
Services vs. Components

When you register components, you have to tell Autofac which services that component exposes. By default, most registrations will just expose themselves as the type registered:

// This exposes the service "CallLogger"

Components can only be resolved by the services they expose. In this simple example it means:

// This will work because the component
// exposes the type by default:
scope.Resolve<CallLogger>();// This will NOT work because we didn't
// tell the registration to also expose
// the ILogger interface on CallLogger:

You can expose a component with any number of services you like:


Once you expose a service, you can resolve the component based on that service. Note, however, that once you expose a component as a specific service, the default service (the component type) is overridden:

// These will both work because we exposed
// the appropriate services in the registration:
scope.Resolve<ICallInterceptor>();// This WON'T WORK anymore because we specified
// service overrides on the component:

If you want to expose a component as a set of services as well as using the default service, use the AsSelf method:


Now all of these will work:

// These will all work because we exposed
// the appropriate services in the registration:




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