
  • 部署
  • 测试

本篇博客基于 Fabric v2.2 部署了一个联盟链,包含一个Org和两个peer,使用了单个节点的raft作为Ordering service。部署过程主要参考了Fabric的官方文档,大部分脚本和配置文件都来自于官方提供的样例。
测试使用了 tape 这个轻量级的工具,个人觉得比 caliper 好用。


curl -sSL https://bit.ly/2ysbOFE | bash -s -- 2.2.2 1.4.9
cd fabric-samples/test-network
./network.sh up
./network.sh createChannel   # 使用smallbank进行测试
mkdir -p smallbank/go
cd smallbank/go
touch go.mod smallbank.go # 这两个文件内容在下面,复制进去之后,再运行下一条命令
./network.sh deployCC -ccn smallbank -ccp ./smallbank/go -ccl go -cci InitLedger

go.mod 文件如下:

module github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/chaincode/smallbank/gogo 1.13require github.com/hyperledger/fabric-contract-api-go v1.1.0

smallbank.go 文件如下:

package mainimport ("encoding/json""fmt""crypto/sha512""encoding/hex""strings""github.com/hyperledger/fabric-contract-api-go/contractapi"
)var namespace = hexdigest("smallbank")[:6]// SmartContract provides functions for managing a Account
type SmartContract struct {contractapi.Contract
}type Account struct {CustomId   stringCustomName stringSavingsBalance intCheckingBalance int
}func hexdigest(str string) string {hash := sha512.New()hash.Write([]byte(str))hashBytes := hash.Sum(nil)return strings.ToLower(hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes))
}func accountKey(id string) string {return namespace + hexdigest(id)[:64]
}func saveAccount(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, account *Account) error {accountBytes, err := json.Marshal(account)if err != nil {return err}key := accountKey(account.CustomId)return ctx.GetStub().PutState(key, accountBytes)
func loadAccount(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, id string) (*Account, error) {key := accountKey(id)accountBytes,err := ctx.GetStub().GetState(key)if err != nil {return nil, err}res := Account{}err = json.Unmarshal(accountBytes, &res)if err != nil {return nil, err}return &res, nil
}func (s *SmartContract) InitLedger(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error {fmt.Println("init: create two accounts")account1 := &Account{CustomId: "account1",CustomName: "account1",SavingsBalance: 1e9,CheckingBalance: 1e9,}err := saveAccount(ctx, account1)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed when create account %s", customId)}account2 := &Account{CustomId: "account2",CustomName: "account2",SavingsBalance: 1e9,CheckingBalance: 1e9,}err = saveAccount(ctx, account2)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed when create account %s", customId)}return nil
}func (s *SmartContract) CreateAccount(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, customId string, customName string, savingsBalance int, checkingBalance int) error {key := accountKey(customId)data,err := ctx.GetStub().GetState(key)if data != nil {fmt.Println("Can not create duplicated account")}// checking, errcheck := strconv.Atoi(checkingBalance)// if errcheck != nil {//      return fmt.Errorf(" create_account, checking balance should be integer")// }// saving, errsaving := strconv.Atoi(savingsBalance)// if errsaving != nil {//      return fmt.Errorf(" create_account, saving balance should be integer")// }account := &Account{CustomId: customId,CustomName: customName,SavingsBalance: savingsBalance,CheckingBalance: checkingBalance,}err = saveAccount(ctx, account)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed when create account %s", customId)}return nil}func (t *SmartContract) DepositChecking(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, customId string, amount int) error {account, err := loadAccount(ctx, customId)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Account %s not found", customId)}account.CheckingBalance += amounterr = saveAccount(ctx, account)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed in DepositChecking")}return nil
func (t *SmartContract) WriteCheck(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, customId string, amount int) error {account, err := loadAccount(ctx, customId)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Account %s not found", customId)}account.CheckingBalance -= amounterr = saveAccount(ctx, account)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed in WriteCheck")}return nil
}func (t *SmartContract) TransactSavings(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, customId string, amount int) error {account, err := loadAccount(ctx, customId)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Account %s not found", customId)}// since the contract is only used for perfomance testing, we ignore this check//if amount < 0 && account.SavingsBalance < (-amount) {//      return errormsg("Insufficient funds in source savings account")//}account.SavingsBalance += amounterr = saveAccount(ctx, account)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed in TransactionSavings")}return nil
}func (t *SmartContract) SendPayment(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, src_customId string, dst_customId string, amount int) error {destAccount, err1 := loadAccount(ctx, dst_customId)sourceAccount, err2 := loadAccount(ctx, src_customId)if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Account [ %s or %s ] not found", src_customId, dst_customId)}// since the contract is only used for perfomance testing, we ignore this check//if sourceAccount.CheckingBalance < amount {//      return errormsg("Insufficient funds in source checking account")//}sourceAccount.CheckingBalance -= amountdestAccount.CheckingBalance += amounterr1 = saveAccount(ctx, sourceAccount)err2 = saveAccount(ctx, destAccount)if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed in sendPayment")}return nil
}func (t *SmartContract) Amalgamate(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, dst_customId string, src_customId string) error {destAccount, err1 := loadAccount(ctx, dst_customId)sourceAccount, err2 := loadAccount(ctx, src_customId)if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Account [ %s or %s ] not found", src_customId, dst_customId)}err1 = saveAccount(ctx, sourceAccount)err2 = saveAccount(ctx, destAccount)if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {return fmt.Errorf("Put state failed in sendPayment")}return nil
}func (t *SmartContract) Query(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, customId string) (*Account, error) {key := accountKey(customId)accountBytes,err := ctx.GetStub().GetState(key)if err != nil {return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read from world state.")}if accountBytes == nil {return nil, fmt.Errorf("Account %s does not exist", customId)}account := new(Account)_ = json.Unmarshal(accountBytes, account)// fmt.Printf("%+v\n", account)return account, nil
}func main() {chaincode, err := contractapi.NewChaincode(new(SmartContract))if err != nil {fmt.Printf("Error create fabcar chaincode: %s", err.Error())return}if err := chaincode.Start(); err != nil {fmt.Printf("Error starting fabcar chaincode: %s", err.Error())}


Caliper 个人感觉有些复杂,不如 tape 好用,因此这里使用 tape 进行测试。
以下命令都在 fabric-samples/test-network 目录下进行。

git clone https://github.com/Hyperledger-TWGC/tape.git
cd tape
go build ./cmd/tape
ln -s ../organizations organizations

修改 config.yaml 如下:

# Definition of nodes
peer1: &peer1addr: localhost:7051tls_ca_cert: ./organizations/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.org1.example.com-cert.pempeer2: &peer2addr: localhost:9051tls_ca_cert: ./organizations/peerOrganizations/org2.example.com/peers/peer0.org2.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.org2.example.com-cert.pemorderer1: &orderer1addr: localhost:7050tls_ca_cert: ./organizations/ordererOrganizations/example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem# Nodes to interact with
endorsers:- *peer1
# we might support multi-committer in the future for more complex test scenario,
# i.e. consider tx committed only if it's done on >50% of nodes. But for now,
# it seems sufficient to support single committer.
committers:- *peer2
commitThreshold: 1
orderer: *orderer1# Invocation configs
channel: mychannel
chaincode: smallbank
args:- SendPayment- account1- account2- 1
mspid: Org1MSP
private_key: ./organizations/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/User1@org1.example.com/msp/keystore/priv_sk
sign_cert: ./organizations/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/User1@org1.example.com/msp/signcerts/User1@org1.example.com-cert.pem
num_of_conn: 10
client_per_conn: 10


./tape -c config.yaml -n 100 # account1 向 account2 转账100次

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