
Windows 10 now allows you to remap an Xbox One Controller’s buttons, just like you can remap the buttons on an Xbox One console. This feature is part of the Xbox Accessories app, which isn’t installed by default.

Windows 10现在允许您重新映射Xbox One控制器的按钮,就像您可以重新映射Xbox One控制台上的按钮一样。 此功能是Xbox附件应用程序的一部分,默认情况下未安装。

局限性 (Limitations)

Unfortunately, this new remapping feature doesn’t fully eliminate the need for third-party controller remapping apps. There are a still few big limitations:

不幸的是,此新的重新映射功能不能完全消除对第三方控制器重新映射应用程序的需求。 还有一些大限制:

  • You can only remap the buttons on Xbox One controllers. You can’t remap other types of controllers, including the popular Xbox 360 controllers.您只能重新映射Xbox One控制器上的按钮。 您不能重新映射其他类型的控制器,包括流行的Xbox 360控制器。
  • You can only remap the buttons on the controller itself to other buttons on the controller itself. This means you can’t remap controller button presses to keyboard button presses, as you can with third-party apps.您只能将控制器本身上的按钮重新映射到控制器本身上的其他按钮。 这意味着您不能像第三方应用程序那样将控制器按钮的按下重新映射为键盘按钮的按下。

If you’re cool with those limitations, let’s get started.


如何重新映射按钮 (How to Remap the Buttons)

You’ll need the Xbox Accessories app for this. You can find it by launching the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 and searching for “Xbox Accessories.” This app also allows you to update an Xbox One controller’s firmware on Windows 10. In fact, it’s the only way to update the controller’s firmware without an Xbox One.

为此,您将需要Xbox附件应用程序 。 您可以通过在Windows 10上启动Microsoft Store并搜索“ Xbox附件”来找到它。 此应用程序还允许您在Windows 10上更新Xbox One控制器的固件 。 实际上,这是在没有Xbox One的情况下更新控制器固件的唯一方法。

Launch the app once you’ve installed it. If you haven’t connected a controller to your PC, you’ll be prompted to connect one now. Ensure that the Xbox wireless adapter is connected to your PC and your controller is powered on. If the controller is connected via Bluetooth instead of the Xbox wireless adapter, make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your PC.

安装后启动应用程序。 如果尚未将控制器连接到PC,则会提示您立即连接一个。 确保Xbox无线适配器已连接到您的PC,并且控制器已打开电源。 如果控制器通过蓝牙而不是Xbox无线适配器连接,请确保您的PC上启用了蓝牙。

After the app detects your controller, click the “Configure” button below the image of the controller.


Click the “Button mapping” button to configure the button mapping.


If you want to undo your changes in the future, you can come back here and click the “Restore original” button to restore the buttons to their original functions.


This screen provides a simple interface for remapping buttons and changing other settings. For example, you can swap the sticks or triggers, making the left ones act as the right ones, and vice versa. You can also invert the Y axis (that is, the vertical or up-and-down direction) of the right or left sticks, so they’ll send an up signal when you push them down or down signal when you push them up. And, if you don’t like the vibration feature on the controller, you can disable it entirely from here rather than attempting to disable vibration in each different game you play on your PC.

该屏幕提供了一个简单的界面,用于重新映射按钮和更改其他设置。 例如,您可以交换操纵杆或触发器,使左边的操纵杆或触发器充当右边的操纵杆,反之亦然。 您还可以反转右摇杆或左摇杆的Y轴(即垂直或上下方向),因此当您按下它们时,它们将发送一个向上信号,而当您按下它们时,它们将发送一个向下信号。 而且,如果您不喜欢控制器的振动功能,则可以从此处完全禁用它,而不必尝试在PC上玩的每个不同游戏中禁用振动。

The button remapping boxes allow you to remap the primary buttons (A, B, X, and Y), the left and right bumpers (shoulder buttons), and all four directions of the D-pad. Any of these buttons can be remapped to any of the other buttons. You can also set a button as “Unmapped,” so that it won’t do anything when you press it.

使用按钮重新映射框,您可以重新映射主按钮(A,B,X和Y),左右保险杠(肩按钮)以及D-pad的所有四个方向。 这些按钮中的任何一个都可以重新映射到其他任何按钮。 您还可以将按钮设置为“未映射”,以便在按下按钮时不会执行任何操作。

Options you set here take effect in all games and other applications on your system.


If you need anything more advanced—like the ability to remap controller buttons to keyboard buttons—you’ll still need a third-party application like JoyToKey or Xpadder. If you’re playing games on Steam, you can also use Steam’s Big Picture Mode configuration to remap any type of controller’s buttons, including an Xbox One or Xbox 360 controller.

如果您需要更高级的功能(例如将控制器按钮重新映射为键盘按钮的功能),则仍需要JoyJoKey或Xpadder之类的第三方应用程序。 如果您在Steam上玩游戏,则还可以使用Steam的Big Picture Mode配置重新映射任何类型的控制器按钮 ,包括Xbox One或Xbox 360控制器。



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