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Is your product user-friendly? Take these steps to find out

Whether it's software, technical documentation, a cell phone, or a refrigerator, your customer wants no, expects your product to be easy to use. This fully revised handbook, a leading resource since 1994, provides clear, step-by-step guidelines to help you test your product for usability. Completely updated with current industry best practices and more varied examples, it can give you that all-important marketplace advantage: products that perform the way users expect.

*Learn to recognize factors that limit usability
*Decide whether testing should occur in a lab setting or at the site where the product is used
*Set up a test plan to assess goals for your product's usability
*Choose and train effective test moderators
*Decide on the best way to collect and review data
*Report the results and make recommendations
*Learn user-centered design principles and practices the context for usability testing
*Reap the benefits of templates, tables, models, case studies, and other tools of the trade


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