

using namespace std;
char str[300];
struct cmp
{bool operator ()(const int a,const int b)const{return a>b;}
int init(vector<set<int> >&pq)
{int num,n,x,y,len=strlen(str),i=0;stack<int>qp;while(i<len-1){if(str[i]=='('){sscanf(str+i+1,"%d%n",&num,&n);qp.push(num);i+=n+1;}else if(str[i]==')'){y=qp.top(),qp.pop();x=qp.top();pq[y].insert(x);pq[x].insert(y);i++;}else if(str[i]==' ')i++;}return 0;
int main()
{while(gets(str)){vector<set<int> >pq(105,set<int>());priority_queue<int,vector<int>,cmp>yz;init(pq);for(int i=1;pq[i].size();i++)if(pq[i].size()==1)yz.push(i);int f=0;while(yz.size()>1){int x=yz.top(),y;yz.pop();y=*(pq[x].begin());pq[x].erase(y);pq[y].erase(x);if(pq[y].size()==1)yz.push(y);if(f)cout<<" ";cout<<y;f=1;}cout<<"\n";}return 0;

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