rainmeter 皮肤

If you’ve ever seen one of those super-customized desktops that are sometimes featured on Lifehacker, you might have wondered just how they put them together—so today we’ll take a quick tour through Rainmeter, the desktop customization utility.


Note: this guide isn’t really meant for the serious geek, as you’ll probably already understand most of what we’re discussing. If you have any advice for new users, however, please feel free to offer your tips in the comments.

注意:本指南并非真正针对认真的极客,因为您可能已经了解了我们正在讨论的大部分内容。 但是,如果您对新用户有任何建议,请随时在评论中提供提示。

安装和使用雨量计 (Installing and Using Rainmeter)

The first thing you’ll need to do is grab a copy of the latest version of the Rainmeter installer, which as of this writing is version 1.3.


Running through the setup is as simple as clicking through a couple of screens, deciding whether or not you want Rainmeter to start with Windows, and which them you want as the default theme—Gnometer is now the default choice, and that’s what we’ll talk about today.


Once you’ve installed and launched Rainmeter, you’ll immediately notice the bar at the top of the screen, and a couple of default widgets including the Settings dialog. From here you can customize the placement of the bar and whether it should appear as a bar, floating panel, or transparent.

安装并启动Rainmeter后,您将立即注意到屏幕顶部的栏和几个默认小部件,包括“设置”对话框。 在这里,您可以自定义条的位置以及条应显示为条,浮动面板还是透明。

Under the Skin Settings, you can configure extra settings for some of the available widgets—for instance, if you want to put in your Gmail or Google Calendar details, or configure Facebook, this is where you’d need to go.


In this example, we want to customize the Weather gadget to show the weather for our location. If you click on the instructions link, it will open up the Gnometer maual—which is oddly enough implemented on a web page and requires Flash. (Hey developers: that’s annoying!)

在此示例中,我们要自定义“天气”小工具以显示我们所在位置的天气。 如果单击说明链接,它将打开Gnometer手册-奇怪的是在网页上实现了该手册并需要Flash。 (嘿,开发人员:这很烦人!)

Since the weather widget uses Weather.com, if you head over there and find your location, you’ll be able to see the 8 character code that you need to paste into the settings dialog. It should look something like this:

由于天气小部件使用Weather.com,因此如果您转到那里并找到位置,您将能够看到需要粘贴到设置对话框中的8个字符的代码。 它看起来应该像这样:

Most of the widgets require some type of setup, which is a mostly manual process—you’ll have to figure out the settings for each one and check in the manual.


Once you’re done, you might wonder how to close the Settings panel, since there’s no close button anywhere. To close it, you’ll do it the same way you’ll close any Rainmeter widget, by simply right-clicking and choosing “Close Skin” from the menu. You can also edit or refresh the skin from this menu if you choose.

完成后,您可能会想知道如何关闭“设置”面板,因为任何地方都没有关闭按钮。 要关闭它,您将与关闭任何Rainmeter小部件的方式相同,只需右键单击并从菜单中选择“关闭皮肤”即可。 如果选择,还可以从此菜单编辑或刷新皮肤。

To launch the Settings dialog again, just right-click on any widget or the top bar and choose Gnometer –> Settings.ini from the menu.

要再次启动“设置”对话框,只需右键单击任何小部件或顶部栏,然后从菜单中选择Gnometer –> Settings.ini。

You can also add new widgets through the right-click menu by simply navigating to one of the items under the Gnometer menu and clicking it.


The one slightly annoying thing about this is that all the widgets show up in the upper-left corner, so if you have a widget there already, they will overlap and you’ll have to move it.


You can also use the included RainBrowser application to find widgets and organize them. They can be added directly to the desktop from this application, or you can refresh all the widgets, edit them, or browse the folder that the skin is stored in.

您还可以使用随附的RainBrowser应用程序查找小部件并对其进行组织。 可以从此应用程序将它们直接添加到桌面,也可以刷新所有小部件,对其进行编辑或浏览皮肤所在的文件夹。

You can also use the included RainThemes application to save a copy of your theme in case you want to try out something else, or setup multiple themes for different reasons.


There’s a real lot more to Rainmeter than what we’ve covered, but this should at least get you started putting system stats and other widgets on your desktop. In future articles, we’ll talk about some more geeky aspects of using Rainmeter, including editing themes and creating your own widgets.

Rainmeter确实比我们介绍的内容多得多,但这至少应该使您开始将系统统计信息和其他小部件放到桌面上。 在以后的文章中,我们将讨论使用Rainmeter的更多令人讨厌的方面,包括编辑主题和创建自己的小部件。

Download Rainmeter from rainmeter.net


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/31705/beginner’s-guide-to-rainmeter-display-system-stats-on-your-desktop/

rainmeter 皮肤

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