If you have a large spreadsheet with tons of data, it’s a good idea to create a Pivot Table to easily analyze data more easily. Today we take a look at creating a basic Pivot Table to better organize large amounts of data to identify specific areas.

如果您有一个包含大量数据的大型电子表格,则最好创建一个数据透视表以更轻松地分析数据。 今天,我们来看看如何创建基本的数据透视表,以更好地组织大量数据以识别特定区域。

Create a Pivot Table


First select any cell in the worksheet that contains the data you want to create the report on. Then under the Insert tab click on the PivotTable button.

首先,在工作表中选择任何包含要创建报表的数据的单元格。 然后在“插入”选项卡下,单击“数据透视表”按钮。

The PivotTable dialog box opens and the table or data range we already selected will show in that field. You can have it placed in a new worksheet or in the existing one where you will need to select the location. For our demonstration we will put it in a new worksheet because it makes things less cluttered.

将打开“数据透视表”对话框,并且我们已经选择的表或数据范围将显示在该字段中。 您可以将其放置在新工作表中或需要选择位置的现有工作表中。 在我们的演示中,我们将其放在一个新的工作表中,因为它使事情变得不那么混乱。

The PivotTable Field List opens up and the PivotTable tools become available.


Select the fields you want to include in the table by dragging them to the different boxes below. The table is built while dragging the fields into the boxes for Report Filter, Column Labels, Row Labels, and Values. This lets you move the data around so you can best organize it for your report.

通过将它们拖到下面的不同框中,选择要包含在表中的字段。 该表是在将字段拖到“报表过滤器”,“列标签”,“行标签”和“值”的框中时生成的。 这样一来,您就可以移动数据,以便最好地为报告组织数据。

You can arrange the view of the PivotTable Field list so it works best for you.


While building the PivotTable it’s fully functional so you can go through and test it out, like in this example where we’re filtering the months.


So now instead of having to hunt through a bunch of data in a large spreadsheet…


You can create a nice PivotTable for better organization and presentations.


Hopefully this will get you started creating your own Pivot Table. A lot of creating the table is trial and error and finding the best way to organize the data. As you progress in your use of Excel, you’ll find a lot of other customizations for more attractive layouts.

希望这将使您开始创建自己的数据透视表。 创建表的很多过程都是反复试验,并且找到组织数据的最佳方法。 随着使用Excel的进展,您会发现许多其他自定义项,以获取更具吸引力的布局。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/6416/how-to-create-a-pivot-table-in-excel-2007/

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