
If you’re worried someone has access to your Slack account, or you want to make sure old devices are no longer logged in, you can log every device out of your account at once. Here’s how to make that happen.

如果您担心有人可以访问您的Slack帐户,或者要确保不再登录旧设备,则可以立即注销每个设备。 这是实现这一目标的方法。

Sometimes you just want to make sure every device and user is logged out of your account. This might be because you’re selling an old device, or because you’ve noticed unusual activity. Whatever the reason, there’s a simple way to log out all users and devices.

有时,您只想确保每个设备和用户都从您的帐户中注销。 这可能是因为您正在出售旧设备,或者是因为发现异常活动。 无论出于何种原因,都有一种简单的方法可以注销所有用户和设备。

The process can be done in either the Slack web app or the Slack desktop client, and is exactly the same in both. You can’t do this from the mobile app though, so you’ll need your computer.

该过程可以在Slack Web应用程序或Slack桌面客户端中完成,两者完全相同。 不过,您无法通过移动应用执行此操作,因此需要您的计算机。

To start, click the menu arrow next to your workspace name.


This will bring up the menu options. Click the “Profile & Account” button.

这将显示菜单选项。 点击“个人资料和帐户”按钮。

Click on the three dots under your profile avatar/picture.


In the menu that appears, click “Account Settings.”


In the Settings tab, which is selected by default, scroll down to the “Sign Out of All Other Sessions” section and click the “Sign Out of All Other Sessions” button.


In the confirmation panel that opens, enter your password and click “Sign Out All Other Sessions.”


That’s it, you’re done. Any other device that wants to access your Slack account will have to log back in.

就是这样,您完成了。 任何其他想要访问您的Slack帐户的设备都必须重新登录。

If you’re concerned that someone has the password to your account when they shouldn’t, change your password immediately. Otherwise, the bad actors will be able to log straight back in again. We also recommend you turn on multi-factor authentication so that even if someone gets ahold of your password, they still can’t log in without having access to your phone.

如果您担心某人在不该拥有的密码输入了您的帐户,请立即更改您的密码。 否则,不良行为者将能够再次直接登录。 我们还建议您打开多因素身份验证,这样即使有人掌握了您的密码,他们仍然无法在不访问您的手机的情况下登录。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447462/how-to-log-all-devices-out-of-your-slack-account/



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