
C++ 判断字符串是否全是数字




 1 #include <iostream>2 using namespace std;  3 4 bool AllisNum(string str); 5  6 int main( void )  7 {  8 9     string str1 = "wolaiqiao23";
10     string str2 = "1990";
12     if (AllisNum(str1))
13     {
14         cout<<"str1 is a num"<<endl;
15     }
16     else
17     {
18         cout<<"str1 is not a num"<<endl;
19     }
21     if (AllisNum(str2))
22     {
23         cout<<"str2 is a num"<<endl;
24     }
25     else
26     {
27         cout<<"str2 is not a num"<<endl;
28     }
30     cin.get();
31     return 0;
32 }
34 bool AllisNum(string str)
35 {
36     for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
37     {
38         int tmp = (int)str[i];
39         if (tmp >= 48 && tmp <= 57)
40         {
41             continue;
42         }
43         else
44         {
45             return false;
46         }
47     }
48     return true;
49 }  


 1 #include <iostream>2 #include <sstream>  3 using namespace std;  4 5 bool isNum(string str);  6 7 int main( void )  8 {9     string str1 = "wolaiqiao23r";
10     string str2 = "1990";
11     if(isNum(str1))
12     {
13         cout << "str1 is a num" << endl;
14     }
15     else
16     {
17         cout << "str1 is not a num" << endl;
19     }
20     if(isNum(str2))
21     {
22         cout<<"str2 is a num"<<endl;
23     }
24     else
25     {
26         cout<<"str2 is not a num"<<endl;
28     }
30     cin.get();
31     return 0;
32 }
34 bool isNum(string str)
35 {
36     stringstream sin(str);
37     double d;
38     char c;
39     if(!(sin >> d))
40     {
41         return false;
42     }
43     if (sin >> c)
44     {
45         return false;
46     }
47     return true;
48 } 



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