due to there is no strict type checking, all the algorithms related to type checking  are almost  all heuristic progress,

“if there is a property of what, that could be xxx, or level down to other options”, you have to explore what it is through the way.

as this, in jquery.aop:

toStrings = {},
nodeTypes = { 1: 'element', 3: 'textnode', 9: 'document', 11: 'fragment' },
types = 'Arguments Array Boolean Date Document Element Error Fragment Function NodeList Null Number Object RegExp String TextNode Undefined Window'.split(' ');//making a map of type
return function(item) {return item == null && (item === undefined ? _undef : 'null') ||item.nodeType && nodeTypes[item.nodeType] ||typeof item.length == 'number' && (item.callee && _arguments ||item.alert && 'window' ||item.item && 'nodelist') ||toStrings[toString.call(item)];

- null or undefined;

- nodetype exist in object, it could be of types in nodeTypes, including the built-in ones, the BOM, DOM ones

-or when length property exist, it could be Arguments, NodeList, window

interestingly, in BOM, DOM field, the __proto__ chain searching property mechanism is NOT always work, e.g. length in window, but check it , u will find:

Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(window, "length") //false in FF, true in chromeObject.prototype.toString.call(window.__proto__, "length") //false
"length" in window //true, 
//at least it can show that the implementation is not integrity somehow

-use Object.prototype.toString method to output its type information and use map constructed to output its type.

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