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#include<cstring>  // to use memset
using namespace std;int queen_number, solution_number;
// visit[0][column] = 0 if there is no queen in this column; otherwise = 1;
// visit[1][row + column] and visit[2][row - column + queen_number] are for 2
// kinds of diagonals(/ and \), = 0 if no queen on this line; otherwise = 1.
// row + column & row - column + queen_number can be easily calculated
// by formula: y = k*x + b, which y(row), k(1 or -1), x(column) and b is a constant.
// Note: row - column can be negative, so we add queen_number to guarantee that
// the index is nonnegative.
int visit[3][100];
// position[row] = column: queen in row "row" should be placed in column "column"
// this array is not essential if you don't print solutions.
int position[100];void Output();
void BackTrack(int row);int main()
{while(1){memset(visit, 0, sizeof(visit));  // set all numbers in visit to 0solution_number = 0;cout << "Please input queen_number:\n";cin >> queen_number;BackTrack(0);  // start place queens from [0]rowcout << "Total solutions number is " << solution_number << endl;}
}void BackTrack(int row)
{if(row == queen_number)// we should place queens in [0, queen_number - 1]row, so row equals to queen_number// indicates we have placed all queens, so get a solution and stop backtracking.{solution_number++;Output();}else{// for current row "row", check each column whether can place queen by "visit"// and if can, change according element in "visit" and continue placing queen// in next row "row + 1".for(int column = 0; column < queen_number; column++){if(visit[0][column] == 0 && visit[1][row + column] == 0 &&visit[2][row - column + queen_number] == 0){position[row] = column;visit[0][column] = visit[1][row + column] = visit[2][row - column + queen_number] = 1;BackTrack(row + 1);// after backtrack return, we must retrieve "visit" because we will place queen// in another column for current row by "column++".visit[0][column] = visit[1][row + column] = visit[2][row - column + queen_number] = 0;}}}
}void Output()
{for(int row = 0; row < queen_number; row++){for(int column = 0; column < queen_number; column++){// 1 stand for has queen; otherwise 0cout << ((position[row] == column) ? "1 " : "0 ");}cout << endl;}cout << endl;
1: 1
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2
5: 10
6: 4
7: 40
8: 92
9: 352
10: 724

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