
Apple offers the iPad, iPad Air, iPad Mini, and three different sizes of iPad Pro—and there are different generations of each out there. Here’s how to tell which iPad you have your hands on.

苹果提供iPad,iPad Air,iPad Mini和三种不同尺寸的iPad Pro ,而且每种都有不同的世代。 这是告诉您使用哪种iPad的方法。

This information is important if you want to know whether your iPad will get new versions of Apple’s iOS operating system, for example. You’ll also want to know it when selling your iPad.

例如,如果您想知道iPad是否将获得Apple iOS操作系统的新版本,则此信息很重要。 出售iPad时,您也想知道这一点。

如何找到型号 (How to Find the Model Number)

To check your iPad’s model number, head to Settings > General > About. Look for the Model entry on this page. You’ll see a model number beginning with a M.

要检查iPad的型号,请转到设置>常规>关于。 在此页面上查找“模型”条目。 您会看到以M开头的型号。

Tap the Model entry and it will turn into a model number beginning with an A. This is the model number you’ll use to figure out which iPad you own.


This same model number is printed on the back of your iPad. Flip your iPad over and read the small text printed under the word “iPad” on the back. You’ll see something like “Model A1822” near the iPad’s serial number.

iPad的背面印有相同的型号。 将您的iPad翻过来,然后阅读背面“ iPad”字样下的小文字。 iPad的序列号附近会出现类似“ Model A1822”的字样。

将型号转换为名称 (Convert the Model Number to a Name)

This model number tells you exactly which iPad you have in your hands. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t actually provide a nice human-readable name anywhere on the iPad itself.

该型号可以准确告诉您手中的iPad。 不幸的是,Apple实际上在iPad本身的任何地方都没有提供一个易于理解的好名字。

Here’s a helpful table to figure out which iPad you have. Either skim through the list or use your web browser’s search feature (Ctrl+F if you’re using a PC, or Command+F if you’re using a Mac) to search for the model number that appears on your iPad.

这是一个有用的表格,用于确定您拥有的iPad。 浏览列表或使用Web浏览器的搜索功能(如果使用PC,则使用Ctrl + F;如果使用Mac,则使用Command + F)来搜索iPad上显示的型号。

Name Model Year
iPad A1219 (Wi-Fi), A1337 (Wi-Fi + 3G) 2010
iPad 2 A1395 (Wi-Fi), A1396 (GSM), A1397 (CDMA) 2011
iPad (3rd generation) A1416 (Wi-Fi), A1430 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1403 (Wi-Fi + Cellular (VZ)) Early 2012
iPad (4th generation) A1458 (Wi-Fi), A1459 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1460 (Wi-Fi + Cellular (MM)) Late 2012
iPad (5th generation) A1822 (Wi-Fi), A1823 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) 2017
iPad mini A1432 (Wi-Fi), A1454 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1455 (Wi-Fi + Cellular (MM)) Late 2012
iPad mini 2 A1489 (Wi-Fi), A1490 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1491 (Wi-Fi + Cellular (TD-LTE)) Late 2013
iPad mini 3 A1599 (Wi-Fi), A1600 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) Late 2014
iPad mini 4 A1538 (Wi-Fi), A1550 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) Late 2015
iPad Air A1474 (Wi-Fi), A1475 (Wi-Fi + Cellular), A1476 (Wi-Fi + Cellular (TD-LTE)) Late 2013
iPad Air 2 A1566 (Wi-Fi), A1567 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) Late 2014
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) A1584 (Wi-Fi), A1652 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) 2015
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) A1670 (Wi-Fi), A1671 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) 2017
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) A1673 (Wi-Fi), A1674 or A1675 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) 2016
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) A1701 (Wi-Fi), A1709 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) 2017
名称 模型
的iPad A1219(Wi-Fi),A1337(Wi-Fi + 3G) 2010
iPad 2 A1395(Wi-Fi),A1396(GSM),A1397(CDMA) 2011年
iPad(第3代) A1416(Wi-Fi),A1430(Wi-Fi +蜂窝),A1403(Wi-Fi +蜂窝(VZ)) 2012年初
iPad(第4代) A1458(Wi-Fi),A1459(Wi-Fi +蜂窝),A1460(Wi-Fi +蜂窝(MM)) 2012年末
iPad(第5代) A1822(Wi-Fi),A1823(Wi-Fi +蜂窝网络) 2017年
小型平板电脑 A1432(Wi-Fi),A1454(Wi-Fi +蜂窝),A1455(Wi-Fi +蜂窝(MM)) 2012年末
iPad mini 2 A1489(Wi-Fi),A1490(Wi-Fi +蜂窝),A1491(Wi-Fi +蜂窝(TD-LTE)) 2013年末
iPad mini 3 A1599(Wi-Fi),A1600(Wi-Fi +蜂窝网络) 2014年末
iPad mini 4 A1538(Wi-Fi),A1550(Wi-Fi +蜂窝网络) 2015年末
iPad Air A1474(Wi-Fi),A1475(Wi-Fi +蜂窝),A1476(Wi-Fi +蜂窝(TD-LTE)) 2013年末
iPad Air 2 A1566(Wi-Fi),A1567(Wi-Fi +蜂窝网络) 2014年末
iPad Pro(12.9英寸) A1584(Wi-Fi),A1652(Wi-Fi +蜂窝) 2015年
iPad Pro(12.9英寸)(第二代) A1670(Wi-Fi),A1671(Wi-Fi +蜂窝) 2017年
iPad Pro(9.7英寸) A1673(Wi-Fi),A1674或A1675(Wi-Fi +蜂窝网络) 2016年
iPad Pro(10.5英寸) A1701(Wi-Fi),A1709(Wi-Fi +蜂窝网络) 2017年

Each release of the iPad has at least two model numbers. The base model only includes Wi-Fi connectivity, while there’s also a more expensive model with cellular connectivity. For some iPads, there are several different cellular models with different cellular radios. The model number tells you exactly which version you have.

每个iPad版本都有至少两个型号。 基本模型仅包括Wi-Fi连接,而还有一种更昂贵的带有蜂窝连接的模型。 对于某些iPad,有几种带有不同蜂窝无线电的不同蜂窝模型。 型号会告诉您确切的版本。

Some of these iPads are known by other names. For example, the iPad (3rd generation) and iPad (4th generation) are also known as the iPad 3 and iPad 4. The original iPad is sometimes known as the iPad 1.

其中一些iPad以其他名称而闻名。 例如,iPad(第3代)和iPad(第4代)也称为iPad 3和iPad4。原始iPad有时也称为iPad 1。

For more details about exactly what hardware each iPad model contains, check Apple’s iPad model documentation.

有关每个iPad型号包含的确切硬件的更多详细信息,请参阅Apple的iPad型号文档 。

您有多少存储空间? (How Much Storage Do You Have?)

Like iPhones, Apple sells different iPads with different amounts of physical storage. The model number won’t tell you how much storage you have in your iPad, but you can view your iPad’s total storage capacity on the same page in the Settings screen.

与iPhone一样,Apple出售具有不同物理存储量的不同iPad。 型号不会告诉您iPad中有多少存储空间,但是您可以在“设置”屏幕的同一页上查看iPad的总存储容量。

Head to Settings > General > About to find this information. Look for the number to the right of “Capacity.”

转到设置>常规>关于,以查找此信息。 查找“容量”右边的数字。

Image Credit: Denys Prykhodov/Shutterstock.com.

图片来源: Denys Prykhodov /Shutterstock.com。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/347366/which-ipad-model-do-i-own/



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