问题一开始就存在,我就一般在windows系统中寻找资料,下载资源,然后转到linux中,加载windows分区,获取文件。经过一段时间后,终于还是认真解决它好了。在windows设备管理器中查看到网卡信息是:Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller

首先从华硕官方网站找到我的主板系列P4P800 SE的驱动,有Marvell Yukon芯片网卡驱动下载,但似乎只有windows和unix的,有一个写了是for linux的,但下载下来怎么看也不是。



于是就直接去Marvell官方站点找,http://www.marvell.com 真的非常难打开,气死我了!!不过也只有一个希望了,我反复尝试,终于下载到了Yukon Linux Driver Install Package,forLinux kernels 2.4.13 and higher,即install-8_41.tar.bz2


# ./install.sh

然后Select the driver installation mode,有两种模式可选……

Installation Instructions for sk98lin Driver

This file contains

1   Overview

2   Required Files and Tools

3   Prerequisites

4   Preparing the Driver Installation Package

5   Driver Installation

5.1   Installation Mode

5.2   Patch Generation Mode

6   Patch Generation and Recompilation of the Kernel

6.1   Downloading and Unpacking the Linux Kernel

6.2   Generating the Driver Patch

6.3   Applying the Driver Patch

6.4   Configuring the Linux Kernel

6.5   Compiling the Linux Kernel

6.6   Installing the Compiled Linux Kernel

7   Manual Module Loading

8   Unloading the Module

9   Driver Parameters

10   Ethtool Commands

11   Troubleshooting



1   Overview



2   Required Files and Tools



3   Prerequisites



4   Preparing the Driver Installation Package


Before the sk98lin driver installation script can be invoked, the

installation package needs to be unpacked:

1.   Login as 'root'.

2.   Unpack the driver installation package using the command

# tar xfvj install-???.tar.bz2


# bunzip2 -c install-???.tar.bz2 | tar xfv -


5   Driver Installation


1. After the driver installation package is unpacked, type the following

commands to start the sk98lin driver build process:

# cd DriverInstall

# ./install.sh

2. a) Select the driver installation mode (see following subchapters).

b) In case you have installed another driver module than the original

Marvell driver you will be asked how to further proceed. You may

ignore the fact, you may rename the other driver or you may erase

it. We recommend to choose the last option to avoid unwanted

sideeffects and interdependencies.

3. Wait for the driver build process to finish.

Depending on the installation mode you selected, the driver is either

compiled and installed or a kernel patch is generated.



5.1   Installation Mode



5.2   Patch Generation Mode



6   Patch Generation and Recompilation of the Kernel



7   Manual Module Loading



8   Unloading the Module




上面写得那么多,看多了也烦 .主要是5   Driver Installation一部分,按照其指导,转到linux,解压install-8_41.tar.bz2,得到目录DriverInstall,启动shell脚本install.sh

# cd DriverInstall

# ./install.sh

启动了驱动安装,提示选择安装模式,选择Installation Mode,(也试验过Patch Generation Mode,很多步骤不懂什么意思...),安装成功,在X-windows下,"系统设置"-->"网络",可以看到网络设备已经可用了!启动Mozilla浏览器,果然可以上网了!高兴!

重启,回到windows xp系统,却发现提示网络无连接,网络没插好...检查网线,并无不妥.检查硬件状况,发现网卡速度变成1GB的了!而不是100M,无果。重启,回到linux,却正常上网.这样,我估计是for liunx驱动把网卡硬件设置改变了,而这些设置跟windows系统中的驱动不,从而使windows无法驱动网卡了.


但探索一下在linux中打造我的工作环境也无妨,就算了,查了一堆资料,无法解决linux自带的Mozilla 1.2浏览器中支持java脚本,故一直无法修改和发布我的笔记...现在安装了firefox2.0才终于能补充点笔记..



思考上次留下的难题,肯定可以寻找合适的驱动安装解决问题。但这也是个困难的事情,因为即使官方网站也没有明确的指导,而且也没提供多个linux driver版本。我想了下面两个方案尝试:

第一,寻找其他版本的Marvell linux驱动,尝试更换linux中的驱动



Product Family = Yukon

Platform = Windows XP

进行搜索,把所有驱动下载下来。包括(下面写的是Driver title名)

Yukon x86 Windows XP

CPA (Control Panel Applet)for VLAN and Link Aggregation Applications

Yukon Windows 32-bit Installer (Multilanguage)







Marvell 网路驱动程式 V6.28

Marvell 网路驱动程式 V7.29.2.3






我把下面几个版本的驱动全下载下来了 关键词标签:linux,Marvell Yukon,

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