sam-ba cdc at91 usb to serial converter  驱动文件如下

; Windows USB CDC Driver Setup File for ATMEL AT91SAM products

[Version]                                                       ; Version section
Signature="$Windows NT$"                                        ; Windows 200 and later versions
Class=Ports                                                     ; This is a serial port driver
ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}                ; Associated GUID
Provider=%ATMEL%                                                ; Driver is provided by ATMEL
DriverVer=04/16/2008,                                    ; Driver version published on 16 April 2008

[DestinationDirs]                                               ; DestinationDirs section
DefaultDestDir=12                                               ; Default install directory is /drivers or /IOSubSys

[Manufacturer]                                                  ; Manufacturer section
%ATMEL%=AtmelMfg                                                ; Only one manufacturer (ATMEL), models section is named
                                                                ; AtmelMfg

[AtmelMfg]                                                      ; Models section corresponding to ATMEL
%USBtoSerialConverter%=USBtoSer.Install,USB/VID_03EB&PID_6124   ; Identifies a device with ATMEL Vendor ID (03EBh) and
                                                                ; Product ID equal to 6124h. Corresponding Install section
                                                                ; is named USBtoSer.Install

[USBtoSer.Install]                                              ; Install section
AddReg=USBtoSer.AddReg                                          ; Registry keys to add are listed in USBtoSer.AddReg

[USBtoSer.AddReg]                                               ; AddReg section
HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern                                         ;

[USBtoSer.Install.Services]                                     ; Services section
AddService=usbser,0x00000002,USBtoSer.AddService                ; Assign usbser as the PnP driver for the device

[USBtoSer.AddService]                                           ; Service install section
DisplayName=%USBSer%                                            ; Name of the serial driver
ServiceType=1                                                   ; Service kernel driver
StartType=3                                                     ; Driver is started by the PnP manager
ErrorControl=1                                                  ; Warn about errors
ServiceBinary=%12%/usbser.sys                                   ; Driver filename

[Strings]                                                       ; Strings section
ATMEL="ATMEL Corp."                                             ; String value for the ATMEL symbol
USBtoSerialConverter="AT91 USB to Serial Converter"             ; String value for the USBtoSerialConverter symbol
USBSer="USB Serial Driver"                                      ; String value for the USBSer symbol




atm6124_cdc.inf该驱动文件会自动导入mdmcpq.inf驱动,mdmcpq.inf中需要Copy USBser.sys文件,安装出错是因为该文件无法找到,具体原因还不清楚,解决方法如下。


[USBtoSer.Install]                                              ; Install section


[USBtoSer.Install]                                              ; Install section






然后安装驱动选择at91 usb to serial converter 设备即可出现虚拟串口了,

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