
昨天写完代码提交时候发现连接不上svn服务器,去网上找了一下答案,很多大神说因为代理的问题,需要在Window-Preference-General-Network Connections中选择直接代理,但是我尝试之后也不管用。终于,在经过一番尝试之后找到了正确答案。
2.右键选择TortoiseSVN——Settings——Saved Data
3.将Authenticatoin data clear



  1. 【svn】svn报错:“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted“ 的解决方法

    [svn]svn报错:"Previous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted" 的解决方 ...

  2. SVN报错:can‘t open file db/txn-current-lock:permission denied 解决方法

    SVN报错:can't open file db/txn-current-lock:permission denied 解决方法 参考文章: (1)SVN报错:can't open file db/t ...

  3. 开发避坑2——大鸟 pk Bug2(SVN报错:database disk image is malformed

    开发避坑2--大鸟 pk Bug2(SVN报错:database disk image is malformed) 报错信息 svn报错database disk image is malformed ...

  4. svn报错:“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted“ 的解决方法

    问题描述 从SVN上拉下来Document文档(word和excel),在本地修改后,准备通过TortoiseSVN提交,发现报错. Error: Previous operation has not ...

  5. SVN报错之“Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with...“的解决方法

    SVN报错之"Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with-"的解决方法 文章目录 SVN报错之"Failed t ...

  6. MySQL5.7安装半同步插件报错,错误码1126

    MySQL5.7安装半同步插件报错,错误码1126 mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_master SONAME ''; ...

  7. 【svn】svn报错refers to a file, not a directory和File out of date解决办法

    1.svn报错 refers to a file, not a directory svn co test.file svn ...

  8. svn报错refers to a file, not a directory

    svn报错 refers to a file, not a directory svn co test.file svn: ...

  9. svn报错:浠ュ墠鐨勬搷浣滄病鏈夊畬鎴愶紱濡傛灉瀹冭涓柇锛岃鎵ц鈥渟vn cleanup鈥?

    提交svn时遇到两个错,这里记录一下: 问题:浠ュ墠鐨勬搷浣滄病鏈夊畬鎴愶紱濡傛灉瀹冭涓柇锛岃鎵ц鈥渟vn cleanup鈥? 按照提示使用右键->cleanup, 默认的选项是 点击确 ...

  10. macOS系统升级后idea使用svn报错

    昨天升级了 macOS Monterey 更新完后IntelliJ IDEA无法正常使用SVN 报Cannot run program "svn" (in directory &q ...


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