imap 已读回执

A lot of people ask how to schedule an email for a certain date and for good reason.  As we hope our colleagues set dates and times for meetings on their Outlook calendar and set up a reminder there is always someone who conveniently “didn’t get the email”.  Today we will look at a couple of easy to implement features in Outlook 2007 to ensure they did get the email and even read it.

很多人出于充分的理由而问如何安排在特定日期发送电子邮件。 正如我们希望我们的同事在其Outlook日历上设置会议的日期和时间并提醒您一样,总会有人方便地“没有收到电子邮件”。 今天,我们将研究Outlook 2007中几个易于实现的功能,以确保它们确实能够接收甚至阅读电子邮件。

The first thing you can do to ensure an email was delivered and read is by Requesting a Delivery and Read Receipt.  With the message you’re composing open, click on the Options tab and in the Tracking section place a checkmark next to both Request a Delivery and a Request Receipt.  This way you can keep track of when the message was delivered and when it was opened.

确保发送和阅读电子邮件的第一件事是通过请求发送和阅读回执。 在您准备撰写的邮件打开的情况下,单击“ 选项”选项卡,然后在“ 跟踪”部分中,在“请求送达”和“请求收据”旁边都选中一个勾号。 这样,您可以跟踪何时传递邮件以及何时打开邮件。

Just because you do receive a Receipt that the person read the email, make sure their settings are not set to Always send a response when a Read Receipt is requested.  To check this setting go to Tools Options Preferences Email Options then the Tracking Options tab.

仅仅是因为您确实收到了该人已阅读电子邮件的回执,所以请确保未将其设置设置为请求已读回执时始终发送答复 。 要检查此设置,请转到工具选项首选项电子邮件选项,然后进入跟踪选项标签。

Now in the Tracking Options box make sure “Always send a response” or “Never send a response”.  Of course you might want to talk this over with the recipient or you’re IT department.

现在,在“跟踪选项”框中,确保“始终发送响应” “从不发送响应”。 当然,您可能想与收件人讨论此事,或者您是IT部门。

For even more certainty they know about the appointment click on the tab near the lower left corner of the Tracking section to get to Message Options.  Here we can do a few things, one of which is very handy and that is to delay the message delivery for a future date.  Under Delivery Options check “Do not deliver before” and select the date and time to send a reminder message.  One caveat to this is with POP3 accounts, you have to keep the Outlook application open until it’s time for the message to be sent.

为了更加确定他们对约会的了解,请单击“ 跟踪”部分左下角附近的选项卡以转到“ 邮件选项” 。 在这里,我们可以做一些事情,其中​​之一非常方便,那就是将消息传递推迟到将来的某个日期。 在“ 传递选项 下,选中“请勿在此之前传递”,然后选择发送提醒消息的日期和时间。 需要注意的是POP3帐户,您必须保持Outlook应用程序打开,直到需要发送邮件为止。

Also, you can set the Importance to High and add a couple extra email accounts for replies to be sent to … hey you never know.

另外,您可以将“重要性”设置为“ 高”,并添加几个额外的电子邮件帐户,以便将答复发送给……嘿,您永远不知道。

Keep in mind that when you schedule an email to be sent at a future date it will remain in your Outbox until it is time to be sent.

请记住,当您安排在将来的某个日期发送电子邮件时,它将保留在“ 发件箱”中,直到有时间发送为止。

With these simple options and Sharing A Calendar there should be perfect communication about the TPS Reports.  Of course if it comes down to it you can always Easily Re-send the Message.

通过这些简单的选项和“ 共享日历” ,应该就TPS报告进行完美的沟通。 当然,如果遇到问题,您可以随时轻松地重新发送消息 。


imap 已读回执

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