【单选题】Which of the following is INCORRECT?



【单选题】The bar in the club is for the ________ use of its members.

【单选题】76. When invited to talk about his achievements, he refused to blow his own _____ and declined to speak at the meeting.

【单选题】It is absolutely essential that William ________ his study in spite of some learning difficulties.


【单选题】She ________ fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.

【单选题】We stood still, gazing out over the limitless ________ of the dessert.


【单选题】If only the patient ________ a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.

【单选题】In my first year at the university I learnt the ________ of journalism.

【单选题】79. The moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the ____ cause of the tides.

【简答题】例题9-1,9-2 课堂练习1 P216任务1,任务2

【单选题】The tuition fees are ________ to students coming from low-income families.

【单选题】I must leave now.________, if you want that book I'll bring it next time.

【单选题】Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people; they are ________ available these days.

【单选题】Thousands of ________ at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.

【单选题】The research requires more money than ________.

【单选题】Linda was ________ to experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.

【单选题】Doctor often ________ uneasiness in the people they deal with.


【单选题】Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and ________ her lips.

【单选题】At first Jim was not quite clear what he was going to do after university, but now he seems_____ on becoming a computer programmer.

【单选题】The student said there were a few points in the essay he ________ impossible to comprehend.

【单选题】All the President's Men ________ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.

【单选题】It is not uncommon for there ________ problems of communication between the old and the young.

【单选题】The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a ________ forgery.

【单选题】He would have finished his college education, but he ________ to quit and find a job to support his family.

【单选题】The committee has anticipated the problems that ________ in the road construction project.

【简答题】有一个文本文件test.txt,里面包含如下数据: apple,banana,lemen,orange,grape,pear,peach grape,pear,peach,strawberry,cherry apple,orange,grape strawberry,cherry,lemen orange,grape,pear,apple 要求: 在Spark编程环境下实现以下任务: 1、找出包含apple的行 2、将包含apple的行按照“,”进行分割,得到一个列表集合 3、将集合中重复的单词去掉 4、将数据存储到hdfs中的/output目录下

【单选题】“You ________ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,”I told my friend.

【单选题】This sort of rude behavior in public hardly ________ a person in your position.

【单选题】________ at in his way, the situation does not seem so desperate.

【单选题】80. Teddy came to my ____ with a cheque of $200 to pay my room rate, after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen.

【单选题】77. In spite of the treatment, the pain in his leg grew in .


【单选题】The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the ________ of the earthquake.

【单选题】After a long delay, she ________ replying to my e-mail.

【单选题】First, we need to find out what his scheme is, and then act _____.

【单选题】According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the ________ of 59 percent.

【单选题】It is not ________ much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.

【其它】1.例题3-5 2.例题3-6 3.例题3-7

【单选题】Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably ________ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.

【单选题】78. Bus services between Town Centre and Newton Housing Estate will be _____ until the motorway is repaired.

【单选题】She's always been kind to me –I can't just turn ________ on her now that she needs my help.


【完型填空】More and more people (31) _have___ to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies (32) have been asking people in certain areas to install the alarms before they will give them insurance for the fast year. This is (33) _due___ to increasing crime in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people (34) who are struggling to make (35) –-不要填ends meet. The alarms, (36) which can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is (37) estimated that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and that another 20% of people plan (38) to have them installed but have not installed them (39) yet. The insurance companies told people (40) to install the alarms on all doors and windows. More and more people (31) _have___ to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies (32) have been asking people in certain areas to install the alarms before they will give them insurance for the fast year. This is (33) _due___ to increasing crime in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people (34) who are struggling to make (35) –-不要填ends meet. The alarms, (36) which can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is (37) estimated that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and that another 20% of people plan (38) to have them installed but have not installed them (39) yet. The insurance companies told people (40) to install the alarms on all doors and windows. More and more people (31) _have___ to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies (32) have been asking people in certain areas to install the alarms before they will give them insurance for the fast year. This is (33) _due___ to increasing crime in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people (34) who are struggling to make (35) –-不要填ends meet. The alarms, (36) which can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is (37) estimated that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and that another 20% of people plan (38) to have them installed but have not installed them (39) yet. The insurance companies told people (40) to install the alarms on all doors and windows. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

【单选题】There are as good fish in the sea ________ ever came out of it.

【单选题】Teachers in this school were encouraged to use drama as a(n) _____ of learning.

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