
The image of a man hunched over a typewriter flickers across the screen as you make your way towards the elevator. Someone from the beyond is making a call on the Hotline. It’s Alan Wake, and he’s where you’d expect him to be: sitting behind a desk, writing, and in The Dark Place.

弯腰驼背打字机一个人的 牛逼 ^ hË图像在屏幕上闪烁,你让你走向电梯的方式。 来自外面的人正在拨打热线电话。 那是艾伦·威克(Alan Wake),而他正是您期望他去的地方:坐在桌子后面,写字,在黑暗的地方。

Only this time, he’s writing about you.


“Faden sensed a drowning man, desperate to escape. She sensed something else, too. A hunger in the dark…”

“法登感觉到一个溺水的人,急切地想逃脱。 她也感觉到其他东西。 黑暗中的饥饿……”

Alan is on the Hotline and last we saw him in 2010, he was facing Cauldron Lake, which has the supernatural ability to transform art into reality. The implications give me pause.

艾伦(Alan)在热线电话上,我们上一次在2010年见到他时,他正对着具有将艺术转化为现实的超自然能力的大锅湖。 这些暗示使我停下来。

In The Foundation DLC, we left Jesse confident that they can carve their own path as Director of the FBC. All of that defiance and free will comes to question the moment Alan — or so we hope is Alan — writes about Faden going to the elevator.

基金会 DLC中,我们让杰西(Jesse)充满信心,他们可以成为FBC董事,走自己的路。 当艾伦-或者我们希望是艾伦-写有关法登去电梯的那一刻,所有的蔑视和自由意志都会受到质疑。

I don’t have enough information to draw any solid hypotheses, so I take the elevator and press the button that will take me to the Investigations Sector…following Alan’s script.


The AWE introduces rooms thrown into darkness and encounters that will have your heart racing.

害怕黑暗? (Afraid of the Dark?)

Alan Wake entering the Control universe brings with it all the mechanics that made our heart race and gut drop: the darkness and limited sources of light.

艾伦·威克(Alan Wake)进入控制宇宙,带来了使我们的心脏跳动和肠道下降的所有机制:黑暗和有限的光源。

There are rooms that are thrown into darkness that leech Jesse’s energy levels. The first time you step into one, you can’t help but scurry to any source of light. Just like in Alan Wake, the darkness is an oppressive and soul-sucking presence.

有些房间陷入了水darkness杰西的能量水平的黑暗之中。 第一次进入时,您会不由自主地转向任何光源。 就像在《 艾伦·韦克》中一样 ,黑暗是一种压抑和令人陶醉的存在。

Cue the war flashbacks of 2010 me traversing through Bright Falls, chasing after every lamppost and hoarding batteries. Only this time, you don’t have a Clicker. You’ll have to seek out small lights to cut through the darkness or to remove the darkness that sits on walls like goopy tar.

提示2010年战争的倒退,穿越了明亮的瀑布,追逐着每个灯柱,ho积着电池。 仅这次,您没有Clicker。 您将必须找出小灯以穿透黑暗或消除像树皮焦油一样的墙壁上的黑暗。

My first darkroom has me hunkering down in an illuminated, industrial elevator. I hit the button and cautiously eye the gloom. The elevator refuses to move and the bulbs above begin to flicker. Pop. The bulbs go out and the entire room goes pitch black.

我的第一个暗房让我沉迷于照明的工业电梯中。 我按下按钮,谨慎地注视着阴霾。 电梯拒绝移动,上方的灯泡开始闪烁。 流行音乐 灯泡熄灭,整个房间变黑。

Just like in Alan Wake, sources of light do not last forever.

就像在《 艾伦维克 》中一样,光源不会永远持续下去。

A red light pulsates a good forty feet away from the elevator. Cutting through the red in all black is a “stretched out,” eldritch shadow with a jutting rib cage on its back. It hurtles itself towards me. Dark mass slams into the elevator. I can only see what the dim, red light allows me to, but I can hear everything. My heart drops when I hear the elevator’s gate begin to rise…

红灯在离电梯四十英尺的地方跳动。 切穿全黑的红色是“伸出的” eldritch阴影,背面有凸出的肋骨。 它伤害了我自己。 暗质量猛烈撞击电梯。 我只能看到昏暗的红光允许我做什么,但我可以听到一切 。 当我听到电梯的门开始上升时,我的心就掉了……

In the midst of my panicking, I realize I already knew this would happen. Why? Alan warned me on the Hotline an hour ago. Or did he write that Jesse would be attacked in the dark?

在惊慌之中,我意识到我已经知道会发生这种情况。 为什么? 艾伦(Alan)一个小时前在热线上警告了我。 还是他了杰西会在黑暗中遭到袭击?

Thomas Zane? Alan Wake? Mr. Scratch? Something else…?
托马斯·赞恩? 艾伦·韦克? 划痕先生? 还有其他东西吗?

谁在控制中? (Who is in Control?)

Who is driving this story? Jesse? Alan? Someone else?

谁在推动这个故事? 杰西? 艾伦 其他人?

As darkness grows, so does the mystery that is introduced in this expansion. Oceanview Motel, despite its own elusiveness, gives me a hint.

随着黑暗的增长,在这种扩展中引入的奥秘也随之增加。 海景汽车旅馆,尽管本身难以捉摸,但给了我一个提示。

There is a new door in the motel. Open it and we’re given a troubling scene of what may be Alan being stretched thin in The Dark Place.

汽车旅馆里有一扇新门。 打开它,我们得到了一个令人不安的场面,那就是艾伦在黑暗的地方被拉得很瘦。

Alan stands in The Dark Place but doesn’t stand alone. Someone else is with him, proclaiming to be Tom Zane. Not once does Alan notice the person before him is his double.

艾伦站在黑暗的地方,但并不孤单。 有人和他在一起,宣布他是汤姆·赞恩。 艾伦没有一次注意到他之前的那个人是他的双重身份。

Throughout the scene, we see Alan’s face splitting and mirroring itself in the background, a kaleidoscope of inkblot tests one would see in a Rorschach test. The imagery is fitting. Not only because these tests examine our psychological interpretation of images, but because the test itself is controversial. The “Rorschach has been a shape-shifter, adapting to whatever psychological theories were in fashion” (American Psychological Association, 2018).

在整个场景中,我们看到Alan的脸在背景中分裂并镜像,万花筒的墨迹测试在Rorschach测试中可以看到。 图像很合适。 不仅因为这些测试检查了我们对图像的心理解释,而且因为测试本身存在争议。 “罗夏(Rorschach)一直在变身,适应任何时尚的心理学理论”( 美国心理学会,2018年 )。

Alan: “Tom. The poet? The diver? You look different.”Tom: “That was just a…role, a character. The protagonist I played in my old film.”

艾伦:“汤姆。 诗人? 潜水员 你看起来不一样。”汤姆:“那只是一个……角色,一个角色。 我在老电影中饰演的主角。”

I wonder if this is Mr. Scratch taking advantage of Alan’s amnesiac state in The Dark Place. Or is this truly Tom Zane? Or are we thinking too small and it’s something far greater and powerful at play?

我想知道这是否是Scratch先生利用了艾伦在“黑暗之地”的失忆状态。 还是这真是汤姆·赞恩(Tom Zane)? 还是我们认为规模太小而正在发挥更大的作用?

Alan’s doppelganger tries to jumpstart Alan’s memory as to how they know each other. They’re collaborating, remember? They’re trying to escape. Alan is writing.

艾伦(Alan)的杂技演员试图Swift激发艾伦(Alan)关于彼此认识的记忆。 他们正在合作,还记得吗? 他们试图逃脱。 艾伦在写作。

Before we can see more, we’re kicked back into the motel’s hallways with more questions than answers.


Is the “artistic collaboration” really a deal between Alan and __________ in order to better their odds of escaping? Who is the one in control? Who is the one writing over the Hotline? Is it Alan? Thomas Zane? Mr. Scratch?

艾伦和__________之间是否真的进行了“艺术合作”,以提高他们逃脱的几率? 谁在控制谁? 热线电话上写的是谁? 是艾伦吗? 托马斯·赞恩? 划痕先生?

Put to rest a dark event in the Eagle Limited AWE by interacting with items passengers once interacted with.
通过与乘客互动过的物品进行互动,使Eagle Limited AWE中的黑暗事件得以安息。

AWE让您探索 (AWE Lets You Explore)

This DLC gives you an expansive level in the FBC to explore as you try to unravel this Alan Wake mystery. The Investigations Sector is filled to the brim with gripping side stories and unique Altered Items and recreations of Altered World Events.

当您尝试解开Alan Wake的这个奥秘时,此DLC为您提供了在FBC中进行探索的广阔水平。 调查领域充满了动人的故事和独特的“改装物品”以及“改装世界大事”的娱乐活动。

Become plunged in your own action movie on zooming platforms as you dodge obstacles and take down Hiss as you chase after an altered movie projector. Or step into a train carriage where interacting with items gives you an echo of a bloody attack by paranormal criminals. Or how about dealing with evils email chain letters once and for all?

在躲避障碍物时追逐自己的动作电影,在追赶改过的电影放映机时追上嘶嘶声。 或走进火车车厢,与物品互动可让您回想起超自然犯罪分子的血腥袭击。 还是一劳永逸地处理邪恶的电子邮件连锁信件?

As icing on the cake, Remedy writers even allow us to revisit unique enemies and The Ashtray Maze after you play around on the SHÜM arcade.


AWE provides a wide variety of quirky, unique, and haunting side quests that will keep you braving the darkness and wanting more.


In learning how Hartman becomes the creature we see, we get a new glimpse of who really is in control.

艾伦·维克(Alan Wake):创造一个可信的故事 (Alan Wake: Creating A Believable Story)

I become obsessed with the mystery laid out before me as I continue to explore.


Dr. Hartman, a psychiatrist who previously exploited Alan, haunts the Investigation Sector. He’s not part of the Hiss, but he’ll occasionally mutter their nonsensical chant and flare red. To me, he’s a walking connection to this Alan Wake mystery and I chase after him.

以前利用艾伦(Alan)的精神病医生,哈特曼(Hartman)博士困扰着调查部门。 他不是嘶嘶声的一部分,但是他偶尔会喃喃地说出他们愚蠢的吟唱和耀眼的红色。 对我来说,他与艾伦·维克(Alan Wake)的神秘世界息息相关,我追逐他。

I hoard every file and recording collected, creating a mental timeline of the events. While I still wonder about Mr. Scratch and Tom Zane, Hartman takes priority. I naively believe somehow putting down Hartman will lead to all my questions being answered.

我ard积收集的每个文件和记录,为事件创建了时间表。 虽然我仍然对Scratch先生和Tom Zane先生感到疑惑,但Hartman还是优先考虑的人。 我天真地相信放下Hartman会导致回答我所有的问题。

The battles with Hartman adds a new layer to combat in Control that will leave you on the edge of your seat. You have to navigate pitch-black rooms and turn the lights back on while Hartman chases you. Being strategic about how to use your energy levels and your Ranger ally (if available), is key to defeating him.

与Hartman的战斗为Control中的战斗增添了新的层次,这将使您位于座位边缘。 在哈特曼(Hartman)追逐您时,您必须浏览漆黑的房间并重新打开灯光。 对如何使用能量水平和游侠盟友(如果有)具有战略性,是击败他的关键。

As I spend all my energy defeating Hartman, it’s Alan’s last Hotline message and a flashing ‘Activity Detected’ warning at Cauldron Lake, to realize that I was always just another character in Alan’s script.

当我全力以赴击败Hartman时,这是Alan的最后一条热线消息,以及在Cauldron Lake闪烁的“ 检测到活动”警告,以意识到我一直只是Alan脚本中的另一个角色。

Hartman’s metamorphosis into a rampaging monstrosity, Alice Wake’s visit, Investigation’s Sector fate, and even my own actions are revealed to be Alan’s writing at work. I suppose I should have always known, but the extent of how much was scripted by Alan still shocks me.

哈特曼(Hartman)变态为庞然大物的怪兽,爱丽丝·威克(Alice Wake)的来访,调查部门的命运,甚至我自己的举动都被证明是艾伦的作品。 我想我应该一直都知道,但是艾伦编写的脚本的数量仍然令我震惊。

It’s why Alan’s message of how to create a gripping manuscript in the middle of the DLC went over my head.


“Be clever. Make them do the work. Form the image in their minds. They make it. You just imply. Incept. They are drawn to the mystery. Obsessed. You set it up, they put it together.”

“要聪明。 让他们去做。 在他们心中形成形象。 他们做到了。 你只是暗示。 接受 他们被迷住了。 痴迷。 您进行设置,他们将它们放在一起。”

Was I simply a distraction that led to Alan being able to set in motion his escape plan? Where was The Board in all of this? No way did Alan write Langston’s two-minute monologue on his cat Alfred.

我仅仅是因为分散注意力而导致Alan能够启动他的逃生计划吗? 所有这一切在哪里? 艾伦(Alan)没在他的猫阿尔弗雷德(Alfred)上写下兰斯顿(Langston)的两分钟独白。

Dr. Darling makes a brief cameo in The Dark Place in the show “Night Springs” written by Alan. Snippets of the scripts can be found in-game. Could the next Control installment let us rescue him? Crossing my fingers!
达林(Darling)博士在艾伦(Alan)创作的节目“夜之泉(Night Springs)”中的“黑暗之地”中做了一个简短的客串。 脚本的片段可以在游戏中找到。 下一个Control系列能否让我们营救他? 交叉我的手指!

As I listen, again, to Alan’s messages — but, now, in a different order — it dawns on me the carnage Alan set in motion. The Investigations Sector’s bloody end. Hartman’s unnatural transformation and attacks on Jesse and others. The methods to make this escape plan come to be were ruthless and strategic…

当我再次听到艾伦的信息时-但现在,它以一种不同的顺序-席卷了艾伦动身的大屠杀。 调查部门的血腥行动。 哈特曼的不自然转变以及对杰西和其他人的攻击。 制定逃生计划的方法无情且具有战略意义。

I even question if Alan is truly the writer, seeing he openly struggles with gaps in his memory and claims the only thing he trusts is what he has previously written. If he’s written them…

我什至质疑艾伦是否真的是作家,看到他公开地为记忆中的空白而挣扎,并声称他唯一相信的就是他以前的著作。 如果他写了它们……

While Jesse Faden may not have been in control of this DLC, I’m hooked on this mystery. I can’t help but wonder what Remedy’s writers, Alan, or whoever it is behind the typewriter, will write next…

虽然杰西·法登(Jesse Faden)可能并没有控制这个DLC,但我迷上了这个谜。 我不禁要问,雷梅迪(Remedy)的作家,艾伦(Alan)或打字机背后的那个人,接下来会写什么……

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/alan-wake-takes-control-f86c6cf3a90e




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