

* *

* Name : MySQL Manager *

* Author : Windy_sk *

* Email : flyhorses@sina.com *

* HomePage: None (Maybe Soon) *

* Notice : U Can Use & Modify it freely, *


* *



How To Use:

$MySQL = new MySQL($host, $user, $pass)// Set the Database Class

$MySQL->ChangUser($user, $pass, $db="")// Change the Database User (Unusable in some versoin of MySQL)

$MySQL->OptimizeTab()// Optimize the Tablses of Selected Database

$MySQL->ReadSqlFile($file)// Read SQL File And Send Content of the File to HandleSQL($strSQL)

$MySQL->HandleSQL($strSQL)// Split the SQL Query String into a array from a whole String (Maybe Read from a File)

$MySQL->BatchExec($ArrSQL)// Execute Multi Query from an Array (Use HandleSQL First)

$MySQL->Connect($pconnect = false)// Build a Connection to MySQL to $MySQL->DB_conn

$MySQL->SelectDB($the_db)// Select a Database of MySQL to $MySQL->DB_select (Must Build Connect First)

$MySQL->Query($sql)// Execute a Query of MySQL, Result into $MySQL->DB_resut

$MySQL->SeekData($line)// Seek Data Row in the $MySQL->DB_resut ($MySQL->DB_Qtype Must Be Setted into True Before Query)

$MySQL->GetResult($line, $field="")// The Same Use as mysql_result ($MySQL->DB_Qtype Must Be Setted into True Before Query)

$MySQL->GetRS()// Return The Current Result as an Array and Set the Point of Result to the Next Result

$MySQL->GetStat()// Get the Current Status of MySQL

$MySQL->GetDBs()// Get the Databases List of Current MySQL Server as an Array

$MySQL->GetTabs($the_db)// Get the Tables List of Current Selected Database as an Array

$MySQL->GetIdx($the_tab) // Get the Indexes List of a Table as an Array

$MySQL->GetTabSetting($the_tab)// Get the Whole Struction of Current Selected Database as an Array

$MySQL->GetTabData($the_tab)// Get All of The Data of a Table

$MySQL->GetTabFields($the_db, $the_tab)// Get the Columns List of a Table as an Array

$MySQL->GetQueryFields()// Get the Columns List of Current Query

$MySQL->Free()// Free the $MySQL->DB_result in order to Release the System Resource

$MySQL->Close()// Close Current MySQL Link

$MySQL->Error($str)// Handle the Errors


class MySQL {

var $DB_host= "";

var $DB_user= "";

var $DB_pass= "";

var $DB_db= "";

var $DB_conn= NULL;

var $DB_select= NULL;

var $DB_error= false;

var $DB_qstr= "";

var $DB_result= NULL;

var $DB_RStype= 1;

var $DB_Qtype= false;

function MySQL($host, $user, $pass) {

$this->DB_serv = $host;

$this->DB_user = $user;

$this->DB_pass = $pass;



function ChangUser($user, $pass, $db="") { // Maybe doesn't work !

eval("\$result = mysql_change_user('$user', '$pass'".($db==""?"":", '$db'").");");

return $result;


function OptimizeTab() {

if($this->DB_select == NULL || $this->DB_conn == NULL) return false;

$tabs = $this->GetTabs($this->DB_db);

for($i=0; $i

$this->Query("OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$tabs[$i]);



return true;


function ReadSqlFile($file) {

return is_file($file)?$this->HandleSQL(join("",file($file))):"";


function HandleSQL($strSQL) {

$strSQL= trim($strSQL);

$strSQL= preg_replace("/^#[^\n]*\n?$/m", "", $strSQL);

$strSQL= preg_replace("/\r\n/", "\n", $strSQL);

$strSQL= preg_replace("/[\n]+/", "\n", $strSQL);

$strSQL= preg_replace("/[\t ]+/", " ", $strSQL);

$strSQL= preg_replace("/\/\*[^(\*\/)]*\*\//", "", $strSQL);

$temp= split(";",$strSQL);

$result= array();

for($i=0; $i

if(str_replace("\n","",$temp[$i]) != "") {

$result[] = preg_replace("/^\n*(.*)\n*$/m","\\1",$temp[$i]);





function BatchExec($ArrSQL){

if($this->DB_select == NULL || $this->DB_conn == NULL) return false;

for($i=0; $i

@mysql_unbuffered_query($ArrSQL[$i], $this->DB_conn);

$this->DB_qstr = $ArrSQL[$i];

if(mysql_error() != "")$this->Error("Error Occur in Batch Query");


return true;


function Connect($pconnect = false) {

if($pconnect) {

$this->DB_conn = @mysql_pconnect($this->DB_host, $this->DB_user, $this->DB_pass);

} else {

$this->DB_conn = @mysql_connect($this->DB_host, $this->DB_user, $this->DB_pass);


$this->DB_qstr = "none (Connect to MySQL Server)";

if(mysql_error() != "")$this->Error("Could not connect to MySQL Server");



function SelectDB($the_db) {

if($this->DB_conn == NULL) return false;

$this->DB_db = $the_db;

$this->DB_select = @mysql_select_db($the_db, $this->DB_conn);

$this->DB_qstr = "none (Select Database)";

if(mysql_error() != "")$this->Error("Could not connect to the Database");

return true;


function Query($sql) {

if($this->DB_conn == NULL) return false;


$ifsel = strstr("|selec|show |descr|expla|", strtolower(substr(trim($sql), 0, 5)));

if($this->DB_Qtype) {

$this->DB_result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->DB_conn);

} else {

$this->DB_result = @mysql_unbuffered_query($sql, $this->DB_conn);


$this->DB_qstr= $sql;

if($ifsel) {

$num_rows = @mysql_num_rows($this->DB_result);

} else {

$num_rows = @mysql_affected_rows($this->DB_conn);



if(mysql_error() != "")$this->Error("Error Occur in Query !");

return $num_rows;


function SeekData($line) {

if(!$this->DB_Qtype || $this->DB_result == NULL) return false;

$flag = @mysql_data_seek($this->DB_result, $line);

if(mysql_error() != "")$this->Error("Error Occur in Query !");

return $flag;


function GetResult($line, $field=""){

if(!$this->DB_Qtype || $this->DB_result == NULL) return false;

eval("\$result = @mysql_result(\$this->DB_result, $line".(empty($field)?"":", '$field'").");");

if(mysql_error() != "")$this->Error("Error Occur in Query !");

return $result;


function GetRS(){

if($this->DB_result == NULL) return false;


case 1:

$flag = ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->DB_result));


case 2:

$flag = ($row = @mysql_fetch_row($this->DB_result));


case 3:

$flag = ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($this->DB_result));



$flag = ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->DB_result));


$this->DB_qstr= "none(Get Recordset)";

if(mysql_error() != "")$this->Error("Error Occur in Get Recordset !");

return ($flag?$row:false);


function GetStat() {

if($this->DB_conn == NULL) return "";

$result = "";

$result .= "MySQL server version: ".mysql_get_server_info()."

$result .= "MySQL protocol version: ".mysql_get_proto_info()."

$result .= "MySQL host info: ".mysql_get_host_info()."

$result .= "MySQL client info: ".mysql_get_client_info()."

$result .= str_replace(" ","

return $result;


function GetDBs() {


$dbs = array();

$this->DB_result = @mysql_list_dbs($this->DB_conn);

$this->DB_qstr = "none (List Databases)";

if (mysql_error() != "") $this->Error("Could not List Databases");

$dbs = array();

$num_dbs = mysql_num_rows($this->DB_result);

for ($i = 0; $i < $num_dbs; $i++) {

$dbs[] = mysql_dbname($this->DB_result, $i);



return $dbs;


function GetTabs($the_db) {


$this->DB_result = @mysql_list_tables($the_db);

$this->DB_qstr = "none (List Tables of $the_db)";

if (mysql_error() != "") $this->Error("Could not List Tables");

$tabs = array();

$num_tabs = mysql_num_rows($this->DB_result);

for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tabs; $i++) {

$tabs[] = mysql_tablename($this->DB_result, $i);



return $tabs;


function GetIdx($the_tab) {


$this->DB_qstr = "SHOW INDEX FROM $the_tab";

$this->DB_result = mysql_query($this->DB_qstr);

if (mysql_error() != "") $this->Error("Could not List Table's Setting");

$idxes = array();

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($this->DB_result)){

if($row["Key_name"] != "PRIMARY") {

$tmp = $row["Column_name"];

if($row["Sub_part"] != "") $tmp .= "(".$row["Sub_part"].")";

if($row["Seq_in_index"] == 1) {

if(count($idxes) != 0)

$idxes[count($idxes)-1] .= ")";

$idxes[] = "INDEX ".$row["Key_name"]." (".$tmp;

} else {

$idxes[count($idxes)-1] .= ", $tmp";




if(count($idxes) != 0)

$idxes[count($idxes)-1] .= ")";


return $idxes;


function GetPri($the_tab) {


$this->DB_qstr = "SHOW FIELDS FROM $the_tab";

$this->DB_result = mysql_query($this->DB_qstr);

if (mysql_error() != "") $this->Error("Could not List Table's Setting");

$keys= "";

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->DB_result)) {

if($row["Key"] == "PRI" || $row["Key"] == "MUL")

$keys[]= $row["Field"];



return $keys;


function GetTabSetting($the_tab) {


$this->DB_qstr = "SHOW FIELDS FROM $the_tab";

$this->DB_result = mysql_query($this->DB_qstr);

if (mysql_error() != "") $this->Error("Could not List Table's Setting");

$result = "CREATE TABLE $the_tab (\n";

$P_key= "";

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->DB_result)) {

$string= "".$row["Field"]." ".$row["Type"]." ";

if($row["Null"] == "")$string .= "NOT NULL ";

if($row["Default"] != "")$string .= "Default \"".$row["Default"]."\" ";

if($row["Key"] == "PRI")$P_key.= "PRIMARY KEY (".$row["Field"].") ,\n";

elseif($row["Key"] == "MUL")$P_key.= "KEY ".$row["Field"]." (".$row["Field"].") ,\n";

$string .= $row["Extra"].",\n";

$result .= $string;


$result .= $P_key;

$idxes = $this->GetIdx($the_tab);

for($i=0; $i

$result .= "".$idxes[$i]." ,\n";


$result .= ");\n";


return $result;


function GetTabData($the_tab) {


$this->DB_qstr = "SELECT * FROM $the_tab";

$this->DB_result = mysql_query($this->DB_qstr);

if (mysql_error() != "") $this->Error("Could not List Table's Setting");

$result = "";

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($this->DB_result)) {

$result .= "INSERT INTO $the_tab VALUES (";

for($i=0; $i

$result .= "\"".addslashes($row[$i])."\",";

$result .= ");\n";


$result = str_replace("\",);","\");",$result);

return $result;


function GetTabFields($the_db, $the_tab) {


$this->DB_result = @mysql_list_fields($the_db, $the_tab, $this->DB_conn);

$this->DB_qstr = "none (List Fields of $the_tab)";

if (mysql_error() != "") $this->Error("Could not List Fields");

$fields = array();

$columns = mysql_num_fields($this->DB_result);

for ($i = 0; $i

$fields[] = mysql_field_name($this->DB_result, $i);



return $fields;


function GetQueryFields() {

if($this->DB_result == NULL) return false;

$fields = array();

$columns = mysql_num_fields($this->DB_result);

for ($i = 0; $i

$fields[] = mysql_field_name($this->DB_result, $i);


return $fields;


function Free() {


$this->DB_result = NULL;



function Close() {

if($this->DB_result != NULL)


if($this->DB_conn != NULL)


if($this->DB_select != NULL)

$this->DB_select = NULL;



function Error($str) {

$err_msg = "";

$err_msg .= "Time: ".gmdate("Y-n-j G:i", time() + 8 * 3600)."\n";

$err_msg .= "File: ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\n";

$err_msg .= "Error Message: $str \n";

$err_msg .= "Query String: ".$this->DB_qstr."\n";

$err_msg .= "MySQL Message: ".mysql_errno()." - ".mysql_error();

echo "
".str_replace("\n", "\n
\n", $err_msg);






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