

ls -1 >> data1.txt


cat data1.txt | sed 's/\.bmp/\.bmp 1 0 0 60 17/'


cat data2.txt | sed 's/^/\/home\/test\/桌面\/car_train_samples\/pimages\//' >> data3.txt

opencv_createsamples -vec pos.vec -info pos.dat -num 617 -w 60 -h 17

Info file name: pos.dat
Img file name: (NULL)
Vec file name: pos.vec
BG  file name: (NULL)
Num: 617
BG color: 0
BG threshold: 80
Invert: FALSE
Max intensity deviation: 40
Max x angle: 1.1
Max y angle: 1.1
Max z angle: 0.5
Show samples: FALSE
Width: 60
Height: 17
Max Scale: -1
Create training samples from images collection...
Done. Created 617 samples




开始训练,刚开始我用-npos 617 -nneg 1350 训练不成功,换成下面参数成功了,具体原因有待分析。

opencv_haartraining -data trainout -vec pos.vec -bg nag.dat -npos 317 -nneg 300 -mem 8000 -mode ALL -w 60 -h 17 -j8


time opencv_haartraining -data trainout450_900 -vec pos.vec -bg nag.dat -npos 450 -nneg 900 -mem 8000 -mode ALL -w 60 -h 17 -j8 >> p450n900.txtData dir name: trainout450_900
Vec file name: pos.vec
BG  file name: nag.dat, is a vecfile: no
Num pos: 450
Num neg: 900
Num stages: 14
Num splits: 1 (stump as weak classifier)
Mem: 8000 MB
Symmetric: TRUE
Min hit rate: 0.995000
Max false alarm rate: 0.500000
Weight trimming: 0.950000
Equal weights: FALSE
Mode: ALL
Width: 60
Height: 17
Applied boosting algorithm: GAB
Error (valid only for Discrete and Real AdaBoost): misclass
Max number of splits in tree cascade: 0
Min number of positive samples per cluster: 500
Required leaf false alarm rate: 6.10352e-05Tree Classifier
|  0|
+---+Number of features used : 375981Parent node: NULL*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 450 1.000000
NEG: 900 1
Precalculation time: 2.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.493908| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.176296|
|   2|100%|+|-0.588691| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.177037|
|   3| 94%|-|-0.969799| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.151111|
|   4| 97%|+|-1.200450| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.147407|
|   5| 89%|-|-1.449244| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.102222|
|   6| 95%|+|-1.547615| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.087407|
|   7| 91%|-|-0.841398| 0.997778| 0.341111| 0.084444|
Stage training time: 480.00
Number of used features: 7Parent node: NULL
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|
+---+0Parent node: 0*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 451 0.997783
NEG: 900 0.421546
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.361088| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.212593|
|   2|100%|+|-0.569266| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.178519|
|   3| 90%|-|-0.788352| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.154815|
|   4| 99%|+|-0.871740| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.149630|
|   5| 97%|-|-1.163519| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.105185|
|   6| 89%|+|-1.388671| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.080000|
|   7| 95%|-|-0.785888| 1.000000| 0.401111| 0.073333|
Stage training time: 461.00
Number of used features: 7Parent node: 0
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|
+---+---+0---1Parent node: 1*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 451 0.997783
NEG: 900 0.20872
Precalculation time: 2.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.366608| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.214815|
|   2|100%|+|-0.574690| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.205185|
|   3| 91%|-|-0.866233| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.197778|
|   4| 97%|+|-1.068779| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.142963|
|   5| 95%|-|-1.324796| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.114815|
|   6| 99%|+|-1.393622| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.109630|
|   7| 96%|-|-1.629125| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.097778|
|   8| 97%|+|-1.008357| 0.997778| 0.400000| 0.097037|
Stage training time: 518.00
Number of used features: 8Parent node: 1
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|
+---+---+---+0---1---2Parent node: 2*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 452 0.995575
NEG: 900 0.13361
Precalculation time: 2.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.488624| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.245185|
|   2|100%|+|-0.771243| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.271111|
|   3|100%|-|-0.582786| 0.995556| 0.748889| 0.214815|
|   4| 83%|+|-0.729587| 0.995556| 0.750000| 0.223704|
|   5| 80%|-|-0.943908| 0.997778| 0.768889| 0.180000|
|   6| 82%|+|-1.162628| 0.995556| 0.717778| 0.133333|
|   7| 79%|-|-1.443707| 0.997778| 0.742222| 0.141481|
|   8| 80%|+|-1.060291| 0.995556| 0.512222| 0.117037|
|   9| 79%|-|-1.101675| 0.995556| 0.470000| 0.096296|
Stage training time: 516.00
Number of used features: 9Parent node: 2
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|
+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3Parent node: 3*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 454 0.991189
NEG: 900 0.0614628
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.203923| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.240741|
|   2|100%|+|-0.479903| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.262963|
|   3| 93%|-|-0.545721| 0.995556| 0.760000| 0.211852|
|   4| 84%|+|-0.744102| 1.000000| 0.803333| 0.219259|
|   5| 84%|-|-0.981718| 1.000000| 0.831111| 0.232593|
|   6| 81%|+|-0.978937| 0.995556| 0.711111| 0.143704|
|   7| 80%|-|-1.187332| 0.997778| 0.722222| 0.127407|
|   8| 80%|+|-0.724781| 0.995556| 0.472222| 0.135556|
Stage training time: 463.00
Number of used features: 8Parent node: 3
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|
+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4Parent node: 4*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 457 0.984683
NEG: 900 0.0359842
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.300581| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.243704|
|   2|100%|+|-0.505537| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.250370|
|   3| 91%|-|-0.744117| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.263704|
|   4|100%|+|-0.857982| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.257778|
|   5|100%|-|-1.076755| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.165185|
|   6| 98%|+|-1.213209| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.168148|
|   7| 96%|-|-0.941899| 0.997778| 0.718889| 0.153333|
|   8| 98%|+|-1.051461| 0.997778| 0.740000| 0.149630|
|   9| 80%|-|-1.260610| 0.995556| 0.684444| 0.139259|
|  10| 84%|+|-1.450285| 0.997778| 0.693333| 0.126667|
|  11| 78%|-|-1.613495| 0.995556| 0.690000| 0.118519|
|  12| 77%|+|-1.772708| 0.995556| 0.707778| 0.111852|
|  13| 73%|-|-1.191579| 0.995556| 0.396667| 0.102963|
Stage training time: 779.00
Number of used features: 13Parent node: 4
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5Parent node: 5*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 459 0.980392
NEG: 900 0.0207703
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.415726| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.333333|
|   2|100%|+|-0.711295| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.405926|
|   3|100%|-|-0.915748| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.205926|
|   4|100%|+|-1.020884| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.205185|
|   5| 98%|-|-0.876332| 0.995556| 0.796667| 0.185926|
|   6| 84%|+|-0.791319| 0.995556| 0.702222| 0.179259|
|   7| 80%|-|-0.942921| 0.995556| 0.711111| 0.185185|
|   8| 78%|+|-1.045565| 0.995556| 0.725556| 0.186667|
|   9| 77%|-|-1.349022| 1.000000| 0.748889| 0.182963|
|  10| 81%|+|-1.102614| 0.997778| 0.625556| 0.180741|
|  11| 69%|-|-1.732624| 0.995556| 0.723333| 0.172593|
|  12| 62%|+|-2.238386| 0.995556| 0.782222| 0.182222|
|  13| 63%|-|-1.857026| 0.995556| 0.756667| 0.183704|
|  14| 59%|+|-1.685051| 0.995556| 0.683333| 0.188148|
|  15| 52%|-|-1.791075| 0.997778| 0.637778| 0.193333|
|  16| 55%|+|-1.797033| 0.995556| 0.655556| 0.200000|
|  17| 55%|-|-1.798790| 0.995556| 0.661111| 0.190370|
|  18| 55%|+|-1.627204| 0.995556| 0.596667| 0.194074|
|  19| 54%|-|-1.978265| 0.995556| 0.681111| 0.203704|
|  20| 51%|+|-2.245611| 0.995556| 0.704444| 0.189630|
|  21| 46%|-|-2.133149| 0.995556| 0.671111| 0.207407|
|  22| 49%|+|-2.170100| 0.995556| 0.645556| 0.184444|
|  23| 51%|-|-1.877319| 0.995556| 0.583333| 0.188148|
|  24| 52%|+|-1.867247| 0.995556| 0.588889| 0.201481|
|  25| 52%|-|-1.778916| 0.995556| 0.550000| 0.186667|
|  26| 49%|+|-2.143595| 0.995556| 0.595556| 0.185926|
|  27| 46%|-|-2.026647| 0.995556| 0.560000| 0.182222|
|  28| 38%|+|-2.266902| 0.995556| 0.548889| 0.184444|
|  29| 33%|-|-2.391911| 0.995556| 0.580000| 0.185926|
|  30| 38%|+|-2.430512| 0.995556| 0.574444| 0.190370|
|  31| 34%|-|-2.647248| 0.995556| 0.597778| 0.188148|
|  32| 38%|+|-2.324212| 0.995556| 0.521111| 0.178519|
|  33| 32%|-|-2.318813| 0.995556| 0.516667| 0.171111|
|  34| 35%|+|-2.535526| 0.995556| 0.542222| 0.169630|
|  35| 36%|-|-2.042666| 0.995556| 0.460000| 0.182222|
Stage training time: 1297.00
Number of used features: 35Parent node: 5
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6Parent node: 6*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 461 0.976139
NEG: 900 0.0218192
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.718171| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.573333|
|   2| 86%|+|-1.271018| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.573333|
|   3| 86%|-|-2.063729| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.602963|
|   4| 92%|+|-2.502124| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.194074|
|   5| 81%|-|-1.733242| 1.000000| 0.984444| 0.593333|
|   6| 87%|+|-1.964061| 0.995556| 0.981111| 0.200000|
|   7| 82%|-|-1.914516| 0.997778| 0.980000| 0.585185|
|   8| 79%|+|-2.029114| 0.997778| 0.976667| 0.579259|
|   9| 75%|-|-1.899666| 0.995556| 0.938889| 0.584444|
|  10| 67%|+|-2.292485| 0.995556| 0.960000| 0.562222|
|  11| 62%|-|-2.332688| 0.995556| 0.946667| 0.576296|
|  12| 69%|+|-2.395460| 0.995556| 0.944444| 0.572593|
|  13| 69%|-|-2.537034| 0.995556| 0.967778| 0.558519|
|  14| 66%|+|-2.285337| 0.995556| 0.937778| 0.571852|
|  15| 61%|-|-2.670989| 0.995556| 0.950000| 0.569630|
|  16| 53%|+|-3.513774| 0.995556| 0.968889| 0.585185|
|  17| 59%|-|-2.989280| 0.995556| 0.943333| 0.571852|
|  18| 64%|+|-2.741658| 0.995556| 0.927778| 0.571111|
|  19| 66%|-|-2.420548| 0.995556| 0.907778| 0.189630|
|  20| 67%|+|-2.363318| 0.995556| 0.900000| 0.185185|
|  21| 68%|-|-2.349633| 0.997778| 0.901111| 0.546667|
|  22| 66%|+|-2.528409| 0.995556| 0.897778| 0.559259|
|  23| 64%|-|-2.119827| 0.995556| 0.871111| 0.545185|
|  24| 67%|+|-2.247921| 0.995556| 0.880000| 0.547407|
|  25| 63%|-|-2.146968| 0.995556| 0.867778| 0.162963|
|  26| 65%|+|-2.272907| 0.995556| 0.878889| 0.157037|
|  27| 65%|-|-2.304265| 0.995556| 0.868889| 0.150370|
|  28| 67%|+|-2.149958| 0.995556| 0.860000| 0.143704|
|  29| 64%|-|-2.000496| 0.995556| 0.844444| 0.147407|
|  30| 70%|+|-1.946395| 0.995556| 0.834444| 0.150370|
|  31| 71%|-|-1.971215| 0.995556| 0.841111| 0.142963|
|  32| 66%|+|-2.003288| 0.995556| 0.826667| 0.140000|
|  33| 68%|-|-1.621673| 0.995556| 0.792222| 0.123704|
|  34| 70%|+|-1.711287| 0.995556| 0.791111| 0.116296|
|  35| 71%|-|-1.701897| 0.995556| 0.235556| 0.115556|
Stage training time: 883.00
Number of used features: 35Parent node: 6
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7Parent node: 7*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 463 0.971922
NEG: 900 0.00550031
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.187015| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.258519|
|   2|100%|+|-0.300477| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.282222|
|   3| 96%|-|-0.557926| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.255556|
|   4| 98%|+|-0.776465| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.216296|
|   5| 97%|-|-0.657225| 1.000000| 0.800000| 0.228889|
|   6| 82%|+|-0.782462| 0.995556| 0.704444| 0.229630|
|   7| 79%|-|-0.819948| 0.995556| 0.597778| 0.210370|
|   8| 79%|+|-1.262917| 0.995556| 0.674444| 0.188889|
|   9| 79%|-|-1.176503| 0.997778| 0.646667| 0.192593|
|  10| 77%|+|-1.063362| 0.995556| 0.567778| 0.170370|
|  11| 78%|-|-0.968403| 0.995556| 0.500000| 0.157778|
Stage training time: 643.00
Number of used features: 11Parent node: 7
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8Parent node: 8*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 466 0.965665
NEG: 900 0.00310321
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.255033| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.277037|
|   2|100%|+|-0.891419| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.254074|
|   3| 86%|-|-0.788910| 0.997778| 0.943333| 0.336296|
|   4| 96%|+|-0.974068| 1.000000| 0.944444| 0.213333|
|   5| 96%|-|-1.131390| 1.000000| 0.947778| 0.197778|
|   6| 96%|+|-1.049241| 1.000000| 0.814444| 0.188889|
|   7| 87%|-|-0.956714| 1.000000| 0.707778| 0.172593|
|   8| 80%|+|-0.829509| 0.997778| 0.607778| 0.211111|
|   9| 81%|-|-1.035194| 1.000000| 0.638889| 0.151111|
|  10| 78%|+|-1.168562| 1.000000| 0.672222| 0.162222|
|  11| 76%|-|-1.202044| 0.995556| 0.610000| 0.145185|
|  12| 76%|+|-1.105554| 0.995556| 0.548889| 0.142222|
|  13| 74%|-|-0.969937| 0.995556| 0.473333| 0.129630|
Stage training time: 747.00
Number of used features: 13Parent node: 8
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9Parent node: 9*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 468 0.961538
NEG: 900 0.00162922
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.204385| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.285185|
|   2|100%|+|-0.723615| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.275556|
|   3| 94%|-|-0.878448| 1.000000| 0.976667| 0.480741|
|   4| 86%|+|-0.848651| 1.000000| 0.921111| 0.387407|
|   5| 85%|-|-0.699739| 0.997778| 0.851111| 0.314815|
|   6| 90%|+|-0.879463| 0.997778| 0.861111| 0.299259|
|   7| 90%|-|-1.011466| 0.995556| 0.762222| 0.188148|
|   8| 82%|+|-1.115050| 0.995556| 0.777778| 0.178519|
|   9| 81%|-|-1.023660| 0.997778| 0.767778| 0.168148|
|  10| 80%|+|-0.993009| 0.995556| 0.600000| 0.162222|
|  11| 78%|-|-1.110528| 1.000000| 0.635556| 0.168889|
|  12| 79%|+|-1.249211| 1.000000| 0.660000| 0.163704|
|  13| 77%|-|-0.876510| 0.997778| 0.505556| 0.152593|
|  14| 77%|+|-0.897350| 0.997778| 0.520000| 0.145926|
|  15| 77%|-|-0.845018| 0.995556| 0.457778| 0.132593|
Stage training time: 838.00
Number of used features: 15Parent node: 9
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--10Parent node: 10*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 470 0.957447
NEG: 900 0.000855148
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.200000| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.271111|
|   2|100%|+|-0.274703| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.263704|
|   3| 97%|-|-0.467780| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.297037|
|   4| 99%|+|-0.619255| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.297037|
|   5| 99%|-|-0.776008| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.236296|
|   6| 98%|+|-0.710650| 0.997778| 0.926667| 0.259259|
|   7| 93%|-|-0.981652| 1.000000| 0.963333| 0.217778|
|   8| 96%|+|-1.067254| 1.000000| 0.965556| 0.225185|
|   9| 96%|-|-1.207241| 1.000000| 0.972222| 0.196296|
|  10| 95%|+|-1.267179| 1.000000| 0.972222| 0.188889|
|  11| 83%|-|-1.084049| 0.995556| 0.866667| 0.175556|
|  12| 82%|+|-1.358055| 0.995556| 0.861111| 0.178519|
|  13| 81%|-|-1.247416| 0.995556| 0.771111| 0.166667|
|  14| 81%|+|-1.051703| 0.995556| 0.695556| 0.160000|
|  15| 79%|-|-0.938227| 0.995556| 0.596667| 0.155556|
|  16| 78%|+|-1.038177| 0.995556| 0.612222| 0.148889|
|  17| 77%|-|-0.956480| 0.995556| 0.571111| 0.138519|
|  18| 78%|+|-1.020276| 0.995556| 0.575556| 0.128889|
|  19| 77%|-|-1.150614| 0.995556| 0.610000| 0.131111|
|  20| 77%|+|-0.977177| 0.995556| 0.510000| 0.118519|
|  21| 76%|-|-0.879366| 0.995556| 0.458889| 0.110370|
Stage training time: 1208.00
Number of used features: 21Parent node: 10
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10| 11|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--10--11Parent node: 11*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 474 0.949367
NEG: 900 0.000448503
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.399267| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.333333|
|   2|100%|+|-0.938347| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.270370|
|   3| 92%|-|-1.117361| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.305926|
|   4| 93%|+|-1.229308| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.320741|
|   5| 90%|-|-0.759493| 0.995556| 0.924444| 0.196296|
|   6| 94%|+|-0.792182| 0.995556| 0.837778| 0.288889|
|   7| 84%|-|-0.809791| 0.995556| 0.771111| 0.179259|
|   8| 83%|+|-1.074367| 0.997778| 0.827778| 0.228148|
|   9| 87%|-|-1.224407| 0.997778| 0.840000| 0.174074|
|  10| 81%|+|-1.268124| 1.000000| 0.850000| 0.172593|
|  11| 81%|-|-1.020804| 0.995556| 0.740000| 0.161481|
|  12| 80%|+|-1.018552| 0.995556| 0.740000| 0.156296|
|  13| 80%|-|-1.117389| 0.995556| 0.667778| 0.154815|
|  14| 80%|+|-1.075194| 0.995556| 0.654444| 0.145185|
|  15| 79%|-|-0.997753| 0.995556| 0.638889| 0.135556|
|  16| 80%|+|-1.119331| 0.997778| 0.635556| 0.125926|
|  17| 78%|-|-0.665877| 0.995556| 0.395556| 0.121481|
Stage training time: 921.00
Number of used features: 17Parent node: 11
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10| 11| 12|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--10--11--12Parent node: 12*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 476 0.945378
NEG: 900 0.000197409
Precalculation time: 1.00
|  N |%SMP|F|  ST.THR |    HR   |    FA   | EXP. ERR|
|   1|100%|-|-0.205047| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.287407|
|   2|100%|+|-0.275924| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.296296|
|   3|100%|-|-0.395112| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.294074|
|   4| 94%|+|-0.434666| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.306667|
|   5| 98%|-|-0.600460| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.306667|
|   6| 97%|+|-0.674654| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.272593|
|   7| 97%|-|-0.792674| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.235556|
|   8| 98%|+|-0.862523| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.211852|
|   9| 97%|-|-1.095279| 1.000000| 1.000000| 0.231111|
|  10| 97%|+|-1.055641| 1.000000| 0.961111| 0.215556|
|  11| 94%|-|-1.222002| 1.000000| 0.972222| 0.200741|
|  12| 95%|+|-1.294562| 1.000000| 0.972222| 0.183704|
|  13| 94%|-|-1.488662| 1.000000| 0.972222| 0.147407|
|  14| 96%|+|-1.319879| 0.995556| 0.826667| 0.149630|
|  15| 84%|-|-1.174129| 0.995556| 0.685556| 0.143704|
|  16| 86%|+|-1.166592| 0.995556| 0.627778| 0.138519|
|  17| 79%|-|-0.892183| 0.995556| 0.522222| 0.140741|
|  18| 78%|+|-1.040174| 0.995556| 0.533333| 0.134074|
|  19| 77%|-|-1.141962| 0.995556| 0.483333| 0.115556|
Stage training time: 1014.00
Number of used features: 19Parent node: 12
Chosen number of splits: 0Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10| 11| 12| 13|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--10--11--12--13Parent node: 13*** 1 cluster ***
POS: 450 478 0.941423
NEG: 900 0.000111588
Required number of stages achieved. Branch training terminated.
Total number of splits: 0Tree Classifier
|  0|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10| 11| 12| 13|
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--10--11--12--13Cascade performance
POS: 450 478 0.941423
NEG: 900 0.000108563
BACKGROUND PROCESSING TIME: 94.00real   184m34.049s
user    184m48.624s
sys 0m5.476s


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