
1、存储模式:面向集合存储,模式自由; GridFS大文件存储(16M)

2、容灾类型:主从复制(Replication)、Replica Set(自动选取主节点)、Sharding + Replica Set。


3、支持CRUD 和 Fast In-Place Updates(文档内更新)。

说明:Fast In-Place Updates支持快速更新文档自身内容,对于不影响文档大小的更新,效率比覆盖更新整个文档效率高。为了支持改变文档大小的文档内更新,mongo内部采用padding,即采用比文档略大的空间存储文档,当更新导致文档大小改变时,如改变大小不超过padding大小,就地更新,无须另外存储。padding比例由mongo自身决定。



5、存储机制:mmap file + 内存索引。完全由OS处理缓存。磁盘空间预分配(默认2G)。

说明:mongo将内存管理和缓存都交给OS。内存优先让给索引使用。当索引大于内存大小时,将影响各种操作。当"工作集"(热门数据)+索引 大于 内存时,查询性能受影响。

6、集合类型:普通集合、TTL Collection(淘汰过期数据)、 Capped Collection(定长集合,FIFO)




// this header should be first to ensure that it includes cleanly in any context
#include "mongo/client/dbclient.h"#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>#ifndef verify
#  define verify(x) MONGO_verify(x)
#endifusing namespace std;
using namespace mongo;int connect_mongo(DBClientConnection* conn, const string& ip, const string& port)
{ try{if( conn->getServerAddress().empty() ){   // not initstring errmsg;if( ! conn->connect( ip  + ":" + port , errmsg ) ){printf("FAIL connect mongo, %s", errmsg.c_str());return -1;}}if (conn->isFailed()) {string errmsg;if ( ! conn->connect( ip  + ":" + port , errmsg ) ) {printf("FAIL connect mongo, %s", errmsg.c_str());return -1;}}}catch( DBException& e ) {printf("MONGO Exception(connect): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch ( std::exception& e ) {  printf("MONGO Exception(connect): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch( ... ){printf("MONGO Exception(connect): NULL");return -1;}return 0;
}int set_mongo(DBClientConnection* conn, const string& dbname, const string& id, const string& value)
{try{mongo::BSONObjBuilder b;long long curtime = time(NULL);Date_t date( (curtime - curtime % (3600*24) + ( random() % 6 + 2) * 3600) * 1000 ); // limit ttl deleting time to 2:00-8:00.
b.append( "_id", id );b.append( "value", value);b.append( "ts", date);//cout<< b.obj() << endl;conn->update( dbname , BSONObjBuilder().append( "_id" , id ).obj(), b.obj(), true );}catch( DBException& e ) {printf("MONGO Exception(set): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch ( std::exception& e ) {  printf("MONGO Exception(set): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch( ... ){printf("MONGO Exception(set): NULL");return -1;}return 0;
}int get_mongo(DBClientConnection* conn, const string& dbname, const string& id, string& value)
{try{BSONObj obj = conn->findOne( dbname, BSONObjBuilder().append( "_id" , id ).obj()); if( !obj.isEmpty() ){value = obj.getStringField("value");}}catch( DBException& e ) {printf("MONGO Exception(get): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch ( std::exception& e ) {  printf("MONGO Exception(get): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch( ... ){printf("MONGO Exception(get): NULL");return -1;}return 0;
}int mget_mongo(DBClientConnection* conn, const string& dbname, const vector<string>& ids, vector<string>& values)
{try{mongo::BSONObjBuilder b;b.append( "$in",  ids);auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->query( dbname, BSON( "_id" << b.obj() ));while ( cursor->get() && cursor->more() ) {BSONObj obj = cursor->next();if( !obj.isEmpty() ){values.push_back(obj.getStringField("value"));}}}catch( DBException& e ) {printf("MONGO Exception(get): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch ( std::exception& e ) {  printf("MONGO Exception(get): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch( ... ){printf("MONGO Exception(get): NULL");return -1;}return 0;
}int del_mongo(DBClientConnection* conn, const string& dbname, const string& id)
{try{conn->remove( dbname, BSONObjBuilder().append( "_id" , id ).obj()); }catch( DBException& e ) {printf("MONGO Exception(del): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch ( std::exception& e ) {  printf("MONGO Exception(del): %s", e.what());return -1;}catch( ... ){printf("MONGO Exception(del): NULL");return -1;}return 0;
}void Print(DBClientConnection& conn, const string& dbname)
{auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( dbname , BSONObj() );int count = 0;while ( cursor->more() ) {count++;BSONObj obj = cursor->next();std::cout<< obj << std::endl;}
}int main( int argc, const char **argv )
{const char *port = "27000";string host( "" );if ( argc < 3 ) {std::cout << argv[0] << " dbname host [port]" << endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}const char* dbname = argv[1];if( argc >= 3){host = string(argv[2]);}if( argc >= 4){port = argv[3];}{DBClientConnection conn( false , 0 , 2 );if( connect_mongo(&conn, host, port) != 0){exit(-1);}string id = "test123";string value = "test456";del_mongo(&conn, dbname, id);set_mongo(&conn, dbname, id, value);string ret_val;get_mongo(&conn, dbname, id, ret_val);if( value != ret_val){cout<<"TEST FAIL: " << value << " : " << ret_val <<endl;}}cout << "test finished!" << endl;return EXIT_SUCCESS;



MongoDB 2.2 的 Time To Live (TTL) 集合:



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