

·20145201 李子璇
·20145204 张亚军
·20145211 黄志远
·20145212 罗天晨
·20145224 陈颢文





本设计所开发的是基于Java的一个贪吃蛇游戏软件,主要实现游戏的速度控制、游戏的暂停、游戏的退出等功能,分为: 游戏主界面模块、游戏控制模块以二个模块。






  • 制作窗口化的程序需要调用java.awt.*javax.swing.*两个包。
  • 下面以添加一个“帮助”按钮为例简述菜单设计:
    JMenuBar caidan = new JMenuBar();JMenu bangzhu = new JMenu("帮助");bangzhu.setFont(f);caidan.add(bangzhu);Font f = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 12);

  • 利用GridLayout进行网格化布局:
    p.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));一排两列
    p.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));两排一列

  • BorderLayout把窗口划分为“东(EAST)、南(SOUTH)、西(WEST)、北(NORTH)、中(CENTER)”五个区域。

  • 将刚刚设计的网格放到底下:
JPanel p = new JPanel();
p.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
bt1 = new JLabel(" 长度:0");
bt2 = new JLabel(" 移速:5");
this.add(p, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


  • 蛇头与食物
    · 蛇头坐标:x,y
    · 食物坐标:sjx,sjy
    · 在import javax.swing.*包中实现图形可视化。
public void paint(Graphics g) {//fillrect用指定的画刷填充矩形。zx[cs] = x + "/" + y;super.paint(g);g.setColor(Color.BLACK);g.drawRect(0, 0, 300, 300);//边框g.setColor(Color.ORANGE);g.fillRect(sjx, sjy, 10, 10);//食物g.setColor(Color.RED);g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);//头
  • 蛇体的实现与绘制
    · 该部分代码实现了贪吃蛇身体部分的绘制和部分游戏操作规定,其中,变量sw是身体的长度,初始值为0,当蛇头与食物的坐标重合时sw增加1。
    · 其中规定:若蛇撞到自己的身体则dead=true,停止运行。
    · 代码如下:
g.setColor(Color.BLACK);for (int i = 1; i <= sw; i++) {int j = cs - i;if (j < 0) {j = cs-i+1000;//}String[] s = zx[j].split("/");//s身体if (x == Integer.parseInt(s[0]) && y == Integer.parseInt(s[1])) {//蛇撞到自己身上了dead = true;shenti = true;}if (sjx == Integer.parseInt(s[0]) && sjy == Integer.parseInt(s[1])) {//食物在蛇身体上g.setColor(Color.PINK);g.fillRect(sjx, sjy, 10, 10);g.setColor(Color.RED);continue;}g.fillRect(Integer.parseInt(s[0]), Integer.parseInt(s[1]), 10, 10);}}

· 贪吃蛇的方向控制:可以通过上下左右键控制贪吃蛇的移动

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {switch (e.getKeyCode()) {case 38:direction = 1;//上break;case 40:direction = 2;//下break;case 37:direction = 3;//左break;case 39:direction = 4;//右break;case KeyEvent.VK_F3:this.setStop();break;case KeyEvent.VK_F2:this.setKaiShi();break;case KeyEvent.VK_F4:this.setTuiChu();break;}}
  • 对贪吃蛇移动速度的设定
    if (speed <= d) {//d=150 speed = d;}else {speed-=10;//速度变快}s.setDS(sw, 305 - speed);}


  else if (e.getSource() == low) {mp.setSD(300, 110);this.setDS(0, 305 - 300);}else if (e.getSource() == mid) {mp.setSD(250, 80);this.setDS(0, 305 - 250);}else if (e.getSource() == high) {mp.setSD(200, 50);this.setDS(0, 305 - 200);}else if (e.getSource() == sup) {mp.setSD(150, 30);this.setDS(0, 305 - 150);}

  • 游戏结束判断




package snack;
import java.awt.*;// 抽象窗口
import javax.swing.*;//图形可视包
import java.util.*;//包含日期转换、字符串处理和scanner()
import java.awt.event.*;//定义了事件和事件侦听器public class She extends JFrame implements ActionListener, WindowListener {JLabel bt1;JLabel bt2;MyPaint mp;JMenuItem start;JMenuItem stop;JMenuItem end;JRadioButton low;//创建一个初级难度选择状态的单选按钮。JRadioButton mid;JRadioButton high;JRadioButton sup;JMenuItem guanyu;Font f;//Font f = new Font(String 字体,int 风格,int 字号);public She() {f = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 12);mp = new MyPaint();mp.setShe(this);JMenuBar caidan = new JMenuBar();JMenu shezhi = new JMenu("设置");shezhi.setFont(f);JMenu nandu = new JMenu("难度");nandu.setFont(f);JMenu bangzhu = new JMenu("帮助");bangzhu.setFont(f);caidan.add(shezhi);caidan.add(nandu);caidan.add(bangzhu);start = new JMenuItem("开始游戏 F2");start.setFont(f);start.addActionListener(this);stop = new JMenuItem("暂停/继续 F3");stop.setFont(f);stop.addActionListener(this);end = new JMenuItem("退出 F4");end.setFont(f);end.addActionListener(this);low = new JRadioButton("初级,最快速度195", true);low.setFont(f);low.addActionListener(this);mid = new JRadioButton("中级,最快速度225");mid.setFont(f);mid.addActionListener(this);high = new JRadioButton("高级,最快速度255");high.setFont(f);high.addActionListener(this);sup = new JRadioButton("超级,最快速度275");sup.setFont(f);sup.addActionListener(this);ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();bg.add(low);bg.add(mid);bg.add(high);bg.add(sup);nandu.add(low);nandu.add(mid);nandu.add(high);nandu.add(sup);guanyu = new JMenuItem("关于");guanyu.setFont(f);guanyu.addActionListener(this);shezhi.add(start);shezhi.add(stop);shezhi.add(end);bangzhu.add(guanyu);bt1 = new JLabel(" 长度:0");bt1.setFont(f);bt2 = new JLabel("移速:5");bt2.setFont(f);JPanel p = new JPanel(); //Java面板容器p.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); //设置用户界面上的屏幕组件的格式布局,一行两列。p.add(bt1);p.add(bt2);this.addWindowListener(this);//添加窗体监听器this.setJMenuBar(caidan);//添加菜单条this.add(p, BorderLayout.NORTH);//边界布局管理器把容器的的布局分为五个位置this.add(mp);this.add(new JLabel(" "),  BorderLayout.WEST);this.setSize(335, 385);this.setResizable(false);this.setLocation(300, 150);this.setTitle("迦瓦栈队");this.setVisible(true);//使窗口可见}public void setDS(int a, int b) {//吃到食物bt1.setText(" 长度:" + a);bt2.setText("移速:" + b);}public void setChu() {low.setSelected(true);mp.setSD(300, 110);this.setDS(0, 305 - 300);low.setEnabled(true);//选项选择权限mid.setEnabled(true);high.setEnabled(true);sup.setEnabled(true);}public void setNanDu() {low.setEnabled(false);mid.setEnabled(false);high.setEnabled(false);sup.setEnabled(false);}public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {//动作事件if (e.getSource() == stop) { //菜单选项触发mp.setStop();}else if (e.getSource() == start) {mp.setKaiShi();}else if (e.getSource() == end) {mp.setTuiChu();}else if (e.getSource() == guanyu) {JLabel gy = new JLabel("感谢使用!小组成员:黄志远、陈颢文、张亚军、罗天晨、李子璇");gy.setFont(f);JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, gy);}else if (e.getSource() == low) {mp.setSD(300, 110);this.setDS(0, 305 - 300);}贪吃蛇的方向控制else if (e.getSource() == mid) {mp.setSD(250, 80);this.setDS(0, 305 - 250);}else if (e.getSource() == high) {mp.setSD(200, 50);this.setDS(0, 305 - 200);}else if (e.getSource() == sup) {mp.setSD(150, 30);this.setDS(0, 305 - 150);}}public static void main(String[] args) {new She();}public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {//它是在窗口首次出现时发生该事件// TODO: Add your code here}public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {//是java swing中窗口关闭事件的监听System.exit(0);}public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {// TODO: Add your code here}
class MyPaint extends JPanel implements Runnable, KeyListener, FocusListener {She s;//蛇?Font f = new Font("楷体", Font.PLAIN, 12);int x = 150;int y = 0;Random r = new Random();int sjx = r.nextInt(300)/10*10;int sjy = r.nextInt(300)/10*10;int direction = 2;//方向int sw = 0;int speed = 300;int cs = 0;int d = 150;String[] zx = new String[1000];boolean stop = false;boolean stop1 = false;boolean dead = false;boolean shenti = false;public MyPaint() {Thread t = new Thread(this);t.start();this.addKeyListener(this);this.setFocusable(true);this.addFocusListener(this);}public void setShe(She ss) {s = ss;}public void setStop() {if (stop) {stop = false;}else {stop = true;}}public void setKaiShi() {JLabel ks = new JLabel("是否重新开始?");ks.setFont(f);int a = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(s, ks);//s为Component parentComponentif (a == 0) {x = 150;//蛇y = 0;sjx = r.nextInt(300)/10*10;//食物xsjy = r.nextInt(300)/10*10;direction = 2;//方向???sw = 0;//重置长度speed = 300;//重置速度cs = 0;stop = false;dead = false;shenti = false;s.setChu();s.setDS(sw, 305 - speed);//重置长度、移动}}public void setTuiChu() {JLabel tc = new JLabel("你确定退出吗?");tc.setFont(f);//字体(之前定义)int a = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(s, tc);//s为Component parentComponentif (a == 0) {s.dispose();//释放组件COMPOENT使其内存返回到操作系统System.exit(0);}}public void setSD(int a, int b) {speed = a;d = b;}public void paint(Graphics g) {//fillrect用指定的画刷填充矩形。zx[cs] = x + "/" + y;super.paint(g);g.setColor(Color.BLACK);g.drawRect(0, 0, 300, 300);//边框g.setColor(Color.ORANGE);g.fillRect(sjx, sjy, 10, 10);//食物g.setColor(Color.RED);g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);//头g.setColor(Color.BLACK);for (int i = 1; i <= sw; i++) {int j = cs - i;if (j < 0) {j = cs-i+1000;//}String[] s = zx[j].split("/");//s身体if (x == Integer.parseInt(s[0]) && y == Integer.parseInt(s[1])) {//蛇撞到自己身上了dead = true;shenti = true;}if (sjx == Integer.parseInt(s[0]) && sjy == Integer.parseInt(s[1])) {//食物在蛇身体上g.setColor(Color.PINK);g.fillRect(sjx, sjy, 10, 10);g.setColor(Color.RED);continue;}g.fillRect(Integer.parseInt(s[0]), Integer.parseInt(s[1]), 10, 10);}}public void run() {while (true) {cs++;if (cs == 1000) {cs = 0;}switch (direction) {//方向case 1:y-=10;//上break;case 2:y+=10;//下break;case 3:x-=10;//左break;case 4:x+=10;//右break;}this.repaint();//更新视图区域的请求if (x == sjx && y == sjy) {sjx = r.nextInt(300)/10*10;sjy = r.nextInt(300)/10*10;sw++;//身体长度if (sw == 1) {s.setNanDu();}if (speed <= d) {//d=150 speed = d;}else {speed-=10;//速度变快}s.setDS(sw, 305 - speed);}if (x < 0 || x > 290 || y < 0 || y > 290 || shenti) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(s, "游戏结束!");dead = true;shenti = false;}while (stop || stop1) {try {Thread.sleep(100);}catch (Exception e) {}}while (dead) {try {Thread.sleep(100);}catch (Exception e) {}}try {Thread.sleep(speed);}catch (Exception e) {}}}public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {switch (e.getKeyCode()) {case 38:direction = 1;//上break;case 40:direction = 2;//下break;case 37:direction = 3;//左break;case 39:direction = 4;//右break;case KeyEvent.VK_F3:this.setStop();break;case KeyEvent.VK_F2:this.setKaiShi();break;case KeyEvent.VK_F4:this.setTuiChu();break;}}public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {}public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {stop1 = false;}public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {stop1 = true;}}






学号 姓名 成绩
20145224 陈颢文 30
20145211 黄志远 27
20145204 张亚军 25
20145212 罗天晨 23
20145201 李子璇 20


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