
curPath = QDir.currentPath()  # 获取系统当前目录
title = "打开一个文件"
filt = "文本文件(*.txt *.csv *.xlsx);;程序文件(*.h *.cpp *.py);;所有文件(*.*)"
fileName, flt = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, title, curPath, filt)


Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)


这个错误其实原因很多的,所以在pycharm打开,run > edit configuration > emulate terminal in output console勾上,再运行一次,立马提示出了什么错误。。。


TypeError: getOpenFileName(parent: QWidget = None, caption: str = ‘’, directory: str = ‘’, filter: str = ‘’, initialFilter: str = ‘’, options: Union[QFileDialog.Options, QFileDialog.Op
tion] = 0): argument 1 has unexpected type ‘Ui_MainWindow’

然后按照网上的方法把fileName, flt = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, title, curPath, filt)中的self修改为None,该错误就解决了

还有另外一种情况会导致PyQt5报错Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)(以下错误来源于然终酒肆,在此记录,以防将来遇到不好查找)

这次查它报错 果不其然


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