

android 拍照的照片方向问题,读取图片EXIF信息



翻转后 orientation 属性为6 。

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ImageProcessingException, IOException {  File jpegFile= new File("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\IMG_0362.JPG");  Metadata metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(jpegFile);  Directory directory = metadata.getDirectory(ExifIFD0Directory.class);  JpegDirectory jpegDirectory = (JpegDirectory)metadata.getDirectory(JpegDirectory.class);  //        int orientation =0;  //        Metadata metadata = JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata(newFile);  //        for (Directory directory : metadata.getDirectories())  //        {  //            for (Tag tag : directory.getTags())  //            {  //                if ("Orientation".equalsIgnoreCase(tag.getTagName()))  //                {  //                    orientation=getOrientation(tag.getDescription());  //                }  //            }  //        }  //        Integer turn=360;  //        if(orientation==0||orientation==1)  //        {  //            turn=360;  //        }  //        else if(orientation==3)  //        {  //            turn=180;  //        }  //        else if(orientation==6)  //        {  //            turn=90;  //        }  //        else if(orientation==8)  //        {  //            turn=270;  //        }  int orientation = 1;  try {  orientation = directory.getInt(ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_ORIENTATION);  } catch (MetadataException me) {  logger.warn("Could not get orientation");  }  System.out.println(orientation);  BufferedImage src =;  BufferedImage des = RotateImage.Rotate(src, 90);  ImageIO.write(des,"jpg", new File("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\IMG_0362.JPG"));  //        FileInputStream fip = new FileInputStream(jpegFile);  //        LLJTran llj = new LLJTran(fip);  //        try {  //  , true);  //        } catch (LLJTranException e) {  //            e.printStackTrace();  //        }  //  //        Exif exif = (Exif) llj.getImageInfo();  //        Entry e = new Entry(Exif.RATIONAL);  //        exif.setTagValue(Exif.ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT,1,e,true);  //        llj.refreshAppx(); // Recreate Marker Data for changes done  //        //改写后的文件,文件必须存在  //        OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\IMG_0362.JPG"));  //        // Transfer remaining of image to output with new header.  //        try {  //            llj.xferInfo(null, out, LLJTran.REPLACE, LLJTran.REPLACE);  //        } catch (LLJTranException e1) {  //            e1.printStackTrace();  //        }  //        fip.close();  //        out.close();  //        llj.freeMemory();  }  public static int getOrientation(String orientation)  {  int tag = 0;  if ("Top, left side (Horizontal / normal)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 1;  } else if ("Top, right side (Mirror horizontal)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 2;  } else if ("Bottom, right side (Rotate 180)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 3;  } else if ("Bottom, left side (Mirror vertical)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 4;  } else if ("Left side, top (Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 5;  } else if ("Right side, top (Rotate 90 CW)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 6;  } else if ("Right side, bottom (Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 7;  } else if ("Left side, bottom (Rotate 270 CW)".equalsIgnoreCase(orientation)) {  tag = 8;  }  return  tag;  }


    package;  import java.awt.*;  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;  /** * Created by Administrator on 2015/12/15. */  public class RotateImage {  public static BufferedImage Rotate(Image src, int angel) {  int src_width = src.getWidth(null);  int src_height = src.getHeight(null);  // calculate the new image size  Rectangle rect_des = CalcRotatedSize(new Rectangle(new Dimension(  src_width, src_height)), angel);  BufferedImage res = null;  res = new BufferedImage(rect_des.width, rect_des.height,  BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);  Graphics2D g2 = res.createGraphics();  // transform  g2.translate((rect_des.width - src_width) / 2,  (rect_des.height - src_height) / 2);  g2.rotate(Math.toRadians(angel), src_width / 2, src_height / 2);  g2.drawImage(src, null, null);  return res;  }  public static Rectangle CalcRotatedSize(Rectangle src, int angel) {  // if angel is greater than 90 degree, we need to do some conversion  if (angel >= 90) {  if(angel / 90 % 2 == 1){  int temp = src.height;  src.height = src.width;  src.width = temp;  }  angel = angel % 90;  }  double r = Math.sqrt(src.height * src.height + src.width * src.width) / 2;  double len = 2 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angel) / 2) * r;  double angel_alpha = (Math.PI - Math.toRadians(angel)) / 2;  double angel_dalta_width = Math.atan((double) src.height / src.width);  double angel_dalta_height = Math.atan((double) src.width / src.height);  int len_dalta_width = (int) (len * Math.cos(Math.PI - angel_alpha  - angel_dalta_width));  int len_dalta_height = (int) (len * Math.cos(Math.PI - angel_alpha  - angel_dalta_height));  int des_width = src.width + len_dalta_width * 2;  int des_height = src.height + len_dalta_height * 2;  return new Rectangle(new Dimension(des_width, des_height));  }  }


package testExif;import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import com.drew.imaging.jpeg.JpegMetadataReader;
import com.drew.metadata.Directory;
import com.drew.metadata.Metadata;
import com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifDirectoryBase;; public class TestExif {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {File file = new File("/pathToJepg/d3805d6c032a42feabce3deee74dfb6a.JPG");Metadata metadata = JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata(file);Directory directory = metadata.getFirstDirectoryOfType(ExifDirectoryBase.class);int orientation=0;if(directory != null && directory.containsTag(ExifDirectoryBase.TAG_ORIENTATION)){ // Exif信息中有保存方向,把信息复制到缩略图orientation = directory.getInt(ExifDirectoryBase.TAG_ORIENTATION); // 原图片的方向信息System.out.println(orientation);}if(orientation == 1){System.out.println("rotate 90");BufferedImage src =;  BufferedImage des = RotateImage.Rotate(src, 270);  ImageIO.write(des,"jpg", new File("D:/upload/20170224/raw/90.jpg"));}}


                 if(6 == orientation ){//6旋转90angle = 90;}else if( 3 == orientation){//3旋转180angle = 180;}else if( 8 == orientation){//8旋转90angle = 270;}








正常拿手机竖拍,照片方向"6""Rotate 90 CW",图片顺时针旋转90度时,即正常。

再转90度,横拿,左手拍照,照片方向"3""Rotate 180",旋转180度即可正常显示方向。

再转90度,手机头朝下拍,照片方向"8""Rotate 270 CW"。


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