

dblogin userid xxx,password xxx
delete trandata xxx.x
add trandata xxx.x
info trandata xxx.x


GoldenGate Extract Process Abend With OGG-01433 Failed to validate table, The table is compressed and extract will not be able to extract data from Oracle logs. (Doc ID 1472956.1)

The extract abended with OGG-01433

2011-05-26 08:49:48 ERROR OGG-01433 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, EXXX.prm: Failed to validate table <SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME>. The table is compressed and extract will not be able to extract data from Oracle logs.
2011-05-26 08:49:48 ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, EXXX.prm: PROCESS ABENDING.



OGG does not support compressed tables or partitions prior to 11.2 Integrated Extract.

Oracle GoldenGate fully supports basic, advanced, and EHCC compressed tables in
integrated capture (11.2) mode. In classic capture mode, Oracle GoldenGate can deliver to,
but not capture from, regular and EHCC compressed tables on Oracle Exadata.


- Check if the table is compressed:

SQL> select compression from dba_tables
where owner = '<owner>' and table_name = '<tablename>';

Even if the query returns DISABLED, if any block in the table was ever compressed, EXTRACT will not be able to capture it.

- You can move the table. This will touch every block, but this will be very resource intensive for a large table and require a lot of disk:

SQL> SELECT partition_name, subpartition_name, tablespace_name, high_value FROM user_tab_subpartitions WHERE table_name = 'table_name';

- Alter statement for partition to move nocompress.

SQL> ALTER TABLE <Table_name> MOVE PARTITION <partition_name> NOCOMPRESS TABLESPACE <tablespace>;

- Please ensure that you are having enough disk space within tablespaces before running the ALTER statement.

The only option is to comment out the compressed table to exclude them from EXTRACT if you can’t do a "move nocompress"DDL EXCLUDE OBJNAME

Once you find the table name, you have to exclude this table from both DDL and DML in Extract parameter file by using DDL EXCLUDE and TABLEEXCLUDE.




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