
使用 Python 的 PyGame 做了一个弹球游戏,第一次使用Py做游戏,分享一下。

下载链接: 复制到浏览器

执行 index.py 就可以运行游戏了

PyGame开发游戏感觉上比H5、Unity等其他语言要反锁一点(可能刚接触不太习惯吧 _

分享下 HTML5 做的弹球游戏及完整源码



这里简单总结下 PyGame 开发游戏时的一些基础知识点


pygame.init();  # 初始化pygame
pygame.display.set_caption("Pong") # 设置标题
size = width, height = 800, 600;  # 设置窗口大小
scene = pygame.display.set_mode(size); # 创建显示窗口



ball = pygame.image.load(dirname + '/img/ball.jpg');
ballRect = ball.get_rect();
ballRect.centerx = 100; # 设置图片位置
ballRect.centery = 200;
scene.blit(ball, ballRect);  # 将小球图片画到场景中上
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 100); # 创建文字,定义大小
leftScore = font.render("文字显示内容", 1, (255, 255, 255)); # 渲染并设置颜色
leftScoreRect = leftScore.get_rect();
leftScoreRect.centerx = 200; # 设置文字位置
leftScoreRect.centery = 70; # 设置文字位置
scene.blit(leftScore, leftScoreRect);  # 将文字添加到显示窗口


lineColor = (255, 255, 255); # 线段颜色
for i in range(0, 40):start = (400, i * 15); # 线段开始位置end = (400, i * 15 + 10); # 线段结束位置pygame.draw.line(scene, lineColor, start, end, 4); # 绘制到窗口中




fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock(); # 获得pygame的时钟
while True: # 死循环确保窗口一直显示# 这里实现动画效果fpsClock.tick(30);  # 设置pygame时钟的间隔时间
# 死循环确保窗口一直显示
while True:# 小球移动ballRect.centerx += 1;ballRect.centery += 1;scene.blit(ball, ballRect);  # 将小球图片重新画到窗口上pygame.display.update();  # 更新窗口显示fpsClock.tick(30);  # 设置pygame时钟的间隔时间




while True: # 死循环确保窗口一直显示for event in pygame.event.get():  # 遍历所有事件if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # 键盘按下事件if event.key == pygame.K_UP: # 当按下的按键是向上箭头时if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # 当按下的按键是向下箭头时if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: # 键盘抬起事件if event.key == pygame.K_UP:if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:fpsClock.tick(30);  # 设置pygame时钟的间隔时间
while True: # 死循环确保窗口一直显示if event.type == pygame.QUIT:  # 如果单击关闭窗口,则退出sys.exit();fpsClock.tick(30);  # 设置pygame时钟的间隔时间



import pygame;
import sys;
import os;
import math;dirname, runFile = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]));pygame.init();  # 初始化pygame
pygame.display.set_caption("Pong") # 设置标题
size = width, height = 800, 600;  # 设置窗口大小# 显示窗口
scene = pygame.display.set_mode(size);
bgColor = (0, 0, 0);  # 设置颜色# 添加小球图片
ball = pygame.image.load(dirname + '/img/ball.jpg');
ballRect = ball.get_rect();# 添加左挡板图片
leftBlock = pygame.image.load(dirname + '/img/block.jpg');
leftBlockRect = leftBlock.get_rect();
leftBlockRect.centerx = 40;
leftBlockRect.centery = 300;# 添加右挡板图片
rightBlock = pygame.image.load(dirname + '/img/block.jpg');
rightBlockRect = rightBlock.get_rect();
rightBlockRect.centerx = 760;
rightBlockRect.centery = 300;#定义画中线函数
def drawLine():lineColor = (255, 255, 255);for i in range(0, 40):start = (400, i * 15);end = (400, i * 15 + 10);pygame.draw.line(scene, lineColor, start, end, 4);# 得分
leftScoreNum = 0;
rightScoreNum = 0;# 左侧分数
def leftScoreShow():font = pygame.font.Font(None, 100); # 创建字体对象leftScore = font.render(str(leftScoreNum), 1, (255, 255, 255)); # 文本与颜色leftScoreRect = leftScore.get_rect();leftScoreRect.centerx = 200;leftScoreRect.centery = 70;scene.blit(leftScore, leftScoreRect); # 将左侧得分画到场景中上# 右侧分数
def rightScoreShow():font = pygame.font.Font(None, 100); # 创建字体对象rightScore = font.render(str(rightScoreNum), 1, (255, 255, 255)); # 文本与颜色rightScoreRect = rightScore.get_rect();rightScoreRect.centerx = 600;rightScoreRect.centery = 70;scene.blit(rightScore, rightScoreRect); # 将右侧得分画到场景中上# 得分
def addScore(type):if type == 1 :global leftScoreNum;leftScoreNum = leftScoreNum + 1;else :global rightScoreNum;rightScoreNum = rightScoreNum + 1;# 重置小球
def resetBall(type):global ballRect;global ballSpeedAngle;ballRect.centerx = 400;ballRect.centery = 300;if type == 1 :ballSpeedAngle = 0;else :ballSpeedAngle = math.pi;# 挡板与球的碰撞
isLeftBlockCrash = False;
isRightBlockCrash = False;
def blockCrash(speedX):global isLeftBlockCrash;global isRightBlockCrash;global ballSpeedAngle;if (ballRect.centerx < leftBlockRect.centerx + leftBlockRect.width / 2 and ballRect.centerx > leftBlockRect.centerx - leftBlockRect.width / 2) and (ballRect.centery < leftBlockRect.centery + leftBlockRect.height / 2 and ballRect.centery > leftBlockRect.centery - leftBlockRect.height / 2) :if isLeftBlockCrash == False :if speedX > 0 :ballSpeedAngle = -(ballSpeedAngle - math.pi);else :#回弹角度增益ballSpeedAngle = (ballRect.centery - leftBlockRect.centery)/50;isLeftBlockCrash = True;else :isLeftBlockCrash = False;if (ballRect.centerx < rightBlockRect.centerx + rightBlockRect.width / 2 and ballRect.centerx > rightBlockRect.centerx - rightBlockRect.width / 2) and (ballRect.centery < rightBlockRect.centery + rightBlockRect.height / 2 and ballRect.centery > rightBlockRect.centery - rightBlockRect.height / 2) :if isRightBlockCrash == False :if speedX > 0 :ballSpeedAngle = -(ballSpeedAngle - math.pi);else :#回弹角度增益ballSpeedAngle = (ballRect.centery - rightBlockRect.centery)/50;isRightBlockCrash = True;else :isRightBlockCrash = False;# 获得pygame的时钟
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock();#定义小球移动速度
ballSpeed = 15;
ballSpeedAngle = 1/4 * math.pi;#定义横杆移动速度
leftMoveSpeed = 0;
rightMoveSpeed = 0;# 死循环确保窗口一直显示
while True:# 计算小球移动速度speedX = math.cos(ballSpeedAngle) * ballSpeed;speedY = math.sin(ballSpeedAngle) * ballSpeed;# 小球移动ballRect.centerx += speedX;ballRect.centery += speedY;# 左横杆移动leftBlockRect.centery += leftMoveSpeed;if(leftBlockRect.centery < 50):leftBlockRect.centery = 50;if(leftBlockRect.centery > 550):leftBlockRect.centery = 550;# 右横杆移动rightBlockRect.centery += rightMoveSpeed;if(rightBlockRect.centery < 50):rightBlockRect.centery = 50;if(rightBlockRect.centery > 550):rightBlockRect.centery = 550;# 碰撞上下边界if(ballRect.centery > 600):ballSpeedAngle = -ballSpeedAngle;if(ballRect.centery < 0):ballSpeedAngle = -ballSpeedAngle;if(ballRect.centerx > 800):ballSpeedAngle = -(ballSpeedAngle - math.pi);addScore(1); # 左边得分resetBall(1); # 重置小球并先向右发射if(ballRect.centerx < 0):ballSpeedAngle = -(ballSpeedAngle - math.pi);addScore(0);  # 右边得分resetBall(0); # 重置小球并先向左发射for event in pygame.event.get():  # 遍历所有事件if event.type == pygame.QUIT:  # 如果单击关闭窗口,则退出sys.exit();if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_UP:rightMoveSpeed = -8;if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:rightMoveSpeed = 8;if event.key == pygame.K_w:leftMoveSpeed = -8;if event.key == pygame.K_s:leftMoveSpeed = 8;if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:if event.key == pygame.K_UP:rightMoveSpeed = 0;if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:rightMoveSpeed = 0;if event.key == pygame.K_w:leftMoveSpeed = 0;if event.key == pygame.K_s:leftMoveSpeed = 0;scene.fill(bgColor);  # 填充黑色背景scene.blit(ball, ballRect);  # 将小球图片画到场景中上scene.blit(leftBlock, leftBlockRect);  # 将左侧挡板图片画到场景中上scene.blit(rightBlock, rightBlockRect);  # 将右侧挡板图片画到场景中上drawLine(); # 画中心虚线leftScoreShow(); # 左侧分数显示rightScoreShow(); # 右侧分数显示blockCrash(speedX); # 碰撞检测pygame.display.update();  # 更新全部显示fpsClock.tick(30);  # 设置pygame时钟的间隔时间

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