
(PHP 5, PHP 7)

Used to modify the behavior of a prepared statement




Used to modify the behavior of a prepared statement. This function may be called multiple times to set several attributes.

参数$stmt仅以过程化样式:由mysqli_stmt_init()返回的 statement 标识。$attrThe attribute that you want to set. It can have one of the following values:Attribute valuesCharacterDescriptionMYSQLI_STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTHSetting to TRUE causes mysqli_stmt_store_result() to update the metadataMYSQL_FIELD->max_lengthvalue.

MYSQLI_STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPEType of cursor to open for statement when mysqli_stmt_execute() is invoked.$modecan beMYSQLI_CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR(the default)orMYSQLI_CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY.

MYSQLI_STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWSNumber of rows to fetch from server at a time when using a cursor.$modecan be in the range from 1 to the maximum value of unsigned long. The default is 1.

If you use theMYSQLI_STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPEoption withMYSQLI_CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY, a cursor is opened for the statement when you invoke mysqli_stmt_execute(). If there is already an open cursor from a previous mysqli_stmt_execute() call, it closes the cursor before opening a new one.mysqli_stmt_reset() also closes any open cursor before preparing the statement for re-execution.mysqli_stmt_free_result() closes any open cursor.

If you open a cursor for a prepared statement,mysqli_stmt_store_result() is unnecessary.$modeThe value to assign to the attribute.

参见» Connector/MySQL mysql_stmt_attr_set()This is basically a wrapper for mysql_stmt_attr_set in the MySQL C API:

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