageBounds.Height - _CurrentPoint.Y - _BottomMargin;
498 int useAbleRowsCount = useAbleHeight / _RowHeight;
499 int rowsCount=0;
500 if (_RowsCount-_CurrentRowsIndex > useAbleRowsCount)
501 rowsCount = useAbleRowsCount;
502 else
503 rowsCount = _RowsCount - _CurrentRowsIndex;
504 Point pp =new Point(_CurrentPoint.X, _CurrentPoint.Y);
505 for(int i=0;i<=rowsCount;i++)
506 {
507 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, _LeftMargin, _CurrentPoint.Y + i * _RowHeight,e.PageBounds.Width-_RightMargin, _CurrentPoint.Y + i * _RowHeight);
508 //绘制数据
509 if (i >= rowsCount)
510 break;
511 DrawCellString((i +1+ _CurrentRowsIndex).ToString(), pp, serialNumWidth,_ContentFont, e);
512 pp.X += serialNumWidth;
513 for (int j =0; j < _DT.Columns.Count; j++)
514 {
515 DrawCellString(_DT.Rows[i + _CurrentRowsIndex][j].ToString(), pp, colWidth, _ContentFont, e);
516 pp.X += colWidth;
517 }
518 pp.Y += _RowHeight;
519 pp.X = _CurrentPoint.X;
521 }
522 //绘制竖线
523 Point p =new Point(_CurrentPoint.X,_CurrentPoint.Y);
524 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, p, new Point(p.X, p.Y + _RowHeight * rowsCount));
525 p.X += serialNumWidth;
526 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, p, new Point(p.X, p.Y + _RowHeight * rowsCount));
527 for (int i =1; i < _DT.Columns.Count; i++)
528 {
529 p.X += colWidth;
530 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, p, new Point(p.X, p.Y + _RowHeight * rowsCount));
531 }
532 p.X=e.PageBounds.Width-_RightMargin;
533 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, p, new Point(p.X, p.Y + _RowHeight * rowsCount));
534 _CurrentRowsIndex += rowsCount;
535 }
537 #endregion
539 #region//填充数据到单元格
540 privatevoid DrawCellString(string str, Point p,int colWidth,Font f, PrintPageEventArgs e)
541 {
542 int strWidth = (int)e.Graphics.MeasureString(str, f).Width;
543 int strHeight = (int)e.Graphics.MeasureString(str, f).Height;
544 p.X += (colWidth - strWidth) /2;
545 p.Y +=5;
546 p.Y += (_RowHeight - strHeight) /2;
547 e.Graphics.DrawString(str, f, brush, p);
548 }
549 #endregion
551 #region//绘制标题
552 privatevoid DrawTableHeader(PrintPageEventArgs e, int serialNumWidth,int colWidth)
553 {
554 //画框
555 Point pp =new Point(_CurrentPoint.X, _CurrentPoint.Y);
556 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pp, new Point(e.PageBounds.Width - _RightMargin, pp.Y));
557 pp.Y+=_RowHeight;
558 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen,pp,new Point(e.PageBounds.Width-_RightMargin,pp.Y));
559 pp =new Point(_CurrentPoint.X, _CurrentPoint.Y);
560 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pp, new Point(pp.X, pp.Y + _RowHeight));
561 pp.X += serialNumWidth;
562 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen,pp, new Point(pp.X, pp.Y + _RowHeight));
563 for (int i =1; i < _DT.Columns.Count; i++)
564 {
565 pp.X += colWidth;
566 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pp, new Point(pp.X, pp.Y + _RowHeight));
567 }
568 pp.X = e.PageBounds.Width - _RightMargin;
569 e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pp, new Point(pp.X, pp.Y + _RowHeight));
570 //
571 Point p =new Point(_CurrentPoint.X +5, _CurrentPoint.Y);
572 DrawCellString("序号", p, serialNumWidth,_ColumnsHeaderFont, e);
573 p.X += serialNumWidth;
574 for (int i =0; i < _DT.Columns.Count; i++)
575 {
576 if(i!=0)
577 p.X += colWidth;
578 DrawCellString(_ColumnsHeader[i], p, colWidth, _ColumnsHeaderFont, e);
579 }
580 _CurrentPoint.X = _LeftMargin;
581 _CurrentPoint.Y += _RowHeight;
582 }
583 #endregion
585 #region// 自定义设置打印预览对话框
586 publicvoid SetPrintPreviewDialog(PrintPreviewDialog pPreviewDialog)
587 {
588 System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] pis = pPreviewDialog.GetType().GetProperties();
589 for (int i =0; i < pis.Length; i++)
590 {
591 switch(pis[i].Name)
592 {
593 case"Dock":
594 pis[i].SetValue(pPreviewDialog, DockStyle.Fill, null);
595 break;
596 case"FormBorderStyle":
597 pis[i].SetValue(pPreviewDialog, FormBorderStyle.None, null);
598 break;
599 case"WindowState":
600 pis[i].SetValue(pPreviewDialog, FormWindowState.Normal, null);
601 break;
602 default:break;
603 }
604 }
605 #region//屏蔽默认的打印按钮,添加自定义的打印和保存按钮
606 foreach (Control c in pPreviewDialog.Controls)
607 {
608 if (c is ToolStrip)
609 {
610 ToolStrip ts = (ToolStrip)c;
611 ts.Items[0].Visible =false;
612 //print
613 ToolStripButton toolStripBtn_Print =new ToolStripButton();
614 toolStripBtn_Print.Text ="打印";
615 toolStripBtn_Print.ToolTipText ="打印当前报表数据";
616 toolStripBtn_Print.Image = Properties.Resources.printer;
617 toolStripBtn_Print.Click +=
618 delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
619 {
620 PrintDialog pd =new PrintDialog();
621 pd.Document = pPreviewDialog.Document;
622 pd.UseEXDialog =true;
623 if (pd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
624 pPreviewDialog.Document.Print();
625 };
626 ToolStripButton toolStripBtn_SaveAsExcel =new ToolStripButton();
627 toolStripBtn_SaveAsExcel.Text ="保存Excel";
628 toolStripBtn_SaveAsExcel.ToolTipText ="导出报表到Excel";
629 toolStripBtn_SaveAsExcel.Image = Properties.Resources.save;
630 toolStripBtn_SaveAsExcel.Click +=
631 delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
632 {
633 SaveFileDialog f =new SaveFileDialog();
635 if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
636 {
637 SaveAsExcl(f.FileName);
638 }
639 };
640 ToolStripSeparator tss =new ToolStripSeparator();
641 ts.Items.Insert(0, toolStripBtn_Print);
642 ts.Items.Insert(1, toolStripBtn_SaveAsExcel);
643 ts.Items.Insert(2, tss);
644 }
645 }
646 #endregion
647 }
648 #endregion
650 #endregion
651 }
653 }



privatevoid button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable dataTable =new DataTable();
dataTable.Columns.Add("id", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("value1", typeof(double));
dataTable.Columns.Add("value2", typeof(double));
for (int i =0; i <45; i++)
dataTable.Rows.Add(newobject[] {"北京市-"+i.ToString(),100*i,234.345*i});
string[] bottomStr={"操作人员:Ryan","打印日期:"+DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),"审核人员:","财务人员:"};
string[] header = {"城市名称","预定数量","平均价格" };
DataReprot dr =new DataReprot("2010年12月12日-2011年12月12日城市预订分布统计报表", "2010年12月12日-2011年12月12日城市预订分布统计图", dataTable, header, bottomStr);
PrintPreviewDialog p = dr.PrintReport();
groupBox2.Width +=1;

posted on 2018-08-08 13:10 NET未来之路 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏



  1. C#.NET PrintDocument 自定义报表数据打印

    这是一个自定义的报表打印,是对PrintPreviewDialog的扩展和封装.PrintPreviewDialog是一个windows的打印预览控件,该类返回的就是一个PrintPreviewDia ...

  2. 后台返回数据打印是[object object]的,报错:SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected property name or ‘}‘ at line 1 column

    今天基于这个问题纠结了一下午,导致这个问题的坑也是挺深的,查找问题最好是从这条数据的存储开始查找 问题1:先确定后台接收数据后存储到数据库里有没有自动转义特殊字符,比如 原始数据是:[{"u ...

  3. 票据打印, 账单打印, 标签打印, 文档打印, 条码打印, 批量打印, 包装纸打印与设计,可变数据打印打印,发布,VC++源代码组件库解决方案...

    票据打印, 账单打印, 标签打印, 文档打印, 条码打印, 批量打印, 包装纸打印与设计,可变数据打印打印,发布,VC++源代码组件库解决方案 使用E-Form++源码库开发任何标签,票据,文档,条码 ...

  4. 票据打印, 银行账单打印, 标签印刷, 文档打印, 条码打印, 批量打印, 包装纸打印与设计,可变数据打印,数据库印刷,HMI报表打印,VC++源码库解决方案

    票据打印, 银行账单打印, 标签印刷, 文档打印, 条码打印, 批量打印, 包装纸打印与设计,可变数据打印,数据库印刷,HMI报表打印,VC++源码库解决方案 -- 全球领先.100%源码全开放.可用 ...

  5. RTMP推流协议视频直播点播平台EasyDSS请求时间接口返回的数据打印在前端页面全屏飘红问题解决

    TSINGSEE青犀视频团队接到过很多比较大的项目,这类项目的特点是接入数据量多,处理数据量也大,在对服务器造成负荷的同时,也对程序造成了堵塞. 拿EasyDSS视频直播点播平台举例,一旦EasyDS ...

  6. php 动态打印 word,JSP_.net下实现Word动态填加数据打印,今天研究了一下.net下实现Word - phpStudy...

    .net下实现Word动态填加数据打印 今天研究了一下.net下实现Word动态填加数据打印的做法,觉得颇有收获~ 以前做过Excel相关的东西,所以对OFFICE的COM有一些了解,很顺利的找到了需 ...

  7. 在form中将数据打印到EXCEL文件(单元格合并、改变字体大小等操作)

    [标题]在form中将数据打印到EXCEL文件的一些其他问题,请高手帮忙解决! [发贴人]lizhiqiang [分类]FORM分类.输出成EXCEL ------------------------ ...

  8. xis表格怎么打印_Excel表格过大,如何将数据打印在一张A4纸上?3种方法帮你搞定...

    原标题:Excel表格过大,如何将数据打印在一张A4纸上?3种方法帮你搞定 我们在工作时候,经常会打印Excel表,不知道你在打印Excel时候有没有遇到这样的情况,因为Excel表格过大,无法在一张 ...

  9. SQL 查询数据打印并导出EXECL

    导出提交的页面加上: response.contenttype= "application/msexcel " response.addheader   "content ...

  10. 【学校作业】学生数据打印

    数据结构课程布置了一门c语言的结构体作业 要求: 五个学生,数据包括学号,姓名,3门课的成绩,从键盘输入5个学生的数据.打印出3门课总平均成绩,以及最高分 强迫症患者表示打印出的数据必须美观, 必须有 ...


  1. imrot matlab,Matlabtuxiangpipei
  2. [设计模式随意链接]——命令模式
  3. SpringBoot中将thymeleaf升级到3.0或以上版本
  4. boost::endian模块实现udt转换的测试程序
  5. 几种开发时安全验证的实现
  6. 【软件工程】软件开发的本质
  7. 【Luogu3932】浮游大陆的68号岛(前缀和)
  8. RuntimeError: view size is not compatible with input tensor‘s size and stride
  9. 3、用一个div模拟textarea的实现
  10. 16位灰度数据成像_DICOM Pixel Data核心图像信息数据介绍
  11. 飞机大战游戏python_《飞》字意思读音、组词解释及笔画数 - 新华字典 - 911查询...
  12. 李开复:移动互联网创业看趋势 看好Android
  13. 4.7/4.8 磁盘挂载
  14. CH Dream(侠客行)
  15. Unity 实现2D地面挖洞!涂抹地形(碰撞部分,方法一)
  16. 【火车头采集】如何采集一个网页的多张图片并且下载
  17. 数据预处理-Excel 两列合并为一列中间加空格
  18. 黑苹果cpu架构三个问号_苹果三位芯片大神讲述M1背后的故事
  19. 精选VSCode插件
  20. 昨天辞职,年前的年终奖等福利1W多公司不给我了,我该怎么办


  1. Windows下Nginx负载均衡配置和优化方案
  2. exchange无法收发邮件_【知乎最详细】Windows邮件amp;日历UWP+QQ邮箱如何设置
  3. 页面转发后文本显示???_无代码软件开发中超文本显示设计
  4. Jackson解析XML
  5. PHP面试常考内容之面向对象(3) 1
  6. Mesos资源调度与管理的深入分享与交流
  7. 菜鸟学Linux 第096篇笔记 nginx
  8. 使用css3背景渐变中的透明度来设置不同颜色的背景渐变
  9. 深入了解 Dojo 的服务器推送技术
  10. IE浏览器—自定义地址协议详解(非转载)