
Everything you do online can be traced back to your IP address. Even if you’re accessing encrypted websites, networks can see the websites you’re accessing – and the websites themselves know your IP address. Use the Tor network to browse with anonymity.

您在线上所做的一切都可以追溯到您的IP地址。 即使您正在访问加密的网站,网络也可以看到您正在访问的网站-并且网站本身也知道您的IP地址。 使用Tor网络匿名浏览。

Tor is an encrypted network that can route your traffic through relays, making the traffic appear to come from exit nodes. Unlike with proxies, the exit node itself doesn’t know your IP address or where you are.

Tor是一个加密的网络,可以通过中继路由您的流量,从而使流量似乎来自出口节点。 与代理不同,出口节点本身不知道您的IP地址或您的位置。

Tor的工作原理 (How Tor Works)

When you use a Tor client, your Internet traffic is routed through Tor’s network. The traffic travels through several randomly selected relays (run by volunteers), before exiting the Tor network and arriving at your destination. This prevents your Internet service provider and people monitoring your local network from viewing the websites you access. It also prevents the websites themselves from knowing your physical location or IP address – they’ll see the IP address and location of the exit node instead. Even the relays don’t know who requested the traffic they’re passing along. All traffic within the Tor network is encrypted.

当您使用Tor客户端时,您的Internet通信将通过Tor的网络进行路由。 在离开Tor网络到达目的地之前,流量会经过几个随机选择的中继站(由志愿者运行)。 这样可以防止Internet服务提供商和监视您的本地网络的人员查看您访问的网站。 它还会阻止网站本身知道您的实际位置或IP地址-他们会看到出口节点的IP地址和位置。 甚至中继站也不知道谁请求了他们所经过的流量。 Tor网络中的所有流量均已加密。

Image Credit: The Tor Project, Inc.

图片提供: Tor Project,Inc.

For example, let’s say you access through Tor. Your Internet service provider and local network operator can’t see that you’re accessing – they just see encrypted Tor traffic. The Tor relays pass your traffic along until it eventually reaches an exit node. The exit node talks to Google for you – from Google’s perspective, the exit node is accessing their website. (Of course, traffic can be monitored at the exit node if you’re accessing an unencrypted website.) The exit node passes the traffic back along the relays, and the relays don’t know where it ends up.

例如,假设您通过Tor访问。 您的Internet服务提供商和本地网络运营商无法看到您正在访问,而只能看到加密的Tor流量。 Tor中继传递您的流量,直到最终到达出口节点。 出口节点会为您与Google对话-从Google的角度来看,出口节点正在访问其网站。 (当然,如果您访问的是未加密的网站,则可以在出口节点处监视流量。)出口节点将流量沿着中继传递回去,而中继不知道流量在哪里结束。

Tor offers anonymity and a path through Internet censorship and monitoring – people living under repressive regimes with censored Internet connections can use Tor to access the wider Internet without fear of reprisal. Whistleblowers can use Tor to leak information without their traffic being monitored and logged.

Tor提供匿名性以及通过Internet审查和监视的途径-生活在受压制且受到互联网连接审查的压迫性政权下的人们可以使用Tor来访问更广泛的Internet,而不必担心遭到报复。 告密者可以使用Tor泄漏信息,而无需监视和记录其流量。

It’s not a great idea to use Tor for normal browsing, though. While the architecture does a good job of offering anonymity, browsing through Tor is significantly slower than browsing normally.

不过,使用Tor进行正常浏览不是一个好主意。 虽然该架构在提供匿名性方面做得很好,但通过Tor浏览要比正常浏览慢得多。

If you want more detailed information about how Tor works, check out the Tor Project’s website.

如果您想了解有关Tor工作原理的更多详细信息,请访问Tor项目的网站 。

Tor浏览器套件 (Tor Browser Bundle)

The Tor Project recommends the Tor Browser Bundle as the safest, easiest way to use Tor. The Tor Browser Bundle is a customized, portable version of Firefox that comes preconfigured with the ideal settings and extensions for TOr. You can use Tor with other browsers and browser configurations, but this is likely to be unsafe. For example, Flash and other browser plug-ins can reveal your IP address – the Tor Browser Bundle disables plug-ins for you and provides a safe environment, so you don’t have to worry about your browser settings. It also includes the EFF’s HTTPS Everywhere extension, which enables HTTPS on websites with HTTPS support. HTTPS provides encryption between the exit node and destination website.

Tor项目建议使用Tor浏览器捆绑软件作为使用Tor的最安全,最简单的方法。 Tor浏览器捆绑包是Firefox的自定义便携式版本,已预配置了理想的TOr设置和扩展名。 您可以将Tor与其他浏览器和浏览器配置一起使用,但这可能是不安全的。 例如,Flash和其他浏览器插件可以显示您的IP地址-Tor浏览器捆绑包可为您禁用插件并提供安全的环境,因此您不必担心浏览器设置。 它还包括EFF的HTTPS Everywhere扩展 ,该扩展在支持HTTPS的网站上启用HTTPS。 HTTPS在出口节点和目标网站之间提供加密。

Tor recommends that you not download document files, such as DOC and PDF files, and open them in external applications. The external application can connect to the Internet to download additional resources, exposing your IP address.

Tor建议您不要下载文档文件(例如DOC和PDF文件),并在外部应用程序中打开它们。 外部应用程序可以连接到Internet以下载其他资源,从而暴露您的IP地址。

入门 (Getting Started)

After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, double-click the downloaded EXE file and extract it to your hard drive. The Tor Browser Bundle requires no installation, so you can extract it to a USB stick and run it from there.

下载Tor浏览器捆绑包后,双击下载的EXE文件并将其解压缩到硬盘中。 Tor浏览器捆绑包无需安装,因此您可以将其解压缩到USB记忆棒并从那里运行。

Launch the Start Tor Browser.exe file in the Tor Browser folder.

启动Tor浏览器文件夹中的Start Tor Browser.exe文件。

The EXE file will launch Vidalia, which connects to the Tor network. After connecting, Vidalia will automatically open Tor’s customized Firefox browser.

EXE文件将启动Vidalia,该Vidalia连接到Tor网络。 连接后,Vidalia将自动打开Tor的自定义Firefox浏览器。

Vidalia automatically launches the Tor Browser once it connects. When you close the browser, Vidalia automatically disconnects from Tor and closes.

连接后,Vidalia会自动启动Tor浏览器。 关闭浏览器时,Vidalia自动与Tor断开连接并关闭。

Vidalia creates a local proxy on your system. The Tor Browser Bundle is configured to route all your traffic through it by default, as we can see here in the Tor Browser’s connection settings window. You can configure other programs to access Tor through the proxy, but they may reveal your IP address in other ways.

Vidalia在您的系统上创建本地代理。 Tor浏览器捆绑包默认配置为通过它路由所有流量,正如我们在Tor浏览器的连接设置窗口中看到的那样。 您可以配置其他程序以通过代理访问Tor,但是它们可能以其他方式泄露您的IP地址。

Use the Tor Browser to browse the web just as you would with a normal browser. It’s pre-configured with Startpage and DuckDuckGo, search engines that respect your privacy.

就像使用普通浏览器一样,使用Tor浏览器浏览Web。 它预先配置了Startpage和DuckDuckGo, 这是尊重您隐私的搜索引擎 。

Remember not to provide any personal information – say, by logging into an account associated with you – while using the Tor browser, or you’ll lose the anonymity.





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