cortana 无法使用

Cortana now lets you create and manage lists with your voice, and even lets you connect to Wunderlist if you want. Here’s how to do it.

现在,Cortana允许您使用语音创建和管理列表,甚至可以根据需要连接到Wunderlist。 这是操作方法。

Cortana in Windows 10 is billed as a personal assistant—much like Siri on Apple devices—and to be sure, you can do some pretty useful things with it. Until recently, though, Cortana was not able to perform one of the more tasks you might expect of a personal assistant—making lists. Now, Cortana has added that skill. You can make lists right in Windows and you can even hook Cortana up to Wunderlist, the popular list creating application.

Windows 10中的Cortana被称为个人助理,就像Apple设备上的Siri一样,并且可以肯定的是,您可以使用它来做一些非常有用的事情 。 但是直到最近,Cortana仍无法执行您可能期望的个人助理的其他任务之一-列出清单。 现在,Cortana已添加了该技能。 您可以直接在Windows中创建列表,甚至可以将Cortana连接到流行的列表创建应用程序Wunderlist 。

如何使用Cortana创建和管理基本列表 (How to Create and Manage Basic Lists with Cortana)

You can manage lists in Cortana by using three basic commands: create, add, and show. You can do it by typing in the Cortana search box or just using your voice if you’ve got that set up. Using voice in particular makes managing lists much nicer. For example, I can be typing an article like this one, think of something I need to do, and tell Cortana to add it to a list without ever leaving my work.

您可以使用以下三个基本命令来管理Cortana中的列表:创建,添加和显示。 您可以通过在Cortana搜索框中键入内容来完成此操作,也可以只使用语音(如果已进行了设置)。 特别是使用语音,可以更好地管理列表。 例如,我可以输入这样的文章,想想我需要做的事情,然后告诉Cortana在不离开我的工作的情况下将其添加到列表中。

To create a new list in Cortana, you’ll use the “create” command. Just tell Cortana to create the list by using the following syntax:

要在Cortana中创建新列表,您将使用“创建”命令。 只需告诉Cortana使用以下语法即可创建列表:

create a list_name list

For example, you might type or say “Create a reading list.” You can name your list anything you want, but Cortana responds best if you use one word names.

例如,您可以输入或说“创建阅读列表”。 您可以根据需要命名列表,但是如果使用一个单词名称,Cortana的响应最佳。

To add something to your list, use the “add” command in the following syntax:

要将某些内容添加到列表中,请使用以下语法中的“ add”命令:

add item_name to my list_name list

For example, you might type or say something like “Add To Kill a Mockingbird to my reading list.”


You can also view your list at any time by using the “show” command in the following syntax:

您还可以随时使用以下语法的“ show”命令来查看列表:

show my list_name list

For example, you might type or say “Show my reading list.” When viewing your reading list, you can mark items complete to remove them from the list.

例如,您可以输入或说“显示我的阅读清单”。 查看阅读列表时,您可以将项目标记为已完成,以将其从列表中删除。

You can also tell Cortana “Show me my lists” to see all your lists at once.


Unfortunately, Cortana lists are pretty basic. You can’t view completed items or set reminder dates, for example. Fortunately, Cortana also allows you to connect to Wunderlist if you need more out of your lists.

不幸的是,Cortana列表是非常基本的。 例如,您无法查看已完成的项目或设置提醒日期。 幸运的是,如果您需要更多列表,Cortana还允许您连接到Wunderlist。

如何将Cortana连接到Wunderlist (How to Connect Cortana to Wunderlist)

Wunderlist is a pretty full-featured list app that’s available on just about every platform you can think of. When you connect Cortana to Wunderlist, you’ll still be managing lists in Cortana the exactl same way we described previously. You don’t actually get any new Cortana commands. What will happen, though, is that any lists you create using Cortana will be automatically synced to Wunderlist. And changes you make to those lists in Wunderlist will be synced back to Cortana.

Wunderlist是一个功能齐全的列表应用程序,几乎可以在您想到的每个平台上使用。 当您将Cortana连接到Wunderlist时,您仍将以与前面所述完全相同的方式管理Cortana中的列表。 您实际上并没有获得任何新的Cortana命令。 但是,将发生的是,您使用Cortana创建的任何列表都将自动同步到Wunderlist。 您对Wunderlist中的这些列表所做的更改将同步回Cortana。

This means you’ll be able to add items to a list on your PC using Cortana and then have that list with you wherever you go. You’ll also be able to use all the extra Wunderlist tools on those lists while you’re in the Wunderlist app.

这意味着您可以使用Cortana将项目添加到PC上的列表中,然后随身携带该列表。 在Wunderlist应用程序中时,您还可以使用这些列表上的所有其他Wunderlist工具。

To connect Cortana to Wunderlist, tell Cortana “Show me my lists” and then click the “Wunderlist” link.

要将Cortana连接到Wunderlist,请告诉Cortana“显示我的列表”,然后单击“ Wunderlist”链接。

After signing in to Wunderlist, you’ll be asked to authorize Cortana to access Wunderlist.


And then you’ll be asked whether you want Windows to remember your Wunderlist sign in credentials.


When you’re done getting Cortana and Wunderlist connected, your lists should sync up right way. You can keep using Cortana to create lists the same way and rely on being able to use them in any Wunderlist app.

连接好Cortana和Wunderlist后,您的列表应该以正确的方式同步。 您可以继续使用Cortana以相同的方式创建列表,并依靠能够在任何Wunderlist应用程序中使用它们。


cortana 无法使用

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