Welcome to Bella chat!!
Bella chat is a Free voice entertainment community dedicated to global users who enjoy party. Here you can meet many new friends and play variousgames with them.

key features:
【Online party】
Disco, birthday party, anniversary party, singing, competition, many kinds of activities organized by theroom.
【Awesome virtual gifts】
Bellachat offers lots of amazing virtual gifts, strengthenthe friendship between you and your friends bysending cute virtual gifts. Everyone likes receivinggifts from others. Every gift from a friend is a wish foryour happiness.
【More Entertainment】
More than voice!Text, pictures are also available. You will have fun with friends by playing games and singing here.

Getting Support:
Email: bellachat2021@gmail.com

Download bellachat now!Creat your own voice chat room and hold an online party!

Bella Chat Tech Support相关推荐

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  5. App Tech Support

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  8. 掌上智维技术支持 App Tech Support

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