flutter 通过Dio调用接口报错 “is not a subtype of type 'DioError'”


@overrideonResponse(Response response) async{RequestOptions option = response.request;try {///一般只需要处理200的情况,300、400、500保留错误信息if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201) {int code = response.data["code"];if (code == 0) {return new ResultData(response.data, true, ExceptionHandle.success,headers: response.headers);} else {return new ResultData(response.statusMessage, false, ExceptionHandle.success,headers: response.headers);}}} catch (e) {print(e.toString() + option.path);return new ResultData(ExceptionHandle.handleException(e).msg, false, response.statusCode,headers: response.headers);}return new ResultData(response.statusMessage, false, response.statusCode,headers: response.headers);




@overrideonResponse(Response response) async{Map<String,dynamic> responseData = jsonDecode(response.toString());try {///一般只需要处理200的情况,300、400、500保留错误信息if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201) {String code = responseData["code"];if (code=="0000") {return new ResultData(responseData["data"], true, ExceptionHandle.success,headers: response.headers);} else {return new ResultData(response.statusMessage, false, ExceptionHandle.success,headers: response.headers);}}} catch (e) {return new ResultData(ExceptionHandle.handleException(e).msg, false, response.statusCode,headers: response.headers);}return new ResultData(response.statusMessage, false, response.statusCode,headers: response.headers);}


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