
Hafiez Razali/Shutterstock哈菲兹·拉扎利/ Shutterstock

HBO’s parent, WarnerMedia, is confusing the masses by launching a new broader streaming service called HBO Max alongside existing services HBO NOW and HBO Go. The reasons why form a complex but fascinating history of modern American media development.

HBO的母公司WarnerMedia通过推出一项名为HBO Max的新型更广泛的流媒体服务以及现有的HBO NOW和HBO Go服务,使民众感到困惑。 形成复杂而引人入胜的现代美国媒体发展史的原因。

HBO是原始电视订阅服务 (HBO Is the Original TV Subscription Service)

Back when televised content came into the home via microwave antennas instead of internet tubes, HBO was founded as a paid service for the best content available in sports, comedy, films, and documentaries. Its first broadcast in November 1972 was an NHL game followed by a Paul Newman and Henry Fonda movie.

早在电视内容通过微波天线而不是互联网管进入家庭时,HBO成立是一项付费服务​​,旨在提供体育,喜剧,电影和纪录片中的最佳内容。 1972年11月首次播出的节目是NHL游戏,随后是Paul Newman和Henry Fonda电影。

Since its inception, HBO has thrived as a subscription-based television service throughout the satellite, digital, and streaming eras. While it was usually America’s more affluent households that could afford the satellite dishes or cable boxes required to even access the expensive subscription, countless Americans have seen hotels and motels advertising “Free HBO.” This replaced the ubiquitous “Free Color TV” attraction.

自成立以来,HBO在整个卫星,数字和流媒体时代都已发展成为一种基于订阅的电视服务。 虽然通常是美国较富裕的家庭可以负担得起甚至需要昂贵的订阅所需的卫星天线或有线电视盒,但无数美国人看到旅馆和汽车旅馆宣传“免费HBO”。 这取代了无处不在的“免费彩色电视”吸引力。

Logan Bush/Shutterstock洛根·布什/ Shutterstock

It was more than exclusive content for adults and children that made HBO a national media giant. Alongside the success of HBO’s original specials, a steady growth of complicated contracts with customers, partners, and competitors alike made the HBO brand nationally synonymous with premium content, while simultaneously building a massive headache of rights restrictions, access issues, and exclusivity deals that could all vary based on countless minute factors.

不仅是成人和儿童的独家内容,还使HBO成为了国家媒体巨头。 除了HBO原始特惠的成功之外,与客户,合作伙伴和竞争对手的复杂合同的稳定增长也使HBO品牌在全国范围内成为优质内容的代名词,与此同时,令人头疼的是权利限制,访问问题和独家交易视无数分钟因素而定。

HBO是数十年的旧合同关系的纠结 (HBO Is a Tangle of Decades-Old Contractual Relationships)

Over the decades, HBO grew into what it is today through all kinds of consolidations, buyouts, joint-venture groups, and more business nonsense; all while focusing on the paying customers who still might have an HBO dish in their backyard (or, gods forbid, their front yard). These legal obligations are the primary driver behind WarnerMedia’s decision to “simplify” the issue by launching a whole new service instead of untangling this legal nightmare.

在过去的几十年中,HBO通过各种合并,收购,合资集团以及更多的商业废话,发展成为今天的现状。 同时将重点放在仍在后院(或者,天哪,在他们的前院)中可能还会有HBO碟的付费客户上。 这些法律义务是WarnerMedia决定通过推出全新的服务而不是解决这一法律噩梦来“简化”问题的主要推动力。

HBO’s first move into the digital space launched in 2001: a free add-on service for existing subscribers called HBO On Demand. It’s still around, although only existing subscribers can access it. Eight years later, HBO launched HBO on Broadband, which was rebranded as HBO Go the following year. It was functionally similar to HBO On Demand, but instead of only being available to HBO’s direct subscribers through a cable box, HBO Go was made digitally available through contractual partnerships for customers that held their own contracts with companies like AT&T, Comcast, Cox, DirecTV, Dish, and more.

HBO于2001年首次进入数字领域:针对现有订户的免费附加服务,称为HBO On Demand。 尽管只有现有的订户可以访问它,但它仍然存在。 八年后,HBO在宽带上推出了HBO,并于次年更名为HBO Go。 它的功能与HBO On Demand类似,但它不是通过有线电视盒直接提供给HBO的直接订户,而是通过合同合作伙伴关系为与AT&T,Comcast,Cox,DirecTV等公司签订了自己的合同的客户提供了数字形式的HBO Go ,菜等。

Still, even with the launch of the HBO Go streaming service, the only way to pay for HBO was to subscribe via a TV provider. You couldn’t pay HBO for it directly.

尽管如此,即使推出了HBO Go流媒体服务,支付HBO费用的唯一方法是通过电视提供商进行订阅。 您无法直接为此支付HBO。

Fourteen years after HBO On Demand launched, HBO created HBO Now as a standalone subscription that could compete with emerging streaming services like Netflix and the Blockbuster Movie Pass. You could subscribe to it from HBO’s website, even without a TV or cable contract.

HBO On Demand推出14年后,HBO创建了HBO Now,作为独立订阅,可以与Netflix和Blockbuster Movie Pass等新兴流媒体服务竞争。 即使没有电视或有线电视合同,您也可以从HBO的网站上订阅它。

As this was HBO’s new service, the content was mostly limited to HBO originals. In 2020, HBO’s parent company WarnerMedia developed a massive expansion of HBO Now called HBO Max that won’t replace HBO Now but will leverage the parent’s massive holdings across the whole of mediadom to expand the content offering overall.

由于这是HBO的新服务,因此内容主要限于HBO原始内容。 2020年,HBO的母公司WarnerMedia开发了名为HBO Max的HBO Now的大规模扩展,该扩展不会取代HBO Now,但将利用其在整个媒体领域的巨额股份来全面扩展内容提供。

HBO has a massive existing customer base to consider. While the number of services is confusing, new and old customers will get a substantively better product with HBO Max. Meanwhile, HBO can still honor the complex contracts with the millions of customers and dozens of partners that HBO has engaged over the past half century.

HBO有大量现有的客户群需要考虑。 虽然服务数量令人困惑,但HBO Max可以为新老客户提供更好的产品。 同时,HBO仍可以履行与HBO在过去半个世纪中从事的数百万客户和数十个合作伙伴签订的复杂合同。




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