在项目中实现数据库查询内容,用到redis的时候出现 Could not get a resource from the pool ,试了挺多方法都不行,包括改最大、最小连接数maxIdle、maxIdle都无法解决。


解决Could not get a resource from the pool 异常问题相关推荐

  1. 使用redis做缓存,遇到Could not return the resource to the pool异常怎么办呐!

    使用redis做缓存,短短几天就遇到两次redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException: Could not return the resource to ...

  2. redis中 Could not get a resource from the pool 异常解决

    描述 这个错误产生的前提是这样的,将数据存入redis(新安装的)中,在通过连接池获取jedis实例时,产生如下错误( Could not get a resource from the pool). ...

  3. redis使用中经常出现 Could not get a resource from the pool 异常,解决办法总结

    背景: 最近使用jedis(redis)开发一项功能,查阅日志发现,服务运行一段时间之后,就会出现 redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException: Cou ...

  4. 解决Redis问题:JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool

    1.问题描述: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the p ...

  5. 解决redis Could not get a resource since the pool is exhausted 问题

    最近新搭建了redis 服务,版本是redis5.08,在我使用JedisPoolConfig 去连接时出现以下异常 org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCre ...

  6. Could not get a resource from the pool 错误解决

    Could not get a resource from the pool 错误解决 错误信息:Could not get a resource from the pool 可能造成错误原因: 1 ...

  7. 使用客户端jedis时报错Could not get a resource from the pool 以及使用Spring Data Redis报错解决方法

    一.Jedis 报错 今天在使用jedis时,一直报错 Could not get a resource from the pool 在网上找了好多解决的方法,并且找了半天错误,才发现是我的启动方式有 ...

  8. springboot报错:Could not get a resource from the pool redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnection

    运行项目时报错: 2022-04-15 19:27:54.052 ERROR 9676 --- [nio-8181-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServl ...

  9. jedis异常:Could not get a resource from the pool

    前几天公司后端系统出现了故障,导致app多个功能无法使用,查看日志,发现日志出现较多的redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: ...


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