
吐个槽,那些只贴代码不附上运行结果的toturial, 我表示...我就不明白,既然有些bloger代码都给出来了


说明:额...这个问题"贴"没有附上运行结果,是因为直接会卡死我的Linux主机,然后我压根没办法截屏给大家看,也没办法debug. 希望谅解



code writer : EOF
code date   : 2014.09.02
code file   : proc_time_delay.c
e-mail      : jasonleaster@gmail.comcode purpose:This code is programmed for how to delay 1 second by
jiffies and HZ.If there is something wrong with my code, please touch
me by e-mail. Thank you.************************************************************/
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>    /* for procfs */
#include <linux/seq_file.h>   /* for 'struct seq_file' */
#include <linux/types.h>#include <linux/jiffies.h>  /* for jiffies */#define PROC_NAME "delay_one_second"MODULE_AUTHOR("Jason Leaster");
MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL");static int proc_demo_seq_show(struct seq_file* sfile,void* v)
{int tmp = 0;unsigned long jif = jiffies;unsigned long one_second_later = jiffies + HZ;for(tmp = 0; tmp < 10;tmp++){while(time_after(one_second_later,jif)){jif = jiffies;}      one_second_later = jif + HZ;seq_printf(sfile,"Hello world! jiffies:%lu\n",jif);}return 0;
}static void* proc_demo_seq_start(struct seq_file* sfile,loff_t *pos)
{return NULL;
}static void proc_demo_seq_stop(struct seq_file* sfile,void* v)
{/* Nothing to be done. */
}static void* proc_demo_seq_next(struct seq_file* sfile,void* v,loff_t* pos)
{return NULL;
}static struct seq_operations proc_demo_ops =
{.start =  proc_demo_seq_start,.next   =  proc_demo_seq_next,.stop    =  proc_demo_seq_stop,.show    =  proc_demo_seq_show,
};static int proc_demo_open(struct inode* inode, struct file* filp)
{return single_open(filp,&proc_demo_seq_show,NULL);
}struct file_operations proc_demo_fops =
{.owner =  THIS_MODULE,.open   =  proc_demo_open,.read    =  seq_read,.release= seq_release,
};int proc_demo_init(void)
{struct proc_dir_entry * entry = NULL;entry = proc_create(PROC_NAME,0,NULL,&proc_demo_fops);if(!entry){printk(KERN_ALERT "line:%d proc_create failed!",__LINE__);}return 0;
}void proc_demo_exit(void)
{/***       The second parameter of 'remove_proc_entry()' is ** a pointer which point to parent directory.We create our** proc-entry-point in /proc/, so we pass NULL into it.*/remove_proc_entry(PROC_NAME,NULL);


code writer : EOF
code date   : 2014.09.02
code file   : proc_time_delay.c
e-mail      : jasonleaster@gmail.comcode purpose:This code is programmed for how to delay by kernel
timer.If there is something wrong with my code, please touch
me by e-mail. Thank you.************************************************************/
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>    /* for procfs */
#include <linux/seq_file.h>   /* for 'struct seq_file' */
#include <linux/types.h>#include <linux/jiffies.h>  /* for jiffies */
#include <linux/timer.h>  /* for timer*/#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>#define PROC_NAME "delay_kernel_timer"MODULE_AUTHOR("Jason Leaster");
**  First of all, you should make abstract a model
** for our device driver and include the timer.
*/struct timer_delay_model
{struct timer_list timer;wait_queue_head_t wait;unsigned long prevjiffies;struct seq_file   * output;int loops ;/*  ... */
};void jif_timer_fn(unsigned long arg)
{struct timer_delay_model* p_model = (struct timer_delay_model*)arg;unsigned long jif = jiffies;seq_printf(p_model->output,"Hello world! jiffies:%lu\n",jif);printk(KERN_ALERT "in jif_timer_fc %d\n",p_model->loops);/*if(--(p_model->loops)){p_model->timer.expires += HZ;p_model->prevjiffies = jif;add_timer(&p_model->timer);}else{wake_up_interruptible(&p_model->wait);}
*/p_model->loops = 0;
}static int proc_demo_seq_show(struct seq_file* sfile,void* v)
{unsigned long jif = jiffies;struct timer_delay_model* p_model;p_model = kmalloc(sizeof(struct timer_delay_model),GFP_KERNEL);if(!p_model){printk(KERN_ALERT "kmalloc error in %d %s\n",__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);return -ENOMEM;}else{printk(KERN_ALERT "start to initialization %lu\n",jiffies);init_timer(&p_model->timer);init_waitqueue_head(&p_model->wait);p_model->prevjiffies  = jif;p_model->output       = sfile;p_model->loops      = LOOP;p_model->timer.data  = (unsigned long) sfile;p_model->timer.function = jif_timer_fn;p_model->timer.expires   = jif + HZ;// delay 1 secondprintk(KERN_ALERT "add_timer  ing %lu\n",jiffies);add_timer(&p_model->timer);}printk(KERN_ALERT "add_timer  finished %lu\n",jiffies);//    wait_event_interruptible(p_model->wait,!(p_model->loops));while(time_after(p_model->prevjiffies + HZ,jif)){jif = jiffies;}       printk(KERN_ALERT "wait finished\n");kfree(p_model);if (signal_pending(current))return -ERESTARTSYS;return 0;
}static void* proc_demo_seq_start(struct seq_file* sfile,loff_t *pos)
{return NULL;
}static void proc_demo_seq_stop(struct seq_file* sfile,void* v)
{/* Nothing to be done. */
}static void* proc_demo_seq_next(struct seq_file* sfile,void* v,loff_t* pos)
{return NULL;
}static struct seq_operations proc_demo_ops =
{.start =  proc_demo_seq_start,.next   =  proc_demo_seq_next,.stop    =  proc_demo_seq_stop,.show    =  proc_demo_seq_show,
};static int proc_demo_open(struct inode* inode, struct file* filp)
{return single_open(filp,&proc_demo_seq_show,NULL);
}struct file_operations proc_demo_fops =
{.owner =  THIS_MODULE,.open   =  proc_demo_open,.read    =  seq_read,.release= single_release,
};int proc_demo_init(void)
{struct proc_dir_entry * entry = NULL;entry = proc_create(PROC_NAME,0,NULL,&proc_demo_fops);if(!entry){printk(KERN_ALERT "line:%d proc_create failed!",__LINE__);}return 0;
}void proc_demo_exit(void)
{/***       The second parameter of 'remove_proc_entry()' is ** a pointer which point to parent directory.We create our** proc-entry-point in /proc/, so we pass NULL into it.*/remove_proc_entry(PROC_NAME,NULL);

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