php ical 时区

Someone sent you an iCalendar file, but you’re a Google Calendar user. Can you even use this?

有人给您发送了一个iCalendar文件,但您是Google日历用户。 你能用这个吗?

Yes! People associate the iCalendar format with Apple products, but it’s actually an open standard, and Google Calendar supports it. This means that both iCalendar downloads and iCalendar URLs work well with Google’s online calendar, though the way to add them is somewhat hidden. Here’s a quick explainer, so you can quickly add that file or URL to you Google Calendar.

是! 人们将iCalendar格式与Apple产品相关联,但实际上这是一个开放标准,Google日历支持该格式。 这意味着iCalendar下载和iCalendar URL都可以与Google的在线日历很好地配合,尽管添加它们的方法有些隐蔽。 这是一个快速的解释器,因此您可以将该文件或URL快速添加到您的Google日历中。

从计算机导入iCalendar文件 (Import an iCalendar File From Your Computer)

Importing iCalendar files to your Google Calendar is simple, but the functionality is somewhat buried. Head to Google Calendar, then look at the left panel. You’ll see two lists of calendars there: “My calendars” and “Other calendars.”

将iCalendar文件导入到您的Google日历很简单,但是功能有些隐蔽。 转到Google日历,然后查看左侧面板。 您会在此处看到两个日历列表:“我的日历”和“其他日历”。

To import an iCal file, you need to click the arrow button next to “Other calendars,” then click the “Import” option.


A window will pop up asking which file you’d like to import, and which calendar you’d like to add the file’s appointments to. If you want the events added to their own calendar, create a new calendar before importing.

将弹出一个窗口,询问您要导入哪个文件,以及要将文件的约会添加到哪个日历。 如果要将事件添加到自己的日历中,请在导入之前创建一个新日历。

Once everything is set up, click “Import” and Google Calendar will import everything from the file. You should see the changes immediately.

一切设置完成后,单击“导入”,Google日历将从文件中导入所有内容。 您应该立即看到更改。

As you can see, I now know about my important business event meeting conference town—which is good, because I don’t want to forget about that. I’m sure you’ve got equally important and real appointments to keep track.

如您所见,我现在知道我重要的商务事件会议会议之乡-很好,因为我不想忘记这一点。 我敢肯定,您有同样重要且真实的约会来跟踪。

订阅在线日历 (Subscribe to an Online Calendar)

The iCalendar format isn’t just for offline files: it’s also commonly used to share web-based calendars, generally using a URL starting with webcal://. These web-based calendars are nice because they automatically update, but if you found an iCalendar URL, you might not know what to do with it. You can find and subscribe to hundreds of calendars at, and for this example we’ll be subscribing to webcal://, which highlights events in American history.

iCalendar格式不仅适用于脱机文件:它还通常用于共享基于Web的日历,通常使用以webcal://开头的URL。 这些基于Web的日历很不错,因为它们会自动更新,但是如果找到了iCalendar URL,您可能不知道该如何处理。 您可以在iCalShare.com上 找到并订阅数百个日历,在本示例中,我们将订阅webcal:// ,该突出显示了美国历史上的事件。

In Google Calendar, click the down arrow button beside the “Other calendars” section in the left side. The option you’re looking for is “Import calendar.”

在Google日历中,点击左侧“其他日历”部分旁边的向下箭头按钮。 您要查找的选项是“导入日历”。

Click this and you’ll see a pop-up, in which you can paste any iCalendar URL.

单击此按钮,您将看到一个弹出窗口,您可以在其中粘贴任何iCalendar URL。

Click the “Add Calendar” button, and you’re done! Your new calendar will show up in the list under “Other Calendars,” and events should show up right away.

点击“添加日历”按钮,您就完成了! 您的新日历将显示在“其他日历”下的列表中,并且事件应立即显示。

If the calendar doesn’t show up, check to make sure the calendar is still actively updated, or that you’ve used the correct URL.


在不查找文件的情况下将酷日历添加到Google日历 (Add Cool Calendars to Google Calendar Without Finding Files)

Don’t want to bother finding iCalendar links? Google offers a decent number of calendars inside Google Calendar itself, and they’re easy to find. Click the arrow button beside “Other Calendars” again, and this time head to “Browse Interesting Calendars.”

不想找iCalendar链接吗? Google在Google日历本身内部提供了很多日历,而且很容易找到。 再次单击“其他日历”旁边的箭头按钮,这次转到“浏览有趣的日历”。

You can use this feature to subscribe to your favorite sports teams, and even get the scores the day after games.

您可以使用此功能订阅自己喜欢的运动队 ,甚至在比赛后一天获得比分。

You’ll also find calendars for holidays in countries around the world, and sunrise and sunset times for whatever town you live in. There’s a lot to explore, so dive in.



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