“Automatic text classification (TC) technology can efficiently organize and categorize text that increasing dramatically [1], thus it eliminates a large amount of human effort [2] and attracted a wide attention in recent years [3,4].”

“The goal of the TC task is to categorize unlabeled texts into a predefined class based on their topics [5], and hence based on a set of prelabeled texts, an automatic text classifier can be established in the learning process [6,7].”

“Before applying classifiers, every term in the text first need to be assigned numerical values (weights) in an appropriate term weighting scheme that is called text representation [8,9]. The vector space model (VSM) is the most popular way to represent texts [10,11], it usually treats a text as a set of terms namely bag of words (BoW) model[12,13].”

“ VSM constructs the text collections as a document-term matrix, in which the term weight represents importance of a certain term tj in a certain document dk[14,15], and each row denotes one of the document vectors, whereas each column corresponds to one of the distinct terms (i.e., selected features).”

“Term weighting is critical to TC task that has a direct and significant effect on the text classification performance[16].”

“At present, term weighting approaches are generally grouped into unsupervised and supervised according to whether they embrace the class information of training texts[17,18].The unsupervised term weighting (UTW) methods neglects the diversity of class information, whereas the supervised term weighting (STW) methods exploit the category information when calculating the weight. For UTW schemes, such as term frequency (TF) and TF–IDF (term frequency–inverse document frequency) are commonly used. Among them, TF is one of the simplest weighting methods, but it is a local weighting approach due to it only considers how many times a term occurs in the text. To conquer this drawback, an inverse document frequency (IDF) has been designed to generate the TF–IDF scheme, it is concerned with how many texts a term has appeared in. Note that, TF–IDF has been primarily designed for information retrieval (IR) rather than TC tasks[10,19].”

“Different from IR task, TC task aims to discriminate between different classes, not texts [20], and thus it should take category factors into account when computing the weight of terms. For that reason, it can be said that TC is a supervised learning task [9,17,21,22].”

“Recently, most STW methods are originated from feature selection schemes, these methods adopt the category information in several ways, and can be summarized as follows. First of all, TF-CHI2, TF-IG and TF-GR have been proposed based on feature selection approaches (i.e., Chi-square statistic (CHI2), information gain (IG) and gain ratio (GR)) [18]. Since then, various STW methods similar to the above schemes have also been presented, for example, odds ratio (OR) weighting factor in TF-OR [14,23,24], mutual information (MI) weighting factor in TF-MI [14,23], probability-based (PB) weighting factor in TF-PB [24], and correlation coefficient weighting factor in TF-CC [24].”

“Apart from these schemes, a variety of STW schemes have been built and proposed, which are derived from TF–IDF. Initially,
inspired by the IDF in TF–IDF scheme, the inverse class frequency (ICF) has been introduced, it indicates that a key term of the specific class usually appears in only a few categories [25].However, due to the number of categories is generally quite small, a certain term may occasionally exist in multiple categories or sometimes even in all categories [25,26]. As a result, ICF fails to promote the degree of importance of a term under certain circumstances. To enhance a term’s distinguishing power, the ICF has been incorporated to generate the TF–IDF–ICF scheme [14,25].”

除了这些方案,各种各样的STW方案也被建立和提出,它们都源自TF-IDF。最初,受TF-IDF方案中的IDF的启发,引入了逆类频数(inverse class frequency, ICF),它表明特定类的关键项通常只出现在少数几个类别中[25]。但是,由于类别的数量一般都比较少,某个词项有时可能存在于多个类别中,有时甚至存在于所有类别中[25,26]。因此,ICF在一定情况下并不能提升词项的重要程度。为了增强词项的区分能力,ICF被纳入TF-IDF-ICF方案[14,25]。

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