
  • 问题描述
  • 问题分析
  • 代码



魔兽世界的西面是红魔军的司令部,东面是蓝魔军的司令部。两个司令部之间是依次排列的若干城市,城市从西向东依次编号为1,2,3 … N ( N <= 20)。红魔军的司令部算作编号为0的城市,蓝魔军的司令部算作编号为N+1的城市。司令部有生命元,用于制造武士。

两军的司令部都会制造武士。武士一共有dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 五种。每种武士都有编号、生命值、攻击力这三种属性。

双方的武士编号都是从1开始计算。红方制造出来的第n 个武士,编号就是n。同样,蓝方制造出来的第n 个武士,编号也是n。


武士可以拥有武器。武器有三种,sword, bomb,和arrow,编号分别为0,1,2。


  1. 在奇数编号城市,红武士先发起攻击

  2. 在偶数编号城市,蓝武士先发起攻击

  3. 战斗开始前,双方先对自己的武器排好使用顺序,然后再一件一件地按顺序使用。编号小的武器,排在前面。若有多支arrow,用过的排在前面。排好序后,攻击者按此排序依次对敌人一件一件地使用武器。如果一种武器有多件,那就都要用上。每使用一件武器,被攻击者生命值要减去武器攻击力。如果任何一方生命值减为0或小于0即为死去。有一方死去,则战斗结束。

  4. 双方轮流使用武器,甲用过一件,就轮到乙用。某一方把自己所有的武器都用过一轮后,就从头开始再用一轮。如果某一方没有武器了,那就挨打直到死去或敌人武器用完。武器排序只在战斗前进行,战斗中不会重新排序。

  5. 如果双方武器都用完且都还活着,则战斗以平局结束。如果双方都死了,也算平局。

  6. 有可能由于武士自身攻击力太低,而导致武器攻击力为0。攻击力为0的武器也要使用。如果战斗中双方的生命值和武器的状态都不再发生变化,则战斗结束,算平局。

  7. 战斗的胜方获得对方手里的武器。武士手里武器总数不超过10件。缴获武器时,按照武器种类编号从小到大缴获。如果有多件arrow,优先缴获没用过的。

  8. 如果战斗开始前双方都没有武器,则战斗视为平局。如果先攻击方没有武器,则由后攻击方攻击。


编号为n的dragon降生时即获得编号为n%3 的武器。dragon在战斗结束后,如果还没有战死,就会欢呼。

编号为n的ninjia降生时即获得编号为n%3 和(n+1)%3的武器。ninja 使用bomb不会让自己受伤。

编号为n的iceman降生时即获得编号为n%3 的武器。iceman每前进一步,生命值减少10%(减少的量要去尾取整)。

编号为n的lion降生时即获得编号为n%3 的武器。lion 有“忠诚度”这个属性,其初始值等于它降生之后其司令部剩余生命元的数目。每前进一步忠诚度就降低K。忠诚度降至0或0以下,则该lion逃离战场,永远消失。但是已经到达敌人司令部的lion不会逃跑。lion在己方司令部可能逃跑。



在每个整点,即每个小时的第0分, 双方的司令部中各有一个武士降生。

红方司令部按照iceman、lion、wolf、ninja、dragon 的顺序制造武士。

蓝方司令部按照lion、dragon、ninja、iceman、wolf 的顺序制造武士。


制造一个初始生命值为m 的武士,司令部中的生命元就要减少m 个。












  1. 武士降生

输出样例:000:00 blue dragon 1 born



000:00 blue lion 1 born

Its loyalty is 24


  1. lion逃跑

输出样例:000:05 blue lion 1 ran away


  1. 武士前进到某一城市


000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 30



  1. wolf抢敌人的武器

000:35 blue wolf 2 took 3 bomb from red dragon 2 in city 4

表示在0点35分,4号城市中,红魔1号武士wolf 抢走蓝魔2号武士dragon 3个bomb。为简单起见,武器不写复数形式

  1. 报告战斗情况


000:40 red iceman 1 killed blue lion 12 in city 2 remaining 20 elements

表示在0点40分,1号城市中,红魔1号武士iceman 杀死蓝魔12号武士lion后,剩下生命值20

000:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 12 died in city 2


000:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 12 were alive in city 2


  1. 武士欢呼

输出样例:003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4

  1. 武士抵达敌军司令部

输出样例:001:10 red iceman 1 reached blue headquarter with 20 elements and force 30


  1. 司令部被占领

输出样例:003:10 blue headquarter was taken


000:50 100 elements in red headquarter

000:50 120 elements in blue headquarter



000:55 blue wolf 2 has 2 sword 3 bomb 0 arrow and 7 elements


交代武器情况时,次序依次是:sword,bomb, arrow。



同一时间发生的事件,按发生地点从西向东依次输出. 武士前进的事件, 算是发生在目的地。

在一次战斗中有可能发生上面的 5 至 6 号事件。这些事件都算同时发生,其时间就是战斗开始时间。一次战斗中的这些事件,序号小的应该先输出。







第一行,4个整数 M,N,K, T。其含义为:
每个司令部一开始都有M个生命元( 1 <= M <= 100000)
两个司令部之间一共有N个城市( 1 <= N <= 20 )
要求输出从0时0分开始,到时间T为止(包括T) 的所有事件。T以分钟为单位,0 <= T <= 6000

第二行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的初始生命值。它们都大于0小于等于200

第三行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的攻击力。它们都大于0小于等于200输出对每组数据,先输出一行:

Case n:

如对第一组数据就输出 Case 1:

然后按恰当的顺序和格式输出到时间T为止发生的所有事件。每个事件都以事件发生的时间开头,时间格式是“时: 分”,“时”有三位,“分”有两位。样例输入

20 1 10 400
20 20 30 10 20
5 5 5 5 5

Case 1:
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 10
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 5
000:50 20 elements in red headquarter
000:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:05 blue lion 1 ran away
001:50 20 elements in red headquarter
001:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
002:50 20 elements in red headquarter
002:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
003:50 20 elements in red headquarter
003:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
004:50 20 elements in red headquarter
004:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
005:50 20 elements in red headquarter
005:50 10 elements in blue headquarter

请注意浮点数精度误差问题。OJ上的编译器编译出来的可执行程序,在这方面和你电脑上执行的程序很可能会不一致。5 * 0.3 的结果,有的机器上可能是 15.00000001,去尾取整得到15,有的机器上可能是14.9999999,去尾取整后就变成14。因此,本题不要写 5 * 0.3,要写 5 * 3 / 10。


Guo Wei



我当时也上网找了人家写好的,但是人家写的,和老师给出的第二阶段的“参考程序”是无法衔接的,我就想把两者结合起来,以第二阶段老师的“参考程序”为基础,结合网上看来的别人的思路和逻辑,然后写了出来,好不容易好不容易编译通过,但是程序运行不起来。拿IDE直接调试,遇到变量的复杂繁多,费头脑的指针变量,盘根交错的函数调用关系……,发现根本没法调试。为此,我还到处发帖、百度询问:“怎样调试复杂大型程序?”͡[๏̯͡๏] 然而并没有找到什么对我有用的答案。。最后只能放弃。



  1. 我参考了这位老哥写的程序的逻辑别人写的,但是经过仔细研究,他这个程序逻辑和问题描述不符合(在战斗部分的武器使用和战斗结尾的武器获取部分),拿示例的基础测试数据是对的,但是拿其他测试数据可能不对。我自己想破了头脑改了自己觉得符合题意的逻辑,用老师给的11组测试数据,是没问题的,但有没有隐藏错误就不知道了。
  2. 我想在老师给的第二阶段参考程序的基础上写第三阶段,比较死板,可能不是好方法。(但不参考我也是一点头绪都没有的。。)
  3. 调试我程序的N多N多错误中,大概六成是指针应用错误(内存泄漏+空悬指针),写的复杂了,指针的错误真的是防不胜防。教训就是以后 使用、释放指针前一定要判断是否有意义,不用指针的时候一定要置NULL 。另外这也凸显智能指针(auto_ptr/shared_ptr)的优势,不过这些没咋学我还不会用。。;另外三成错误是逻辑本身错误;另外一成是低级语法错误(括号对不上,==写成=)之类。
  4. 我看着那位老哥写的程序也被带跑偏了,他的类成员全部写成public,后面全是直接的指针一级一级访问,我跟着写,也是这样。。最后程序完成后我想改回来,想把该封装的封装起来,才发现太麻烦了!!我把武器类、武士类改了改,其他的类就放弃修改了。。
  5. 题目要求“同一时间发生的事件,按发生地点从西向东依次输出. 武士前进的事件, 算是发生在目的地;两个武士同时抵达同一城市,则先输出红武士的前进事件,后输出蓝武士的。”,我的程序在每小时第10分钟武士前进到某一城市的情况的输出顺序和该要求不符。 我是先把红军武士前进情况全输出来,再把蓝军武士前进情况输出来。因为我没想得出怎么改才能满足这个要求。。。除此之外,其他输出都正确。 已更改正确




#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>const int WARRIOR_NUM = 5;//五种武士
const int WEAPON_NUM = 3;//三种武器
const int WEAPON_MAX = 10;//一个武士最多10把武器
enum {SWORD, BOMB, ARROW};using namespace std;class Headquarter;
class Dragon;
class Ninja;
class Iceman;
class Lion;
class Wolf;
class Warrior;
class City;class Weapon
{protected:int WeaponKind;int WeaponForce;static char *WeaponName[WEAPON_NUM];Warrior *pWarrior;//该武器属于哪个武士bool Used; //为arrow准备的,标志arrow是否用过。Weapon(int kind, Warrior *p);friend int compareWeapon (const void *p, const void *q);//qsort函数的比较函数,用过的arrow排前面friend int compareWeapon2 (const void *p, const void *q);//qsort函数的比较函数,没用过的arrow排前面friend class Warrior;friend class Dragon;friend class Ninja;friend class Iceman;friend class Lion;friend class Wolf;
};class Warrior
{protected:Headquarter *pHeadquarter; //武士属于红还是蓝司令部City *pCity;//武士目前在哪个Cityint OrderInMaking;//武士的种类int OrderInTotal;//武士是红/蓝司令部制造的第几个武士Weapon *Weaponptr[WEAPON_MAX];//武士拥有的武器数组int SumWeap;//武器总数int UsedArrow;//用过的Arrow的数量int NumOfWeapon[WEAPON_NUM];//各种武器有多少把int Life;public:friend class Weapon;friend class Headquarter;friend class City;friend class Dragon;friend class Ninja;friend class Iceman;friend class Lion;friend class Wolf;friend void RedWarriorMove(City * leftCity, City *rightCity, int Time, char * RedMoveString[]);friend void BlueWarriorMove(City *rightCity, City * leftCity, int Time, char * BlueMoveString[]);static char *WarriorName[WARRIOR_NUM];//存武士名字的全局字符串数组static int InitLifeValue[WARRIOR_NUM];//存武士初始生命值的全局数组static int AttackForce[WARRIOR_NUM];//存武士攻击力的全局数组Warrior(Headquarter *_p, int _oim, int _oit): pHeadquarter(_p),OrderInMaking(_oim),OrderInTotal(_oit),SumWeap(0),UsedArrow(0),Life(InitLifeValue[OrderInMaking]){for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_NUM; ++i)NumOfWeapon[i] = 0;for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; ++i)Weaponptr[i] = NULL;}virtual ~Warrior(){for (int i = 0; i < SumWeap; i++)if (Weaponptr[i])delete Weaponptr[i];}virtual void PrintResult(int Time);//武士降生时报告情况virtual void IcemanMove() {}virtual bool LionEscape(int Time){return 0;}virtual void LionMove() {}virtual void Rob(Warrior *enemy, int Time) {}void CaptureWeapon(Warrior *another);//击败对方武士后抢夺武器void ArrangeWeapon();//战斗之前把武器排好序void WarriorAnnounce(int Time);//每小时55钟的时候报告情况void OneTimeAttack(Warrior *another, int OrderInWeaponptr);//攻击对方int WarriorKind() {return OrderInMaking;}int WarriorOrderInTotal() {return OrderInTotal;}
};class City
{public:int Cityname;Warrior *redwarrior;Warrior *bluewarrior;bool ishead;//该City是否为司令部friend void RedWarriorMove(City * leftCity, City *rightCity, int Time, char * RedMoveString[]);friend void BlueWarriorMove(City *rightCity, City * leftCity, int Time, char * BlueMoveString[]);bool attackResult(int Time, Headquarter * Red, Headquarter * Blue);//每小时的40分报告战斗情况void Battling(int Time, Headquarter * Red, Headquarter * Blue);//City发生战斗void RedInit(Headquarter *p);//红司令部成为最左的Cityvoid BlueInit(Headquarter *p);//蓝司令部成为最右的City
};class Headquarter
{public:friend class Warrior;friend class City;int Color;int TotalLifeValue;//总共有多少生命元int CurOrderInMaking;//接下来准备产生哪种武士int TotalWarriorNum;//总共有多少活着的武士int NumOfWarrior[WARRIOR_NUM];//每种武士有多少个Warrior *Wptr[1000];//武士数组bool Stop;//该司令部是否有足够生命元继续生产武士static bool MainFlag;//全局量,标志是否被占领static int MakingOrder[2][WARRIOR_NUM];//存放武士制造顺序的数组Headquarter(bool _color, int _lifevalue): Color(_color),TotalLifeValue(_lifevalue),CurOrderInMaking(0),TotalWarriorNum(0),Stop(false){for (int i = 0; i < WARRIOR_NUM; i++)NumOfWarrior[i] = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)Wptr[i] = NULL;}~Headquarter(){for (int i = 0; i < TotalWarriorNum; i++)if (Wptr[i])delete Wptr[i];}void Produce(int Time);//武士降生void GetColor(char *HeadquarterName);//get “red” or “blue”void HeadAnnounce(int Time);//每小时的50分司令部报告生命元数量int GetTotalLifeValue() { return TotalLifeValue; }void DestroyWarrior(int number) {Wptr[number] = NULL;}
};class Dragon: public Warrior
{friend class Headquarter;friend class City;friend class Ninja;friend class Iceman;friend class Lion;friend class Wolf;public:Dragon(Headquarter *_p, int _oim, int _oit): Warrior(_p, _oim, _oit){int kind = OrderInTotal % WEAPON_NUM;Weaponptr[SumWeap] = new Weapon(kind, this);NumOfWeapon[kind]++;SumWeap++;}void PrintResult(int Time){Warrior::PrintResult(Time);}
};class Ninja: public Warrior
{friend class Headquarter;friend class City;friend class Dragon;friend class Iceman;friend class Lion;friend class Wolf;public:Ninja(Headquarter *_p, int _oim, int _oit): Warrior(_p, _oim, _oit){int kind = OrderInTotal % WEAPON_NUM;Weaponptr[SumWeap] = new Weapon(kind,this);NumOfWeapon[kind]++;SumWeap++;kind = (OrderInTotal + 1) % WEAPON_NUM;Weaponptr[SumWeap] = new Weapon(kind,this);NumOfWeapon[kind]++;SumWeap++;}void PrintResult(int Time){Warrior::PrintResult(Time);}
};class Iceman: public Warrior
{friend class Headquarter;friend class City;friend class Dragon;friend class Lion;friend class Wolf;friend class Ninja;public:Iceman(Headquarter *_p, int _oim, int _oit): Warrior(_p, _oim, _oit){int kind = OrderInTotal % WEAPON_NUM;Weaponptr[SumWeap] = new Weapon(kind,this);NumOfWeapon[kind]++;SumWeap++;}void PrintResult(int Time){Warrior::PrintResult(Time);}void IcemanMove(){Life -= Life / 10;}
};class Lion: public Warrior
{friend class Headquarter;friend class City;friend class Dragon;friend class Iceman;friend class Wolf;friend class Ninja;protected:int Loyalty;public:static int LoyaltyDecrease;//每前进一步忠诚度降低值void GetLoyalty(){Loyalty = pHeadquarter->GetTotalLifeValue();}Lion(Headquarter *_p, int _oim, int _oit): Warrior(_p, _oim, _oit){GetLoyalty();int kind = OrderInTotal % WEAPON_NUM;Weaponptr[SumWeap] = new Weapon(kind,this);NumOfWeapon[kind]++;SumWeap++;}void PrintResult(int Time){Warrior::PrintResult(Time);printf("It's loyalty is %d\n", Loyalty);}bool LionEscape(int Time) {if (Loyalty>0) return 0;char HeadquarterName[20];pHeadquarter->GetColor(HeadquarterName);printf("%.3d:05 %s lion %d ran away\n", Time, HeadquarterName, OrderInTotal);return 1;} //judge whether the lion escapesvoid LionMove() {Loyalty-=LoyaltyDecrease;}
};class Wolf: public Warrior
{friend class Headquarter;friend class City;friend class Dragon;friend class Iceman;friend class Lion;friend class Ninja;public:Wolf(Headquarter *_p, int _oim, int _oit): Warrior(_p, _oim, _oit) {}void PrintResult(int Time){Warrior::PrintResult(Time);}void Rob(Warrior *enemy, int Time);
};int compareWeapon (const void *p, const void *q) //usedarrow排前面
{const Weapon ** p1 = (const Weapon **)p;const Weapon ** q1 = (const Weapon **)q;if ((*p1)->WeaponKind < (*q1)->WeaponKind) return -1;else if ((*p1)->WeaponKind == ARROW && (*q1)->WeaponKind == ARROW) {if ((*p1)->Used == (*q1)->Used) return 0;else if ((*p1)->Used > (*q1)->Used) return -1;else return 1;}else if ((*p1)->WeaponKind ==  (*q1)->WeaponKind) return 0;else return 1;
}int compareWeapon2 (const void *p, const void *q) //usedarrow排后面
{const Weapon ** p1 = (const Weapon **)p;const Weapon ** q1 = (const Weapon **)q;if ((*p1)->WeaponKind < (*q1)->WeaponKind) return -1;else if ((*p1)->WeaponKind == ARROW && (*q1)->WeaponKind == ARROW) {if ((*p1)->Used == (*q1)->Used) return 0;else if ((*p1)->Used < (*q1)->Used) return -1;else return 1;}else if ((*p1)->WeaponKind ==  (*q1)->WeaponKind) return 0;else return 1;
}void Wolf::Rob(Warrior *enemy, int Time)
{if (enemy->OrderInMaking == WOLF) return;if (SumWeap == 10 || enemy->SumWeap == 0) return;int i_ = 0, used_change = 0;//used-change是抢的用过的arrow的数量for (; i_ < WEAPON_NUM; ++i_)if (enemy->NumOfWeapon[i_] > 0) break;int robNum = min(enemy->NumOfWeapon[i_], WEAPON_MAX - SumWeap);if (i_ == ARROW) {if (enemy->NumOfWeapon[ARROW] - enemy->UsedArrow < robNum) {used_change =  robNum - (enemy->NumOfWeapon[ARROW] - enemy->UsedArrow);enemy->UsedArrow -= used_change;UsedArrow += used_change;}}for (int i = 0; i < robNum; ++i)Weaponptr[SumWeap+i] = new Weapon(i_,this);if (i_ == ARROW) {for (int i = 0; i < used_change; i++)Weaponptr[SumWeap+i]->Used = true;}SumWeap += robNum;NumOfWeapon[i_] += robNum;if (i_ != ARROW) {for (int i = 0, cnt = 0; i < enemy->SumWeap && cnt < robNum; ++i)if (enemy->Weaponptr[i]->WeaponKind == i_) {delete enemy->Weaponptr[i];enemy->Weaponptr[i] = NULL;++cnt;}}else {for (int i = 0, cnt = 0; i < enemy->SumWeap && cnt < (robNum - used_change); ++i)if (enemy->Weaponptr[i]->WeaponKind == i_) {if (!(enemy->Weaponptr[i]->Used)) {delete enemy->Weaponptr[i];enemy->Weaponptr[i] = NULL;++cnt;}}for (int i = 0, cnt = 0; i < enemy->SumWeap && cnt < used_change; ++i)if (enemy->Weaponptr[i]->WeaponKind == i_) {if (enemy->Weaponptr[i]->Used) {delete enemy->Weaponptr[i];enemy->Weaponptr[i] = NULL;++cnt;}}}//抢完之后要给武器数组进行及时排好序:Weapon *Weaponptr_tmp[WEAPON_MAX];for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; i++)Weaponptr_tmp[i] = NULL;for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; ++i)if (enemy->Weaponptr[i]) {Weaponptr_tmp[k] = enemy->Weaponptr[i];k++;}for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; ++i)enemy->Weaponptr[i] = Weaponptr_tmp[i];for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; ++i)Weaponptr_tmp[i] = NULL;enemy->SumWeap -= robNum;enemy->NumOfWeapon[i_] -= robNum;if (enemy->SumWeap > 0) qsort(enemy->Weaponptr, enemy->SumWeap, sizeof(Weapon *), compareWeapon);qsort(Weaponptr, SumWeap, sizeof(Weapon *), compareWeapon);//000:35 blue wolf 2 took 3 bomb from red dragon 2 in city 4char HeadquarterName1[20];pHeadquarter->GetColor(HeadquarterName1);char HeadquarterName2[20];enemy->pHeadquarter->GetColor(HeadquarterName2);printf("%.3d:35 %s wolf %d took %d %s from %s %s %d in city %d\n", Time, HeadquarterName1, OrderInTotal,robNum, Weapon::WeaponName[i_], HeadquarterName2,WarriorName[enemy->OrderInMaking], enemy->OrderInTotal,pCity->Cityname);
}Weapon::Weapon(int kind, Warrior *p): WeaponKind(kind), pWarrior(p), Used(false)
{switch (kind) {case SWORD: WeaponForce = p->AttackForce[pWarrior->OrderInMaking] / 5;break;case BOMB : WeaponForce = p->AttackForce[pWarrior->OrderInMaking] * 2 / 5;break;case ARROW: WeaponForce = p->AttackForce[pWarrior->OrderInMaking] * 3 / 10;break;}
}void City::RedInit(Headquarter *p)
{redwarrior = p->Wptr[p->TotalWarriorNum-1];redwarrior->pCity = this;
}void City::BlueInit(Headquarter *p)
{bluewarrior = p->Wptr[p->TotalWarriorNum-1];bluewarrior->pCity = this;
}void Warrior::PrintResult(int Time)
{char HeadquarterName[20];pHeadquarter->GetColor(HeadquarterName);printf("%.3d:00 %s %s %d born\n", Time, HeadquarterName, WarriorName[OrderInMaking], OrderInTotal);
}void Headquarter::Produce(int Time)
{if (Stop) return;if (Warrior::InitLifeValue[MakingOrder[Color][CurOrderInMaking]] > TotalLifeValue) {Stop = true;return;}int Kind = MakingOrder[Color][CurOrderInMaking];TotalLifeValue -= Warrior::InitLifeValue[Kind];CurOrderInMaking = (CurOrderInMaking + 1) % WARRIOR_NUM;switch (Kind) {case DRAGON: Wptr[TotalWarriorNum] = new Dragon(this, Kind, TotalWarriorNum+1);break;case NINJA : Wptr[TotalWarriorNum] = new Ninja(this, Kind, TotalWarriorNum+1);break;case ICEMAN: Wptr[TotalWarriorNum] = new Iceman(this, Kind, TotalWarriorNum+1);break;case LION  : Wptr[TotalWarriorNum] = new Lion(this, Kind, TotalWarriorNum+1);break;case WOLF  : Wptr[TotalWarriorNum] = new Wolf(this, Kind, TotalWarriorNum+1);break;}NumOfWarrior[Kind]++;Wptr[TotalWarriorNum]->PrintResult(Time);TotalWarriorNum++;
}void Headquarter::GetColor(char *HeadquarterName)
{if (Color == 0)strcpy(HeadquarterName, "red");elsestrcpy(HeadquarterName, "blue");
}void RedWarriorMove(City * leftCity, City *rightCity, int Time, char * RedMoveString [])//从左往右
{if (leftCity->redwarrior) {if (leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInMaking == ICEMAN) leftCity->redwarrior->IcemanMove();if (leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInMaking == LION) leftCity->redwarrior->LionMove();char HeadquarterName[20];leftCity->redwarrior->pHeadquarter->GetColor(HeadquarterName);RedMoveString[rightCity->Cityname] = new char[150];if (!RedMoveString[rightCity->Cityname]) {perror("cannot malloc\n"); exit(1);}if (!rightCity->ishead)//000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 30sprintf(RedMoveString[rightCity->Cityname], "%.3d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time, HeadquarterName, Warrior::WarriorName[leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInMaking],leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInTotal, rightCity->Cityname, leftCity->redwarrior->Life,Warrior::AttackForce[leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInMaking]);else if (rightCity->ishead) {//001:10 red iceman 1 reached blue headquarter with 20 elements and force 30 004:10 blue headquarter was takensprintf(RedMoveString[rightCity->Cityname], "%.3d:10 %s %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n%.3d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time, HeadquarterName, Warrior::WarriorName[leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInMaking],leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInTotal, leftCity->redwarrior->Life,Warrior::AttackForce[leftCity->redwarrior->OrderInMaking], Time);Headquarter::MainFlag = 0;}rightCity->redwarrior = leftCity->redwarrior;leftCity->redwarrior = NULL;rightCity->redwarrior->pCity = rightCity;}
}void BlueWarriorMove(City *rightCity, City * leftCity, int Time, char * BlueMoveString [])
{//从you往zuoif (rightCity->bluewarrior) {if (rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInMaking == ICEMAN) rightCity->bluewarrior->IcemanMove();if (rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInMaking == LION) rightCity->bluewarrior->LionMove();char HeadquarterName[20];rightCity->bluewarrior->pHeadquarter->GetColor(HeadquarterName);BlueMoveString[leftCity->Cityname] = new char[150];if (!BlueMoveString[leftCity->Cityname]) {perror("cannot malloc\n"); exit(1);}if (!leftCity->ishead)//000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 30sprintf(BlueMoveString[leftCity->Cityname], "%.3d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time, HeadquarterName, Warrior::WarriorName[rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInMaking],rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInTotal, leftCity->Cityname, rightCity->bluewarrior->Life,Warrior::AttackForce[rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInMaking]);else if (leftCity->ishead) {//001:10 red iceman 1 reached blue headquarter with 20 elements and force 30 004:10 blue headquarter was takensprintf(BlueMoveString[leftCity->Cityname], "%.3d:10 %s %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n%.3d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time, HeadquarterName, Warrior::WarriorName[rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInMaking],rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInTotal, rightCity->bluewarrior->Life,Warrior::AttackForce[rightCity->bluewarrior->OrderInMaking], Time);Headquarter::MainFlag = 0;}leftCity->bluewarrior = rightCity->bluewarrior;rightCity->bluewarrior = NULL;leftCity->bluewarrior->pCity = leftCity;}
}void Warrior::OneTimeAttack(Warrior *another, int OrderInWeaponptr)
{int usingKind = Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr]->WeaponKind;switch (usingKind) {case SWORD: another->Life -= Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr]->WeaponForce;break;case BOMB : another->Life -= Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr]->WeaponForce;if (OrderInMaking != NINJA) {Life -= Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr]->WeaponForce / 2;}delete Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr];Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr] = NULL;NumOfWeapon[usingKind]--;break;case ARROW: another->Life -= Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr]->WeaponForce;if (Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr]->Used) {delete Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr];Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr] = NULL;NumOfWeapon[usingKind]--;UsedArrow--;}else{UsedArrow++;Weaponptr[OrderInWeaponptr]->Used = true;}break;}
}void Warrior::ArrangeWeapon()
{SumWeap = NumOfWeapon[0] +  NumOfWeapon[1] + NumOfWeapon[2];Weapon *Weaponptr_tmp[WEAPON_MAX];for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; i++)Weaponptr_tmp[i] = NULL;for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; ++i)if (Weaponptr[i]) {Weaponptr_tmp[k] = Weaponptr[i];k++;}for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; ++i)Weaponptr[i] = Weaponptr_tmp[i];for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_MAX; ++i)Weaponptr_tmp[i] = NULL;if (SumWeap > 0) qsort(Weaponptr, SumWeap, sizeof(Weapon *), compareWeapon);
}void Warrior::CaptureWeapon(Warrior *another)
{if ((WEAPON_MAX - SumWeap) > 0 && another->SumWeap > 0) {//自己武器没满,且对方还有武器,才要拿int add;if ((WEAPON_MAX - SumWeap) >= another->SumWeap) {add = another->SumWeap;Weapon *Weaponptr_tmp[add];for (int i = 0; i < add; i++) {int kind = another->Weaponptr[i]->WeaponKind;bool used = another->Weaponptr[i]->Used;Weaponptr_tmp[i] = new Weapon(kind, this);if (kind == ARROW && used)Weaponptr_tmp[i]->Used = true;}for (int i = 0; i < add; i++)Weaponptr[SumWeap+i] = Weaponptr_tmp[i];SumWeap += add;NumOfWeapon[SWORD] += another->NumOfWeapon[SWORD];NumOfWeapon[BOMB] += another->NumOfWeapon[BOMB];NumOfWeapon[ARROW] += another->NumOfWeapon[ARROW];}else {qsort(another->Weaponptr, another->SumWeap, sizeof(Weapon *), compareWeapon2);//把another没用过的排在前面add = WEAPON_MAX - SumWeap;Weapon *Weaponptr_tmp[add];for (int i = 0; i < add; ++i) {int kind = another->Weaponptr[i]->WeaponKind;bool used = another->Weaponptr[i]->Used;Weaponptr_tmp[i] = new Weapon(kind, this);if (kind == ARROW && used)Weaponptr_tmp[i]->Used = true;if (kind == SWORD) NumOfWeapon[SWORD]++;if (kind == BOMB) NumOfWeapon[BOMB]++;if (kind == ARROW) NumOfWeapon[ARROW]++;}for (int i = 0; i < add; i++)Weaponptr[SumWeap+i] = Weaponptr_tmp[i];SumWeap += add;}}
}bool City::attackResult(int Time, Headquarter * Red, Headquarter * Blue)
{if (redwarrior->Life <= 0 && bluewarrior->Life <= 0) {//000:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 12 died in city 2printf("%.3d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d died in city %d\n", Time, Warrior::WarriorName[redwarrior->OrderInMaking], redwarrior->OrderInTotal,Warrior::WarriorName[bluewarrior->OrderInMaking], bluewarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname);Red->DestroyWarrior(redwarrior->OrderInTotal-1);delete redwarrior;redwarrior = NULL;Blue->DestroyWarrior(bluewarrior->OrderInTotal-1);delete bluewarrior;bluewarrior = NULL;return 1;}if (bluewarrior->Life <= 0) {redwarrior->ArrangeWeapon();  bluewarrior->ArrangeWeapon();redwarrior->CaptureWeapon(bluewarrior);redwarrior->ArrangeWeapon();//000:40 red iceman 1 killed blue lion 12 in city 2 remaining 20 elementsprintf("%.3d:40 red %s %d killed blue %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n", Time, Warrior::WarriorName[redwarrior->OrderInMaking], redwarrior->OrderInTotal,Warrior::WarriorName[bluewarrior->OrderInMaking], bluewarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname,redwarrior->Life);Blue->DestroyWarrior(bluewarrior->OrderInTotal-1);delete bluewarrior;bluewarrior = NULL;if (redwarrior->OrderInMaking == DRAGON)//003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4printf("%.3d:40 red dragon %d yelled in city %d\n", Time, redwarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname);return 1;}if (redwarrior->Life <= 0) {redwarrior->ArrangeWeapon();  bluewarrior->ArrangeWeapon();bluewarrior->CaptureWeapon(redwarrior);bluewarrior->ArrangeWeapon();//000:40 red iceman 1 killed blue lion 12 in city 2 remaining 20 elementsprintf("%.3d:40 blue %s %d killed red %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n", Time, Warrior::WarriorName[bluewarrior->OrderInMaking], bluewarrior->OrderInTotal,Warrior::WarriorName[redwarrior->OrderInMaking], redwarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname,bluewarrior->Life);Red->DestroyWarrior(redwarrior->OrderInTotal-1);delete redwarrior;redwarrior = NULL;if (bluewarrior->OrderInMaking == DRAGON)//003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4printf("%.3d:40 blue dragon %d yelled in city %d\n", Time, bluewarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname);return 1;}return 0;
}void City::Battling(int Time, Headquarter * Red, Headquarter * Blue)
{if (!(redwarrior && bluewarrior)) return;//形不成战斗bool tempFlag = 0;//标志战斗状态是否不再发生变化,我这里认为如果双方生命值连续五轮不变,那就是平局int redlife = redwarrior->Life, bluelife = bluewarrior->Life;int i_red = 0, i_blue = 0;//使用的是武士拥有的武器数组中序号为i_red/i_blue的武器if (Cityname % 2 ==1) {if (redwarrior->SumWeap) {if (i_red == redwarrior->SumWeap) i_red = 0;if (redwarrior->Weaponptr[i_red]) {redwarrior->OneTimeAttack(bluewarrior, i_red);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_red++;}else {int i;for (i = i_red; i < redwarrior->SumWeap; i++)if (redwarrior->Weaponptr[i]) break;if (i < redwarrior->SumWeap) {i_red = i;redwarrior->OneTimeAttack(bluewarrior, i_red);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_red++;}else {i_red = 0;if (redwarrior->Weaponptr[i_red]) {redwarrior->OneTimeAttack(bluewarrior, i_red);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_red++;}}}}}int tie_counter = 0;//回合制攻击轮数while (!tempFlag) {redlife = redwarrior->Life;bluelife = bluewarrior->Life;if (bluewarrior->SumWeap) {if (i_blue == bluewarrior->SumWeap) i_blue = 0;if (bluewarrior->Weaponptr[i_blue]) {bluewarrior->OneTimeAttack(redwarrior,i_blue);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_blue++;}else {int i;for (i = i_blue; i < bluewarrior->SumWeap; i++)if (bluewarrior->Weaponptr[i]) break;if (i < bluewarrior->SumWeap) {i_blue = i;bluewarrior->OneTimeAttack(redwarrior,i_blue);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_blue++;}else {i_blue = 0;if (bluewarrior->Weaponptr[i_blue]) {bluewarrior->OneTimeAttack(redwarrior,i_blue);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_blue++;}}}}if (redwarrior->SumWeap) {if (i_red == redwarrior->SumWeap) i_red = 0;if (redwarrior->Weaponptr[i_red]) {redwarrior->OneTimeAttack(bluewarrior, i_red);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_red++;}else {int i;for (i = i_red; i < redwarrior->SumWeap; i++)if (redwarrior->Weaponptr[i]) break;if (i < redwarrior->SumWeap) {i_red = i;redwarrior->OneTimeAttack(bluewarrior, i_red);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_red++;}else {i_red = 0;if (redwarrior->Weaponptr[i_red]) {redwarrior->OneTimeAttack(bluewarrior, i_red);if (attackResult(Time, Red, Blue)) return;i_red++;}}}}if (redlife == redwarrior->Life && bluelife == bluewarrior->Life)tie_counter++;elsetie_counter = 0;if (tie_counter >= 5)tempFlag = 1;}if (tempFlag) {redwarrior->ArrangeWeapon();  bluewarrior->ArrangeWeapon();//打完了也要记得排个序//000:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 12 were alive in city 2printf("%.3d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d were alive in city %d\n", Time, Warrior::WarriorName[redwarrior->OrderInMaking], redwarrior->OrderInTotal,Warrior::WarriorName[bluewarrior->OrderInMaking], bluewarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname);if (redwarrior->OrderInMaking == DRAGON)//003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4printf("%.3d:40 red dragon %d yelled in city %d\n", Time, redwarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname);if (bluewarrior->OrderInMaking == DRAGON)//003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4printf("%.3d:40 blue dragon %d yelled in city %d\n", Time, bluewarrior->OrderInTotal, Cityname);}
}void Headquarter::HeadAnnounce(int Time)
{// 000:50 120 elements in blue headquarterchar HeadquarterName[20];GetColor(HeadquarterName);printf("%.3d:50 %d elements in %s headquarter\n", Time, TotalLifeValue, HeadquarterName);
}void Warrior::WarriorAnnounce(int Time)
{//000:55 blue wolf 2 has 2 sword 3 bomb 0 arrow and 7 elementschar HeadquarterName[20];pHeadquarter->GetColor(HeadquarterName);printf("%.3d:55 %s %s %d has %d sword %d bomb %d arrow and %d elements\n", Time, HeadquarterName, Warrior::WarriorName[OrderInMaking], OrderInTotal,NumOfWeapon[SWORD], NumOfWeapon[BOMB], NumOfWeapon[ARROW], Life);
}char * Weapon::WeaponName[WEAPON_NUM] = {"sword","bomb","arrow" };
int Warrior::AttackForce[WARRIOR_NUM];
char * Warrior::WarriorName[WARRIOR_NUM] = {"dragon","ninja","iceman","lion","wolf"};
int Warrior::InitLifeValue[WARRIOR_NUM];
int Headquarter::MakingOrder[2][WARRIOR_NUM] = {{ 2,3,4,1,0 } ,{ 3,0,1,2,4 }};
bool Headquarter::MainFlag = 1;
int Lion::LoyaltyDecrease;int main()
第一行,4个整数 M,N,K, T。其含义为:
每个司令部一开始都有M个生命元( 1 <= M <= 100000)
两个司令部之间一共有N个城市( 1 <= N <= 20 )
要求输出从0时0分开始,到时间T为止(包括T) 的所有事件。T以分钟为单位,0 <= T <= 6000
第二行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的初始生命值。它们都大于0小于等于200
第三行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的攻击力。它们都大于0小于等于200*/int t;scanf("%d", &t);int Case = 1;while (t--) {printf("%d\n", Case++);int lifeValue, CityNumber, TotalTime, Hour = 0; Headquarter::MainFlag = 1;scanf("%d%d%d%d", &lifeValue, &CityNumber, &Lion::LoyaltyDecrease, &TotalTime);for (int i = 0; i < WARRIOR_NUM; i++)scanf("%d", &Warrior::InitLifeValue[i]);for (int i = 0; i < WARRIOR_NUM; i++)scanf("%d", &Warrior::AttackForce[i]);Headquarter Red(0, lifeValue);Headquarter Blue(1, lifeValue);City *cities = new City[CityNumber+2];for (int i = 0; i < CityNumber+2; ++i) {cities[i].redwarrior = NULL;cities[i].bluewarrior = NULL;cities[i].Cityname = i;cities[i].ishead = 0;}cities[0].ishead = 1;cities[CityNumber+1].ishead = 1;while (Hour * 60 <= TotalTime) {if (!Red.Stop) {Red.Produce(Hour);if (!Red.Stop)//根据Produce()的写法,这里的两次判断是必须的cities[0].RedInit(&Red);}if (!Blue.Stop) {Blue.Produce(Hour);if (!Blue.Stop)cities[CityNumber+1].BlueInit(&Blue);}if (Hour * 60 + 5 <= TotalTime) {for (int i = 0; i <= CityNumber + 1; ++i) {if (cities[i].redwarrior ) {if ( cities[i].redwarrior->WarriorKind() == 3 ) {if (cities[i].redwarrior->LionEscape(Hour)) {Red.DestroyWarrior(cities[i].redwarrior->WarriorOrderInTotal() - 1);delete cities[i].redwarrior;cities[i].redwarrior = NULL;}}}if (cities[i].bluewarrior ) {if( cities[i].bluewarrior->WarriorKind() == 3 ) {if (cities[i].bluewarrior->LionEscape(Hour)) {Blue.DestroyWarrior(cities[i].bluewarrior->WarriorOrderInTotal() - 1);delete cities[i].bluewarrior;cities[i].bluewarrior = NULL;}}}}}if (Hour * 60 + 10 <= TotalTime) {int shangxian = CityNumber + 1;char * MoveString[2][CityNumber+2];//为了按答案顺序输出武士前进消息for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++)for (int col = 0; col < CityNumber+2; col++)MoveString[row][col]= NULL;for (int i = shangxian; i > 0; i--) {RedWarriorMove(&cities[i-1], &cities[i], Hour, MoveString[0]);}for (int i = 0; i < shangxian; i++) {BlueWarriorMove(&cities[i+1], &cities[i], Hour, MoveString[1]);}for (int i = 0; i < CityNumber+2; i++)for (char* (*p)[CityNumber+2] = &MoveString[0]; p <= &MoveString[1]; p++)if ((*p)[i]) printf("%s", (*p)[i]);for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++)for (int col = 0; col < CityNumber+2; col++)if (MoveString[row][col]) delete [] MoveString[row][col];if (!Headquarter::MainFlag) break;}if (Hour * 60 + 35 <= TotalTime) {for (int i = 1; i < CityNumber+1; ++i) {if (cities[i].redwarrior && cities[i].bluewarrior) {cities[i].redwarrior->Rob(cities[i].bluewarrior, Hour);cities[i].bluewarrior->Rob(cities[i].redwarrior, Hour);}}}if (Hour * 60 + 40 <= TotalTime) {for (int i = 1; i < CityNumber+1; ++i)cities[i].Battling(Hour, &Red, &Blue);}if (Hour * 60 + 50 <= TotalTime) {Red.HeadAnnounce(Hour);Blue.HeadAnnounce(Hour);}if (Hour * 60 + 55 <= TotalTime) {for (int i = 1; i < CityNumber+1; ++i) {if (cities[i].redwarrior) cities[i].redwarrior->WarriorAnnounce(Hour);if (cities[i].bluewarrior) cities[i].bluewarrior->WarriorAnnounce(Hour);}}Hour++;}}return 0;


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