if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fun_getbh]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))
drop function [dbo].[fun_getbh]
create function fun_getbh(@char nchar(2))
returns int
return(case when unicode(@char) between 19968 and 40869 then(select top 1 id from(select id=1,ch=N'亅'      union all select 2,N'阝' union all select 3,N'马'  union all select 4,N'风' union all select 5,N'龙'  union all select 6,N'齐' union all select 7,N'龟'  union all select 8,N'齿' union all select 9,N'鸩'  union all select 10,N'龀' union all select 11,N'龛' union all select 12,N'龂' union all select 13,N'龆' union all select 14,N'龈' union all select 15,N'龊' union all select 16,N'龍' union all select 17,N'龠' union all select 18,N'龎' union all select 19,N'龐' union all select 20,N'龑' union all select 21,N'龡' union all select 22,N'龢' union all select 23,N'龝' union all select 24,N'齹' union all select 25,N'龣' union all select 26,N'龥' union all select 27,N'齈' union all select 28,N'龞' union all select 29,N'麷' union all select 30,N'鸞' union all select 31,N'麣' union all select 32,N'龖' union all select 33,N'龗' union all select 35,N'齾' union all select 36,N'齉' union all select 39,N'靐' union all select 64,N'龘' )a where ch>=@char collate Chinese_PRC_Stroke_CS_AS_KS_WSorder by id ASC) else 0 end)
select dbo.fun_getbh('华'),dbo.fun_getbh('華')


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