
class Vue { constructor (options) { this.$el = options.el; this.$options = options;   this.$data = options.data; if (this.$el) { new Observer(this.$data)    }   }
}   class Observer {    constructor(data) { this.observe(data)  }   observe (obj) { if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') {  for (const key in obj) {    this.defineReactive(obj, key, obj[key]) }   }   }   defineReactive (obj, key, value) {  this.observe(value) Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {   get () {    return value    },  set: (newValue) => {    if (value !== newValue) { value = newValue   this.observe(newValue)  }   }   })  }


class Vue {    constructor (options) { this.$el = options.el; this.$options = options;   this.$data = options.data; if (this.$el) { new Observer(this.$data)    new Compiler(this.$el, this)    }   }
}   class Compiler {    constructor (el, vm) {  this.vm = vm;  this.el = this.isElementNode(el) ? el : document.querySelector(el);    let fragment = this.nodeFragment(this.el); this.compile(fragment)  this.el.appendChild(fragment)   }   compile (node) {    console.log(node, '分析DOM节点')  }   nodeFragment (node) {   let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()   let firstChild; while (firstChild = node.firstChild) { fragment.appendChild(firstChild)    }   return fragment }   isElementNode (node) {  return node.nodeType === 1;  }


let CompileUtil = {   text (node, expr, vm) { let handler = this.updater['text']   let content = expr.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/, (...args) => {    return this.getValue(args[1], vm)   })  handler(node, content)  },  getValue(expr, vm) {    return expr.split('.').reduce((data, current) => {    return data[current]    }, vm.$data)    },  updater: {  text (node, value) {    node.textContent = value   }   }
}   class Compiler {    constructor (el, vm) {  this.vm = vm;  this.el = this.isElementNode(el) ? el : document.querySelector(el);    let fragment = this.nodeFragment(this.el); this.compile(fragment)  this.el.appendChild(fragment)   }   compile (node) {    let nodeList = node.childNodes;    Array.from(nodeList, child => { if (this.isElementNode(child)) {    this.compileElement(child)  this.compile(child) } else {    this.compileText(child) }   })  }   compileElement (node) { // 分析元素节点   }   compileText (node) {    // 分析文本节点   // 1. 小胡子语法里面要替换成我们想要的内容    let content = node.textContent;    if (/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/.test(content)) {   CompileUtil.text(node, content, this.vm)    }   }   nodeFragment (node) {   let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()   let firstChild; while (firstChild = node.firstChild) { fragment.appendChild(firstChild)    }   return fragment }   isElementNode (node) {  return node.nodeType === 1;  }


class Dep {    constructor() { this.subs = [] }   addSub(watcher) {   this.subs.push(watcher) }   notify() {  this.subs.forEach(watcher => watcher.update())  }
}   class Watcher { constructor(vm, expr, cb) { this.vm = vm;  this.expr = expr;  this.cb = cb;  this.oldVale = this.get()  }   get () {    Dep.target = this; // 取值操作 let value = CompileUtil.getValue(this.expr, this.vm)   Dep.target = null; return value    }   update () { let newValue = CompileUtil.getValue(this.expr, this.vm)    if (newValue !== this.oldVale) {  // 当比较两个值不相等的情况下执行回调    this.cb(this.newValue)  }   }
}   class Vue { constructor(options) {  this.$el = options.el; this.$options = options;   this.$data = options.data; if (this.$el) { new Observer(this.$data)    new Compiler(this.$el, this)    }   }
}   class Observer {    constructor(data) { this.observe(data)  }   observe(obj) {  if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') {  for (const key in obj) {    this.defineReactive(obj, key, obj[key]) }   }   }   defineReactive(obj, key, value) {   this.observe(value) let dep = new Dep()    Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {   get() { Dep.target && dep.addSub(Dep.target)    return value    },  set: (newValue) => {    if (value !== newValue) { value = newValue   this.observe(newValue)  dep.notify()    }   }   })  }
}   let CompileUtil = {    text(node, expr, vm) {  let handler = this.updater['text']   let content = expr.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/, (...args) => {    new Watcher(vm, args[1], () => {    // 处理函数 handler(node, this.getContentValue(vm, expr))   })  return this.getValue(args[1], vm)   })  handler(node, content)  },  getContentValue (vm, expr) {    return expr.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/, (...args) => {    return this.getValue(args[1], vm)   })  },  getValue(expr, vm) {    return expr.split('.').reduce((data, current) => {    return data[current]    }, vm.$data)    },  updater: {  text(node, value) { node.textContent = value   }   }
}   class Compiler {    constructor(el, vm) {   this.vm = vm;  this.el = this.isElementNode(el) ? el : document.querySelector(el);    let fragment = this.nodeFragment(this.el); this.compile(fragment)  this.el.appendChild(fragment)   }   compile(node) { let nodeList = node.childNodes;    Array.from(nodeList, child => { if (this.isElementNode(child)) {    this.compileElement(child)  this.compile(child) } else {    this.compileText(child) }   })  }   compileElement(node) {  // 分析元素节点   }   compileText(node) { // 分析文本节点   // 1. 小胡子语法里面要替换成我们想要的内容    let content = node.textContent;    if (/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/.test(content)) {   CompileUtil.text(node, content, this.vm)    }   }   nodeFragment(node) {    let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()   let firstChild; while (firstChild = node.firstChild) { fragment.appendChild(firstChild)    }   return fragment }   isElementNode(node) {   return node.nodeType === 1;  }


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