bash 命令行配置

  1. 提示符
    PS1='\[\e[90m\][\[\e[7;97m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\[\e[90m\]]$\[\e[0m\] \[\e[37;0m\]'


  1. The Silver Searcher & ripgrep & vim8.2

    [~]$ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
    Release: 14.04
    Codename: trusty

    非root用户下, 怎么安装命令, 怎么配置自动补全, 怎么配置才能查看命令的man帮助手册?  整个配置和bin文件见文件末尾 
    安装同样版本的虚拟机, 下载相应命令的源码, 在虚拟机上编译好的拿到服务器上.


bin文件添加到本地目录: ~/.local/bin/ag

非root用户添加自动补全: ~/.bash_completion


[~/.local]$ cat ~/.bash_completion
# set own auto-completion. ~/.local/share/bash-completion/
. ~/.local/share/bash-completion/rg.bash

添加man帮助手册 : ~/.local/bin/share/man/man1/ag.1,
 vim的man手册要放在两个位置, 一个在 ~/.local/bin/share/man/man1 下, 一个在 ~/.local/share 下, 从 ~/.local/bin/share/man/man1/vim.1 可以看出具体的man帮助路劲.


[~/.local/bin/share/man/man1]$ ls
ag.1  evim.1  ex.1  rg.1  rview.1  rvim.1  view.1  vim.1  vimdiff.1  vimtutor.1  xxd.1
[~/.local/share/vim/vim82]$ ls
autoload       compiler      doc           ftoff.vim     ftplugof.vim        indent.vim  lang      mswin.vim   plugin   scripts.vim  syntax  vimrc_example.vim
bugreport.vim  defaults.vim  evim.vim      ftplugin      gvimrc_example.vim  indoff.vim  macros    optwin.vim  print    spell        tools
colors         delmenu.vim   filetype.vim  ftplugin.vim  indent              keymap      menu.vim  pack        rgb.txt  synmenu.vim  tutor
[~/.local/share/vim/vim82]$ cd ../../
[~/.local/share]$ ls
bash-completion  man  vim


[~/.local]$ tree -L 3
├── bin
│   ├── ag
│   ├── ex -> vim
│   ├── rg
│   ├── rview -> vim
│   ├── rvim -> vim
│   ├── share
│   │   └── man
│   ├── view -> vim
│   ├── vim
│   ├── vimdiff -> vim
│   ├── vimtutor
│   └── xxd
└── share├── bash-completion│   ├──│   └── rg.bash├── man│   ├── da│   ├── da.ISO8859-1│   ├── da.UTF-8│   ├── de│   ├── de.ISO8859-1│   ├── de.UTF-8│   ├── fr│   ├── fr.ISO8859-1│   ├── fr.UTF-8│   ├── it│   ├── it.ISO8859-1│   ├── it.UTF-8│   ├── ja│   ├── man1│   ├── pl│   ├── pl.ISO8859-2│   ├── pl.UTF-8│   ├── ru.KOI8-R│   ├── ru.UTF-8│   ├── tr│   ├── tr.ISO8859-9│   └── tr.UTF-8└── vim└── vim8230 directories, 12 files

创建软连接: ln -s ~/.local/bin ~/.bin

添加环境变量: 在~/.bashrc中添加一行 PATH=~/.bin/:$PATH

[~/build_scripts]$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Oct 18 2020 00:36:22)
Included patches: 1-1855
Compiled by zouzhibenosc@comsz01078177
Huge version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl               -farsi             +mouse_sgr         +tag_binary
+arabic            +file_in_path      -mouse_sysmouse    -tag_old_static
+autocmd           +find_in_path      +mouse_urxvt       -tag_any_white
+autochdir         +float             +mouse_xterm       -tcl
-autoservername    +folding           +multi_byte        +termguicolors
-balloon_eval      -footer            +multi_lang        +terminal
+balloon_eval_term +fork()            -mzscheme          +terminfo
-browse            -gettext           +netbeans_intg     +termresponse
++builtin_terms    -hangul_input      +num64             +textobjects
+byte_offset       +iconv             +packages          +textprop
+channel           +insert_expand     +path_extra        +timers
+cindent           +ipv6              -perl              +title
+clientserver      +job               +persistent_undo   -toolbar
+clipboard         +jumplist          +popupwin          +user_commands
+cmdline_compl     +keymap            +postscript        +vartabs
+cmdline_hist      +lambda            +printer           +vertsplit
+cmdline_info      +langmap           +profile           +virtualedit
+comments          +libcall           -python            +visual
+conceal           +linebreak         -python3           +visualextra
+cryptv            +lispindent        +quickfix          +viminfo
+cscope            +listcmds          +reltime           +vreplace
+cursorbind        +localmap          +rightleft         +wildignore
+cursorshape       -lua               -ruby              +wildmenu
+dialog_con        +menu              +scrollbind        +windows
+diff              +mksession         +signs             +writebackup
+digraphs          +modify_fname      +smartindent       +X11
-dnd               +mouse             -sound             +xfontset
-ebcdic            -mouseshape        +spell             -xim
+emacs_tags        +mouse_dec         +startuptime       -xpm
+eval              -mouse_gpm         +statusline        +xsmp_interact
+ex_extra          -mouse_jsbterm     -sun_workshop      +xterm_clipboard
+extra_search      +mouse_netterm     +syntax            -xterm_savesystem vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"defaults file: "$VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim"fall-back for $VIM: "/home/garret/.local/share/vim"
Compilation: gcc -std=gnu99 -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H     -g -O2 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1
Linking: gcc -std=gnu99   -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--as-needed -o vim    -lSM -lICE -lXt -lX11 -lXdmcp -lSM -lICE  -lm -ltinfo  -ldl
[~/build_scripts]$ ag --version
ag version 2.2.0Features:+jit +lzma +zlib
[~/build_scripts]$ rg --version
ripgrep 12.1.1 (rev 7cb211378a)
-SIMD -AVX (compiled)
+SIMD +AVX (runtime)


[~]$ rg --help
ripgrep 12.1.1
Andrew Gallant <>ripgrep (rg) recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern.
By default, ripgrep will respect your .gitignore and automatically skip hidden
files/directories and binary files.Use -h for short descriptions and --help for more details.Project home page: [OPTIONS] PATTERN [PATH ...]rg [OPTIONS] [-e PATTERN ...] [-f PATTERNFILE ...] [PATH ...]rg [OPTIONS] --files [PATH ...]rg [OPTIONS] --type-listcommand | rg [OPTIONS] PATTERNARGS:<PATTERN>A regular expression used for searching. To match a pattern beginning with adash, use the -e/--regexp flag.For example, to search for the literal '-foo', you can use this flag:rg -e -fooYou can also use the special '--' delimiter to indicate that no more flagswill be provided. Namely, the following is equivalent to the above:rg -- -foo<PATH>...A file or directory to search. Directories are searched recursively. File pathsspecified on the command line override glob and ignore rules.OPTIONS:-A, --after-context <NUM>Show NUM lines after each match.This overrides the --context flag.--auto-hybrid-regexDEPRECATED. Use --engine instead.When this flag is used, ripgrep will dynamically choose between supported regexengines depending on the features used in a pattern. When ripgrep chooses aregex engine, it applies that choice for every regex provided to ripgrep (e.g.,via multiple -e/--regexp or -f/--file flags).As an example of how this flag might behave, ripgrep will attempt to useits default finite automata based regex engine whenever the pattern can besuccessfully compiled with that regex engine. If PCRE2 is enabled and if thepattern given could not be compiled with the default regex engine, then PCRE2will be automatically used for searching. If PCRE2 isn't available, then thisflag has no effect because there is only one regex engine to choose from.In the future, ripgrep may adjust its heuristics for how it decides whichregex engine to use. In general, the heuristics will be limited to a staticanalysis of the patterns, and not to any specific runtime behavior observedwhile searching files.The primary downside of using this flag is that it may not always be obviouswhich regex engine ripgrep uses, and thus, the match semantics or performanceprofile of ripgrep may subtly and unexpectedly change. However, in many cases,all regex engines will agree on what constitutes a match and it can be niceto transparently support more advanced regex features like look-around andbackreferences without explicitly needing to enable them.This flag can be disabled with --no-auto-hybrid-regex.-B, --before-context <NUM>Show NUM lines before each match.This overrides the --context flag.--binaryEnabling this flag will cause ripgrep to search binary files. By default,ripgrep attempts to automatically skip binary files in order to improve therelevance of results and make the search faster.Binary files are heuristically detected based on whether they contain a NULbyte or not. By default (without this flag set), once a NUL byte is seen,ripgrep will stop searching the file. Usually, NUL bytes occur in the beginningof most binary files. If a NUL byte occurs after a match, then ripgrep willstill stop searching the rest of the file, but a warning will be printed.In contrast, when this flag is provided, ripgrep will continue searching a fileeven if a NUL byte is found. In particular, if a NUL byte is found then ripgrepwill continue searching until either a match is found or the end of the file isreached, whichever comes sooner. If a match is found, then ripgrep will stopand print a warning saying that the search stopped prematurely.If you want ripgrep to search a file without any special NUL byte handling atall (and potentially print binary data to stdout), then you should use the'-a/--text' flag.The '--binary' flag is a flag for controlling ripgrep's automatic filteringmechanism. As such, it does not need to be used when searching a fileexplicitly or when searching stdin. That is, it is only applicable whenrecursively searching a directory.Note that when the '-u/--unrestricted' flag is provided for a third time, thenthis flag is automatically enabled.This flag can be disabled with '--no-binary'. It overrides the '-a/--text'flag.--block-bufferedWhen enabled, ripgrep will use block buffering. That is, whenever a matchingline is found, it will be written to an in-memory buffer and will not bewritten to stdout until the buffer reaches a certain size. This is the defaultwhen ripgrep's stdout is redirected to a pipeline or a file. When ripgrep'sstdout is connected to a terminal, line buffering will be used. Forcing blockbuffering can be useful when dumping a large amount of contents to a terminal.Forceful block buffering can be disabled with --no-block-buffered. Note thatusing --no-block-buffered causes ripgrep to revert to its default behavior ofautomatically detecting the buffering strategy. To force line buffering, usethe --line-buffered flag.-b, --byte-offsetPrint the 0-based byte offset within the input file before each line of output.If -o (--only-matching) is specified, print the offset of the matching partitself.If ripgrep does transcoding, then the byte offset is in terms of the the resultof transcoding and not the original data. This applies similarly to anothertransformation on the source, such as decompression or a --pre filter. Notethat when the PCRE2 regex engine is used, then UTF-8 transcoding is done bydefault.-s, --case-sensitiveSearch case sensitively.This overrides the -i/--ignore-case and -S/--smart-case flags.--color <WHEN>This flag controls when to use colors. The default setting is 'auto', whichmeans ripgrep will try to guess when to use colors. For example, if ripgrep isprinting to a terminal, then it will use colors, but if it is redirected to afile or a pipe, then it will suppress color output. ripgrep will suppress coloroutput in some other circumstances as well. For example, if the TERMenvironment variable is not set or set to 'dumb', then ripgrep will not usecolors.The possible values for this flag are:never    Colors will never be     The default. ripgrep tries to be smart.always   Colors will always be used regardless of where output is sent.ansi     Like 'always', but emits ANSI escapes (even in a Windows console).When the --vimgrep flag is given to ripgrep, then the default value for the--color flag changes to 'never'.--colors <COLOR_SPEC>...This flag specifies color settings for use in the output. This flag may beprovided multiple times. Settings are applied iteratively. Colors are limitedto one of eight choices: red, blue, green, cyan, magenta, yellow, white andblack. Styles are limited to nobold, bold, nointense, intense, nounderlineor underline.The format of the flag is '{type}:{attribute}:{value}'. '{type}' should beone of path, line, column or match. '{attribute}' can be fg, bg or style.'{value}' is either a color (for fg and bg) or a text style. A special format,'{type}:none', will clear all color settings for '{type}'.For example, the following command will change the match color to magenta andthe background color for line numbers to yellow:rg --colors 'match:fg:magenta' --colors 'line:bg:yellow' foo.Extended colors can be used for '{value}' when the terminal supports ANSI colorsequences. These are specified as either 'x' (256-color) or 'x,x,x' (24-bittruecolor) where x is a number between 0 and 255 inclusive. x may be given asa normal decimal number or a hexadecimal number, which is prefixed by `0x`.For example, the following command will change the match background color tothat represented by the rgb value (0,128,255):rg --colors 'match:bg:0,128,255'or, equivalently,rg --colors 'match:bg:0x0,0x80,0xFF'Note that the the intense and nointense style flags will have no effect whenused alongside these extended color codes.--columnShow column numbers (1-based). This only shows the column numbers for the firstmatch on each line. This does not try to account for Unicode. One byte is equalto one column. This implies --line-number.This flag can be disabled with --no-column.-C, --context <NUM>Show NUM lines before and after each match. This is equivalent to providingboth the -B/--before-context and -A/--after-context flags with the same value.This overrides both the -B/--before-context and -A/--after-context flags.--context-separator <SEPARATOR>The string used to separate non-contiguous context lines in the output. Thisis only used when one of the context flags is used (-A, -B or -C). Escapesequences like \x7F or \t may be used. The default value is --.When the context separator is set to an empty string, then a line breakis still inserted. To completely disable context separators, use the--no-context-separator flag.-c, --countThis flag suppresses normal output and shows the number of lines that matchthe given patterns for each file searched. Each file containing a match has itspath and count printed on each line. Note that this reports the number of linesthat match and not the total number of matches.If only one file is given to ripgrep, then only the count is printed if thereis a match. The --with-filename flag can be used to force printing the filepath in this case.This overrides the --count-matches flag. Note that when --count is combinedwith --only-matching, then ripgrep behaves as if --count-matches was given.--count-matchesThis flag suppresses normal output and shows the number of individualmatches of the given patterns for each file searched. Each filecontaining matches has its path and match count printed on each line.Note that this reports the total number of individual matches and notthe number of lines that match.If only one file is given to ripgrep, then only the count is printed if thereis a match. The --with-filename flag can be used to force printing the filepath in this case.This overrides the --count flag. Note that when --count is combined with--only-matching, then ripgrep behaves as if --count-matches was given.--crlfWhen enabled, ripgrep will treat CRLF ('\r\n') as a line terminator insteadof just '\n'.Principally, this permits '$' in regex patterns to match just before CRLFinstead of just before LF. The underlying regex engine may not support thisnatively, so ripgrep will translate all instances of '$' to '(?:\r??$)'. Thismay produce slightly different than desired match offsets. It is intended as awork-around until the regex engine supports this natively.CRLF support can be disabled with --no-crlf.--debugShow debug messages. Please use this when filing a bug report.The --debug flag is generally useful for figuring out why ripgrep skippedsearching a particular file. The debug messages should mention all filesskipped and why they were skipped.To get even more debug output, use the --trace flag, which implies --debugalong with additional trace data. With --trace, the output could be quitelarge and is generally more useful for development.--dfa-size-limit <NUM+SUFFIX?>The upper size limit of the regex DFA. The default limit is 10M. This shouldonly be changed on very large regex inputs where the (slower) fallback regexengine may otherwise be used if the limit is reached.The argument accepts the same size suffixes as allowed in with the--max-filesize flag.-E, --encoding <ENCODING>Specify the text encoding that ripgrep will use on all files searched. Thedefault value is 'auto', which will cause ripgrep to do a best effort automaticdetection of encoding on a per-file basis. Automatic detection in this caseonly applies to files that begin with a UTF-8 or UTF-16 byte-order mark (BOM).No other automatic detection is performed. One can also specify 'none' whichwill then completely disable BOM sniffing and always result in searching theraw bytes, including a BOM if it's present, regardless of its encoding.Other supported values can be found in the list of labels here: more details on encoding and how ripgrep deals with it, see flag can be disabled with --no-encoding.--engine <ENGINE>Specify which regular expression engine to use. When you choose a regex engine,it applies that choice for every regex provided to ripgrep (e.g., via multiple-e/--regexp or -f/--file flags).Accepted values are 'default', 'pcre2', or 'auto'.The default value is 'default', which is the fastest and should be good formost use cases. The 'pcre2' engine is generally useful when you want to usefeatures such as look-around or backreferences. 'auto' will dynamically choosebetween supported regex engines depending on the features used in a pattern ona best effort basis.Note that the 'pcre2' engine is an optional ripgrep feature. If PCRE2 wasn'tincluding in your build of ripgrep, then using this flag will result in ripgrepprinting an error message and exiting.This overrides previous uses of --pcre2 and --auto-hybrid-regex flags.[default: default]-f, --file <PATTERNFILE>...Search for patterns from the given file, with one pattern per line. When thisflag is used multiple times or in combination with the -e/--regexp flag,then all patterns provided are searched. Empty pattern lines will match allinput lines, and the newline is not counted as part of the pattern.A line is printed if and only if it matches at least one of the patterns.--filesPrint each file that would be searched without actually performing the search.This is useful to determine whether a particular file is being searched or not.-l, --files-with-matchesOnly print the paths with at least one match.This overrides --files-without-match.--files-without-matchOnly print the paths that contain zero matches. This inverts/negates the--files-with-matches flag.This overrides --files-with-matches.-F, --fixed-stringsTreat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression. Whenthis flag is used, special regular expression meta characters such as .(){}*+do not need to be escaped.This flag can be disabled with --no-fixed-strings.-L, --followWhen this flag is enabled, ripgrep will follow symbolic links while traversingdirectories. This is disabled by default. Note that ripgrep will check forsymbolic link loops and report errors if it finds one.This flag can be disabled with --no-follow.-g, --glob <GLOB>...Include or exclude files and directories for searching that match the givenglob. This always overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple glob flags may beused. Globbing rules match .gitignore globs. Precede a glob with a ! to excludeit. If multiple globs match a file or directory, the glob given later in thecommand line takes precedence.When this flag is set, every file and directory is applied to it to test fora match. So for example, if you only want to search in a particular directory'foo', then *-g foo* is incorrect because 'foo/bar' does not match the glob'foo'. Instead, you should use *-g 'foo/**'*.--glob-case-insensitiveProcess glob patterns given with the -g/--glob flag case insensitively. Thiseffectively treats --glob as --iglob.This flag can be disabled with the --no-glob-case-insensitive flag.-h, --helpPrints help information. Use --help for more details.--headingThis flag prints the file path above clusters of matches from each file insteadof printing the file path as a prefix for each matched line. This is thedefault mode when printing to a terminal.This overrides the --no-heading flag.--hiddenSearch hidden files and directories. By default, hidden files and directoriesare skipped. Note that if a hidden file or a directory is whitelisted in anignore file, then it will be searched even if this flag isn't provided.This flag can be disabled with --no-hidden.--iglob <GLOB>...Include or exclude files and directories for searching that match the givenglob. This always overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple glob flags may beused. Globbing rules match .gitignore globs. Precede a glob with a ! to excludeit. Globs are matched case insensitively.-i, --ignore-caseWhen this flag is provided, the given patterns will be searched caseinsensitively. The case insensitivity rules used by ripgrep conform toUnicode's "simple" case folding rules.This flag overrides -s/--case-sensitive and -S/--smart-case.--ignore-file <PATH>...Specifies a path to one or more .gitignore format rules files. These patternsare applied after the patterns found in .gitignore and .ignore are appliedand are matched relative to the current working directory. Multiple additionalignore files can be specified by using the --ignore-file flag several times.When specifying multiple ignore files, earlier files have lower precedencethan later files.If you are looking for a way to include or exclude files and directoriesdirectly on the command line, then used -g instead.--ignore-file-case-insensitiveProcess ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.) case insensitively. Note thatthis comes with a performance penalty and is most useful on case insensitivefile systems (such as Windows).This flag can be disabled with the --no-ignore-file-case-insensitive flag.--include-zeroWhen used with --count or --count-matches, print the number of matches foreach file even if there were zero matches. This is disabled by default but canbe enabled to make ripgrep behave more like grep.-v, --invert-matchInvert matching. Show lines that do not match the given patterns.--jsonEnable printing results in a JSON Lines format.When this flag is provided, ripgrep will emit a sequence of messages, eachencoded as a JSON object, where there are five different message types:**begin** - A message that indicates a file is being searched and contains atleast one match.**end** - A message the indicates a file is done being searched. This messagealso include summary statistics about the search for a particular file.**match** - A message that indicates a match was found. This includes the textand offsets of the match.**context** - A message that indicates a contextual line was found. Thisincludes the text of the line, along with any match information if the searchwas inverted.**summary** - The final message emitted by ripgrep that contains summarystatistics about the search across all files.Since file paths or the contents of files are not guaranteed to be valid UTF-8and JSON itself must be representable by a Unicode encoding, ripgrep will emitall data elements as objects with one of two keys: 'text' or 'bytes'. 'text' isa normal JSON string when the data is valid UTF-8 while 'bytes' is the base64encoded contents of the data.The JSON Lines format is only supported for showing search results. It cannotbe used with other flags that emit other types of output, such as --files,--files-with-matches, --files-without-match, --count or --count-matches.ripgrep will report an error if any of the aforementioned flags are used inconcert with --json.Other flags that control aspects of the standard output such as--only-matching, --heading, --replace, --max-columns, etc., have no effectwhen --json is set.A more complete description of the JSON format used can be found here:*/grep_printer/struct.JSON.htmlThe JSON Lines format can be disabled with --no-json.--line-bufferedWhen enabled, ripgrep will use line buffering. That is, whenever a matchingline is found, it will be flushed to stdout immediately. This is the defaultwhen ripgrep's stdout is connected to a terminal, but otherwise, ripgrep willuse block buffering, which is typically faster. This flag forces ripgrep touse line buffering even if it would otherwise use block buffering. This istypically useful in shell pipelines, e.g.,'tail -f something.log | rg foo --line-buffered | rg bar'.Forceful line buffering can be disabled with --no-line-buffered. Note thatusing --no-line-buffered causes ripgrep to revert to its default behavior ofautomatically detecting the buffering strategy. To force block buffering, usethe --block-buffered flag.-n, --line-numberShow line numbers (1-based). This is enabled by default when searching in aterminal.-x, --line-regexpOnly show matches surrounded by line boundaries. This is equivalent to putting^...$ around all of the search patterns. In other words, this only prints lineswhere the entire line participates in a match.This overrides the --word-regexp flag.-M, --max-columns <NUM>Don't print lines longer than this limit in bytes. Longer lines are omitted,and only the number of matches in that line is printed.When this flag is omitted or is set to 0, then it has no effect.--max-columns-previewWhen the '--max-columns' flag is used, ripgrep will by default completelyreplace any line that is too long with a message indicating that a matchingline was removed. When this flag is combined with '--max-columns', a previewof the line (corresponding to the limit size) is shown instead, where the partof the line exceeding the limit is not shown.If the '--max-columns' flag is not set, then this has no effect.This flag can be disabled with '--no-max-columns-preview'.-m, --max-count <NUM>Limit the number of matching lines per file searched to NUM.--max-depth <NUM>Limit the depth of directory traversal to NUM levels beyond the paths given. Avalue of zero only searches the explicitly given paths themselves.For example, 'rg --max-depth 0 dir/' is a no-op because dir/ will not bedescended into. 'rg --max-depth 1 dir/' will search only the direct children of'dir'.--max-filesize <NUM+SUFFIX?>Ignore files larger than NUM in size. This does not apply to directories.The input format accepts suffixes of K, M or G which correspond to kilobytes,megabytes and gigabytes, respectively. If no suffix is provided the input istreated as bytes.Examples: --max-filesize 50K or --max-filesize 80M--mmapSearch using memory maps when possible. This is enabled by default when ripgrepthinks it will be faster.Memory map searching doesn't currently support all options, so if anincompatible option (e.g., --context) is given with --mmap, then memory mapswill not be used.Note that ripgrep may abort unexpectedly when --mmap if it searches a file thatis simultaneously truncated.This flag overrides --no-mmap.-U, --multilineEnable matching across multiple lines.When multiline mode is enabled, ripgrep will lift the restriction that a matchcannot include a line terminator. For example, when multiline mode is notenabled (the default), then the regex '\p{any}' will match any Unicodecodepoint other than '\n'. Similarly, the regex '\n' is explicitly forbidden,and if you try to use it, ripgrep will return an error. However, when multilinemode is enabled, '\p{any}' will match any Unicode codepoint, including '\n',and regexes like '\n' are permitted.An important caveat is that multiline mode does not change the match semanticsof '.'. Namely, in most regex matchers, a '.' will by default match anycharacter other than '\n', and this is true in ripgrep as well. In order tomake '.' match '\n', you must enable the "dot all" flag inside the regex.For example, both '(?s).' and '(?s:.)' have the same semantics, where '.' willmatch any character, including '\n'. Alternatively, the '--multiline-dotall'flag may be passed to make the "dot all" behavior the default. This flag onlyapplies when multiline search is enabled.There is no limit on the number of the lines that a single match can span.**WARNING**: Because of how the underlying regex engine works, multilinesearches may be slower than normal line-oriented searches, and they may alsouse more memory. In particular, when multiline mode is enabled, ripgreprequires that each file it searches is laid out contiguously in memory(either by reading it onto the heap or by memory-mapping it). Things thatcannot be memory-mapped (such as stdin) will be consumed until EOF beforesearching can begin. In general, ripgrep will only do these things whennecessary. Specifically, if the --multiline flag is provided but the regexdoes not contain patterns that would match '\n' characters, then ripgrepwill automatically avoid reading each file into memory before searching it.Nevertheless, if you only care about matches spanning at most one line, then itis always better to disable multiline mode.This flag can be disabled with --no-multiline.--multiline-dotallThis flag enables "dot all" in your regex pattern, which causes '.' to matchnewlines when multiline searching is enabled. This flag has no effect ifmultiline searching isn't enabled with the --multiline flag.Normally, a '.' will match any character except newlines. While this behaviortypically isn't relevant for line-oriented matching (since matches can span atmost one line), this can be useful when searching with the -U/--multiline flag.By default, the multiline mode runs without this flag.This flag is generally intended to be used in an alias or your ripgrep configfile if you prefer "dot all" semantics by default. Note that regardless ofwhether this flag is used, "dot all" semantics can still be controlled viainline flags in the regex pattern itself, e.g., '(?s:.)' always enables "dotall" whereas '(?-s:.)' always disables "dot all".This flag can be disabled with --no-multiline-dotall.--no-configNever read configuration files. When this flag is present, ripgrep will notrespect the RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.If ripgrep ever grows a feature to automatically read configuration files inpre-defined locations, then this flag will also disable that behavior as well.-I, --no-filenameNever print the file path with the matched lines. This is the default whenripgrep is explicitly instructed to search one file or stdin.This flag overrides --with-filename.--no-headingDon't group matches by each file. If --no-heading is provided in addition tothe -H/--with-filename flag, then file paths will be printed as a prefix forevery matched line. This is the default mode when not printing to a terminal.This overrides the --heading flag.--no-ignoreDon't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.). This implies--no-ignore-dot, --no-ignore-exclude, --no-ignore-global, no-ignore-parent and--no-ignore-vcs.This does *not* imply --no-ignore-files, since --ignore-file is specifiedexplicitly as a command line argument.This flag can be disabled with the --ignore flag.--no-ignore-dotDon't respect .ignore files.This flag can be disabled with the --ignore-dot flag.--no-ignore-excludeDon't respect ignore files that are manually configured for the repositorysuch as git's '.git/info/exclude'.This flag can be disabled with the --ignore-exclude flag.--no-ignore-filesWhen set, any --ignore-file flags, even ones that come after this flag, areignored.This flag can be disabled with the --ignore-files flag.--no-ignore-globalDon't respect ignore files that come from "global" sources such as git's`core.excludesFile` configuration option (which defaults to`$HOME/.config/git/ignore`).This flag can be disabled with the --ignore-global flag.--no-ignore-messagesSuppresses all error messages related to parsing ignore files such as .ignoreor .gitignore.This flag can be disabled with the --ignore-messages flag.--no-ignore-parentDon't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.) in parent directories.This flag can be disabled with the --ignore-parent flag.--no-ignore-vcsDon't respect version control ignore files (.gitignore, etc.). This implies--no-ignore-parent for VCS files. Note that .ignore files will continue to berespected.This flag can be disabled with the --ignore-vcs flag.-N, --no-line-numberSuppress line numbers. This is enabled by default when not searching in aterminal.--no-messagesSuppress all error messages related to opening and reading files. Errormessages related to the syntax of the pattern given are still shown.This flag can be disabled with the --messages flag.--no-mmapNever use memory maps, even when they might be faster.This flag overrides --mmap.--no-pcre2-unicodeDEPRECATED. Use --no-unicode instead.This flag is now an alias for --no-unicode. And --pcre2-unicode is an aliasfor --unicode.--no-require-gitBy default, ripgrep will only respect global gitignore rules, .gitignore rulesand local exclude rules if ripgrep detects that you are searching inside agit repository. This flag allows you to relax this restriction such thatripgrep will respect all git related ignore rules regardless of whether you'researching in a git repository or not.This flag can be disabled with --require-git.--no-unicodeBy default, ripgrep will enable "Unicode mode" in all of its regexes. Thishas a number of consequences:* '.' will only match valid UTF-8 encoded scalar values.* Classes like '\w', '\s', '\d' are all Unicode aware and much biggerthan their ASCII only versions.* Case insensitive matching will use Unicode case folding.* A large array of classes like '\p{Emoji}' are available.* Word boundaries ('\b' and '\B') use the Unicode definition of a wordcharacter.In some cases it can be desirable to turn these things off. The --no-unicodeflag will do exactly that.For PCRE2 specifically, Unicode mode represents a critical trade off in theuser experience of ripgrep. In particular, unlike the default regex engine,PCRE2 does not support the ability to search possibly invalid UTF-8 withUnicode features enabled. Instead, PCRE2 *requires* that everything it searcheswhen Unicode mode is enabled is valid UTF-8. (Or valid UTF-16/UTF-32, but forthe purposes of ripgrep, we only discuss UTF-8.) This means that if you havePCRE2's Unicode mode enabled and you attempt to search invalid UTF-8, thenthe search for that file will halt and print an error. For this reason, whenPCRE2's Unicode mode is enabled, ripgrep will automatically "fix" invalidUTF-8 sequences by replacing them with the Unicode replacement codepoint. Thispenalty does not occur when using the default regex engine.If you would rather see the encoding errors surfaced by PCRE2 when Unicode modeis enabled, then pass the --no-encoding flag to disable all transcoding.The --no-unicode flag can be disabled with --unicode. Note that--no-pcre2-unicode and --pcre2-unicode are aliases for --no-unicode and--unicode, respectively.-0, --nullWhenever a file path is printed, follow it with a NUL byte. This includesprinting file paths before matches, and when printing a list of matching filessuch as with --count, --files-with-matches and --files. This option is usefulfor use with xargs.--null-dataEnabling this option causes ripgrep to use NUL as a line terminator instead ofthe default of '\n'.This is useful when searching large binary files that would otherwise have verylong lines if '\n' were used as the line terminator. In particular, ripgreprequires that, at a minimum, each line must fit into memory. Using NUL insteadcan be a useful stopgap to keep memory requirements low and avoid OOM (out ofmemory) conditions.This is also useful for processing NUL delimited data, such as that emittedwhen using ripgrep's -0/--null flag or find's --print0 flag.Using this flag implies -a/--text.--one-file-systemWhen enabled, ripgrep will not cross file system boundaries relative to wherethe search started from.Note that this applies to each path argument given to ripgrep. For example, inthe command 'rg --one-file-system /foo/bar /quux/baz', ripgrep will search both'/foo/bar' and '/quux/baz' even if they are on different file systems, but willnot cross a file system boundary when traversing each path's directory tree.This is similar to find's '-xdev' or '-mount' flag.This flag can be disabled with --no-one-file-system.-o, --only-matchingPrint only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each suchpart on a separate output line.--passthruPrint both matching and non-matching lines.Another way to achieve a similar effect is by modifying your pattern to matchthe empty string. For example, if you are searching using 'rg foo' then using'rg "^|foo"' instead will emit every line in every file searched, but onlyoccurrences of 'foo' will be highlighted. This flag enables the same behaviorwithout needing to modify the pattern.--path-separator <SEPARATOR>Set the path separator to use when printing file paths. This defaults to yourplatform's path separator, which is / on Unix and \ on Windows. This flag isintended for overriding the default when the environment demands it (e.g.,cygwin). A path separator is limited to a single byte.-P, --pcre2When this flag is present, ripgrep will use the PCRE2 regex engine instead ofits default regex engine.This is generally useful when you want to use features such as look-aroundor backreferences.Note that PCRE2 is an optional ripgrep feature. If PCRE2 wasn't included inyour build of ripgrep, then using this flag will result in ripgrep printingan error message and exiting. PCRE2 may also have worse user experience insome cases, since it has fewer introspection APIs than ripgrep's default regexengine. For example, if you use a '\n' in a PCRE2 regex without the'-U/--multiline' flag, then ripgrep will silently fail to match anythinginstead of reporting an error immediately (like it does with the defaultregex engine).Related flags: --no-pcre2-unicodeThis flag can be disabled with --no-pcre2.--pcre2-versionWhen this flag is present, ripgrep will print the version of PCRE2 in use,along with other information, and then exit. If PCRE2 is not available, thenripgrep will print an error message and exit with an error code.--pre <COMMAND>For each input FILE, search the standard output of COMMAND FILE rather than thecontents of FILE. This option expects the COMMAND program to either be anabsolute path or to be available in your PATH. Either an empty string COMMANDor the '--no-pre' flag will disable this behavior.WARNING: When this flag is set, ripgrep will unconditionally spawn aprocess for every file that is searched. Therefore, this can incur anunnecessarily large performance penalty if you don't otherwise need theflexibility offered by this flag. One possible mitigation to this is to usethe '--pre-glob' flag to limit which files a preprocessor is run with.A preprocessor is not run when ripgrep is searching stdin.When searching over sets of files that may require one of several decodersas preprocessors, COMMAND should be a wrapper program or script which firstclassifies FILE based on magic numbers/content or based on the FILE name andthen dispatches to an appropriate preprocessor. Each COMMAND also has itsstandard input connected to FILE for convenience.For example, a shell script for COMMAND might look like:case "$1" in*.pdf)exec pdftotext "$1" -;;*)case $(file "$1") in*Zstandard*)exec pzstd -cdq;;*)exec cat;;esac;;esacThe above script uses `pdftotext` to convert a PDF file to plain text. Forall other files, the script uses the `file` utility to sniff the type of thefile based on its contents. If it is a compressed file in the Zstandard format,then `pzstd` is used to decompress the contents to stdout.This overrides the -z/--search-zip flag.--pre-glob <GLOB>...This flag works in conjunction with the --pre flag. Namely, when one or more--pre-glob flags are given, then only files that match the given set of globswill be handed to the command specified by the --pre flag. Any non-matchingfiles will be searched without using the preprocessor command.This flag is useful when searching many files with the --pre flag. Namely,it permits the ability to avoid process overhead for files that don't needpreprocessing. For example, given the following shell script, 'pre-pdftotext':#!/bin/shpdftotext "$1" -then it is possible to use '--pre pre-pdftotext --pre-glob '*.pdf'' to makeit so ripgrep only executes the 'pre-pdftotext' command on files with a '.pdf'extension.Multiple --pre-glob flags may be used. Globbing rules match .gitignore globs.Precede a glob with a ! to exclude it.This flag has no effect if the --pre flag is not used.-p, --prettyThis is a convenience alias for '--color always --heading --line-number'. Thisflag is useful when you still want pretty output even if you're piping ripgrepto another program or file. For example: 'rg -p foo | less -R'.-q, --quietDo not print anything to stdout. If a match is found in a file, then ripgrepwill stop searching. This is useful when ripgrep is used only for its exitcode (which will be an error if no matches are found).When --files is used, then ripgrep will stop finding files after finding thefirst file that matches all ignore rules.--regex-size-limit <NUM+SUFFIX?>The upper size limit of the compiled regex. The default limit is 10M.The argument accepts the same size suffixes as allowed in the --max-filesizeflag.-e, --regexp <PATTERN>...A pattern to search for. This option can be provided multiple times, whereall patterns given are searched. Lines matching at least one of the providedpatterns are printed. This flag can also be used when searching for patternsthat start with a dash.For example, to search for the literal '-foo', you can use this flag:rg -e -fooYou can also use the special '--' delimiter to indicate that no more flagswill be provided. Namely, the following is equivalent to the above:rg -- -foo-r, --replace <REPLACEMENT_TEXT>Replace every match with the text given when printing results. Neither thisflag nor any other ripgrep flag will modify your files.Capture group indices (e.g., $5) and names (e.g., $foo) are supported in thereplacement string. Capture group indices are numbered based on the position ofthe opening paranthesis of the group, where the leftmost such group is $1. Thespecial $0 group corresponds to the entire match.In shells such as Bash and zsh, you should wrap the pattern in single quotesinstead of double quotes. Otherwise, capture group indices will be replaced byexpanded shell variables which will most likely be empty.To write a literal '$', use '$$'.Note that the replacement by default replaces each match, and NOT the entireline. To replace the entire line, you should match the entire line.This flag can be used with the -o/--only-matching flag.-z, --search-zipSearch in compressed files. Currently gzip, bzip2, xz, LZ4, LZMA, Brotli andZstd files are supported. This option expects the decompression binaries to beavailable in your PATH.This flag can be disabled with --no-search-zip.-S, --smart-caseSearches case insensitively if the pattern is all lowercase. Search casesensitively otherwise.This overrides the -s/--case-sensitive and -i/--ignore-case flags.--sort <SORTBY>This flag enables sorting of results in ascending order. The possible valuesfor this flag are:none      (Default) Do not sort results. Fastest. Can be multi-threaded.path      Sort by file path. Always single-threaded.modified  Sort by the last modified time on a file. Always single-threaded.accessed  Sort by the last accessed time on a file. Always single-threaded.created   Sort by the creation time on a file. Always single-threaded.If the chosen (manually or by-default) sorting criteria isn't available on yoursystem (for example, creation time is not available on ext4 file systems), thenripgrep will attempt to detect this, print an error and exit without searching.To sort results in reverse or descending order, use the --sortr flag. Also,this flag overrides --sortr.Note that sorting results currently always forces ripgrep to abandonparallelism and run in a single thread.--sortr <SORTBY>This flag enables sorting of results in descending order. The possible valuesfor this flag are:none      (Default) Do not sort results. Fastest. Can be multi-threaded.path      Sort by file path. Always single-threaded.modified  Sort by the last modified time on a file. Always single-threaded.accessed  Sort by the last accessed time on a file. Always single-threaded.created   Sort by the creation time on a file. Always single-threaded.If the chosen (manually or by-default) sorting criteria isn't available on yoursystem (for example, creation time is not available on ext4 file systems), thenripgrep will attempt to detect this, print an error and exit without searching.To sort results in ascending order, use the --sort flag. Also, this flagoverrides --sort.Note that sorting results currently always forces ripgrep to abandonparallelism and run in a single thread.--statsPrint aggregate statistics about this ripgrep search. When this flag ispresent, ripgrep will print the following stats to stdout at the end of thesearch: number of matched lines, number of files with matches, number of filessearched, and the time taken for the entire search to complete.This set of aggregate statistics may expand over time.Note that this flag has no effect if --files, --files-with-matches or--files-without-match is passed.This flag can be disabled with --no-stats.-a, --textSearch binary files as if they were text. When this flag is present, ripgrep'sbinary file detection is disabled. This means that when a binary file issearched, its contents may be printed if there is a match. This may causeescape codes to be printed that alter the behavior of your terminal.When binary file detection is enabled it is imperfect. In general, it usesa simple heuristic. If a NUL byte is seen during search, then the file isconsidered binary and search stops (unless this flag is present).Alternatively, if the '--binary' flag is used, then ripgrep will only quitwhen it sees a NUL byte after it sees a match (or searches the entire file).This flag can be disabled with '--no-text'. It overrides the '--binary' flag.-j, --threads <NUM>The approximate number of threads to use. A value of 0 (which is the default)causes ripgrep to choose the thread count using heuristics.--trimWhen set, all ASCII whitespace at the beginning of each line printed will betrimmed.This flag can be disabled with --no-trim.-t, --type <TYPE>...Only search files matching TYPE. Multiple type flags may be provided. Use the--type-list flag to list all available types.This flag supports the special value 'all', which will behave as if --typewas provided for every file type supported by ripgrep (including any customfile types). The end result is that '--type all' causes ripgrep to search in"whitelist" mode, where it will only search files it recognizes via its typedefinitions.--type-add <TYPE_SPEC>...Add a new glob for a particular file type. Only one glob can be added at atime. Multiple --type-add flags can be provided. Unless --type-clear is used,globs are added to any existing globs defined inside of ripgrep.Note that this MUST be passed to every invocation of ripgrep. Type settings areNOT persisted. See CONFIGURATION FILES for a workaround.Example:rg --type-add 'foo:*.foo' -tfoo PATTERN.--type-add can also be used to include rules from other types with the specialinclude directive. The include directive permits specifying one or more othertype names (separated by a comma) that have been defined and its rules willautomatically be imported into the type specified. For example, to create atype called src that matches C++, Python and Markdown files, one can use:--type-add 'src:include:cpp,py,md'Additional glob rules can still be added to the src type by using the--type-add flag again:--type-add 'src:include:cpp,py,md' --type-add 'src:*.foo'Note that type names must consist only of Unicode letters or numbers.Punctuation characters are not allowed.--type-clear <TYPE>...Clear the file type globs previously defined for TYPE. This only clears thedefault type definitions that are found inside of ripgrep.Note that this MUST be passed to every invocation of ripgrep. Type settings areNOT persisted. See CONFIGURATION FILES for a workaround.--type-listShow all supported file types and their corresponding globs.-T, --type-not <TYPE>...Do not search files matching TYPE. Multiple type-not flags may be provided. Usethe --type-list flag to list all available types.-u, --unrestrictedReduce the level of "smart" searching. A single -u won't respect .gitignore(etc.) files. Two -u flags will additionally search hidden files anddirectories. Three -u flags will additionally search binary files.'rg -uuu' is roughly equivalent to 'grep -r'.-V, --versionPrints version information--vimgrepShow results with every match on its own line, including line numbers andcolumn numbers. With this option, a line with more than one match will beprinted more than once.-H, --with-filenameDisplay the file path for matches. This is the default when more than onefile is searched. If --heading is enabled (the default when printing to aterminal), the file path will be shown above clusters of matches from eachfile; otherwise, the file name will be shown as a prefix for each matched line.This flag overrides --no-filename.-w, --word-regexpOnly show matches surrounded by word boundaries. This is roughly equivalent toputting \b before and after all of the search patterns.This overrides the --line-regexp flag.

man ag 

AG(1)                                                                                                                                                                                              AG(1)NAMEag - The Silver Searcher. Like ack, but faster.SYNOPSISag [options] pattern [path ...]DESCRIPTIONRecursively search for PATTERN in PATH. Like grep or ack, but faster.OPTIONS--ackmateOutput results in a format parseable by AckMate[no]affinitySet thread affinity (if platform supports it). Default is true.-a --all-typesSearch all files. This doesn´t include hidden files, and doesn´t respect any ignore files.-A --after [LINES]Print lines after match. If not provided, LINES defaults to 2.
RG(1)                                                                                                                                                                                              RG(1)NAMErg - recursively search current directory for lines matching a patternSYNOPSISrg [OPTIONS] PATTERN [PATH...]rg [OPTIONS] -e PATTERN... [PATH...]rg [OPTIONS] -f PATTERNFILE... [PATH...]rg [OPTIONS] --files [PATH...]rg [OPTIONS] --type-listcommand | rg [OPTIONS] PATTERNrg [OPTIONS] --helprg [OPTIONS] --versionDESCRIPTIONripgrep (rg) recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern. By default, ripgrep will respect your .gitignore and automatically skip hidden files/directories and binary files.ripgrep’s default regex engine uses finite automata and guarantees linear time searching. Because of this, features like backreferences and arbitrary look-around are not supported. However, ifripgrep is built with PCRE2, then the --pcre2 flag can be used to enable backreferences and look-around.ripgrep supports configuration files. Set RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH to a configuration file. The file can specify one shell argument per line. Lines starting with # are ignored. For more details, seethe man page or the README.ripgrep will automatically detect if stdin exists and search stdin for a regex pattern, e.g. ls | rg foo. In some environments, stdin may exist when it shouldn’t. To turn off stdin detectionexplicitly specify the directory to search, e.g. rg foo ./.Tip: to disable all smart filtering and make ripgrep behave a bit more like classical grep, use rg -uuu.REGEX SYNTAX

man vim

VIM(1)                                                                                   General Commands Manual                                                                                  VIM(1)NAMEvim - Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editorSYNOPSISvim [options] [file ..]vim [options] -vim [options] -t tagvim [options] -q [errorfile]exviewgvim gview evim eviewrvim rview rgvim rgviewDESCRIPTIONVim is a text editor that is upwards compatible to Vi.  It can be used to edit all kinds of plain text.  It is especially useful for editing programs.


在~/.bashrc下添加 `export RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=${HOME}/.ripgreprc`


$ cat $HOME/.ripgreprc
# Don't let ripgrep vomit really long lines to my terminal, and show a preview.
--max-columns-preview# Add my 'web' type.
web:*.{html,css,js}*# Using glob patterns to include/exclude files or folders
--glob=!git/*# or
!git/*# Set the colors.
--colors=line:style:bold# Because who cares about case!?

在source ${HOME}/.ripgreprc


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