Once a week we round up some of the great reader tips to share. Today we’re looking at an iPad interface emulator for Windows, a fast-access flashlight app for the iPhone, and a Windows-based way to organize Kindle collections.

每周一次,我们汇总一些重要的读者提示,以进行分享。 今天,我们正在研究适用于Windows的iPad接口仿真器,适用于iPhone的快速访问手电筒应用程序以及基于Windows的组织Kindle收藏的方式。

iPadian是基于Windows的iPad接口模拟器 (iPadian is a Windows-based iPad Interface Emulator)

Nick writes in with a tip for an fairly unconventional Windows interface overhaul. He writes:

Nick写了一个技巧,对Windows界面进行非常规的大修。 他写:

I recently got an iPad and I’m rather fond of the interface. So fond, in fact, that I sort of started wishing my desktop had an application launcher like the iPad. I did a little digging and turned up iPadian. If it’s too off the wall feel free to disregard this tip, but I really think it’s clever. iPadian is a portable app that launches an alternative desktop which looks a lot like the iPad interface. I say looks like the iPad interface because this isn’t an emulator (alas); you can’t run iPad apps and what not. You can run Windows-based apps from it, however, and there is even an iPadian appstore system so you can quickly add open-source apps to your iPadian launcher. Anyways, thought it was neat and figured I’d send you a link to the site and a demo video! Your site rocks!

我最近有一个iPad,我非常喜欢该界面。 实际上,我很高兴,开始有点希望我的桌面上有像iPad这样的应用程序启动器。 我做了一些挖掘,然后打开了iPadian 。 如果距离太远,可以随意忽略此技巧,但我真的认为它很聪明。 iPadian是一款便携式应用程序,它可以启动替代桌面,外观与iPad界面非常相似。 我说它看起来像iPad的界面,因为它不是模拟器(alas); 您将无法运行iPad应用程序,而不能运行。 但是,您可以从中运行基于Windows的应用程序,甚至还有一个iPadian应用程序商店系统,因此您可以将开源应用程序快速添加到iPadian启动器中。 无论如何,以为它很整洁,以为我会向您发送该网站的链接和演示视频! 您的网站摇摇欲坠!

Thanks for the tip, Nick. While we’re happy to stick with the nice iOS interface on our actual iPads we’re sure there are more than a few readers out there who would be ready to try it on on their desktops. The portable/no permanent change element is one of iPadian’s better features, for sure.

谢谢你的提示,尼克。 虽然我们很乐意在实际的iPad上坚持使用漂亮的iOS界面,但我们确信有很多读者愿意在台式机上尝试它。 当然,便携式/无永久更改元素是iPadian更好的功能之一。

适用于iPhone的便捷手电筒 (Easy Flashlight Access for iPhone)

Veronica writes in with the following tip for jailbroken iPhone users:


I can’t figure out why this feature isn’t built into iOS from the get go, but hey, that’s why we jailbreak right? WeeFlashlight is a jailbreak-only app (you can find it in the BigBoss repository with all the other goodies) that puts a simple toggle in the notifcation bar. No more digging around for an app to turn the flashlight on and off, you just swipe down and turn it on. It’s awesome! Now if only I could find a jailbreak app that would let me double tap a hardware button to turn the flashlight on and off.

我不知道为什么这个功能不是一开始就没有内置到iOS中的,但是,嘿,这就是我们越狱的原因吗? WeeFlashlight是一款仅用于越狱的应用程序(您可以在BigBoss存储库中找到所有其他好东西),可以在通知栏中进行简单的切换。 您无需再四处寻找用于打开和关闭手电筒的应用程序,只需向下滑动然后将其打开即可。 这很棒! 现在,只要我能找到一个越狱应用程序,即可让我双击硬件按钮来打开和关闭手电筒。

Nice tip, Veronica. We’re mostly Android phone users around here, but you can bet we’d be installing this app on our jailbroken iPhones in a heart beat.

很好的提示,Veronica。 我们这里主要是Android手机用户,但是您可以打赌,我们会在越狱的iPhone上安装此应用程序,这令人心动。

Kindle Collection Manager将轻松的Kindle Collection创建引入Windows (Kindle Collection Manager Brings Easy Kindle Collection Creation to Windows)

Bob writes in with the following problem and solution:


Hey guys! So here’s my short problem and solution tip message. Problem: the only official way to put your books into Kindle collections is to use the annoying interface on the Kindle (it’s a huge pain). Solution: Kindle Collection Manager for Windows lets you create collections using your keyboard and monitor instead of the tiny keyboard and rocker switch on the Kindle. It’s so much easier to group your books into collections using the collection manager. The only bad thing I can say about the app is that it’s got a silly little email registration box when you go to download it (I hate stuff like that). Other than the minor annoyance in downloading it though, it’s very handy for manipulating collections without using the Kindle keyboard/interface.

大家好! 因此,这是我的简短问题和解决方案提示信息。 问题:将书籍放入Kindle收藏集中的唯一官方方法是使用Kindle上烦人的界面(这是一个很大的痛苦)。 解决方案:适用于Windows的Kindle Collection Manager可让您使用键盘和显示器而不是Kindle上的小键盘和翘板开关来创建收藏集。 使用“收藏夹管理器”将您的书籍归类为收藏夹要容易得多。 关于该应用程序,我唯一不能说的是,当您下载该应用程序时,它有一个愚蠢的电子邮件注册框(我讨厌这样的东西)。 除了下载时稍有烦恼之外,它在不使用Kindle键盘/界面的情况下操作收藏非常方便。

Nice find, Bob. We’d pretty much given up on the Collections feature because it was such a pain to create and manage the collections on the Kindle itself. We’ll definitely be taking this for a test spin.

很好,鲍勃。 我们几乎放弃了“收藏集”功能,因为在Kindle本身上创建和管理收藏集非常痛苦。 我们一定会对此进行测试。

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and then look for your tip on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址为tips@howtogeek.com ,然后在首页上找到您的提示。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/97416/from-the-tips-box-ipad-interface-emulation-for-windows-easy-access-iphone-flashlight-and-kindle-collection-management/

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