
One of the great features of Dropbox is the ability to share and sync your files with other computers and mobile devices. Today we take a look at adding Dropbox to your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Dropbox的一大功能是能够与其他计算机和移动设备共享和同步文件。 今天,我们来看看将Dropbox添加到您的iPhone或iPod Touch中。

If you own an iPhone or iPod touch and want to always have access to important files in your Dropbox, installing the free Dropbox App is a must. It’s free, easy to use, and can help keep your work organized while on the go.

如果您拥有iPhone或iPod touch,并希望始终可以访问Dropbox中的重要文件,则必须安装免费的Dropbox App。 它是免费的,易于使用的,并且可以在旅途中使您的工作井井有条。

Download and Install with iTunes


First you’ll need to get the Dropbox app, and there are several ways to do it. Here we look at getting it on your computer through iTunes first. Go to the Dropbox iTunes preview site (link below) and click View In iTunes.

首先,您需要获取Dropbox应用,并且有几种方法可以实现它。 在这里,我们来看一下首先通过iTunes在您的计算机上获取它。 转到Dropbox iTunes预览站点(下面的链接),然后单击在iTunes中查看

Or you can just search for it in iTunes App Store and download it.

或者,您也可以在iTunes App Store中搜索并下载。

You can also get it from the Dropbox site.


Which ever way you go about getting the app, once downloaded you’ll find it in iTunes under Apps.


If you haven’t already done so…go to the Apps tab and check Sync Apps.


Then drag Dropbox over to your Home Screen and place it where you want it to be.


After you have it where you want, click Apply at the lower right-hand corner of iTunes.


Once the sync is complete you can disconnect your iPod or phone and begin using Dropbox.


Download and Install from the Device


Of course you can download it from the App Store from your device as well…which might be easier for some users. Just search for Dropbox in the App Store…

当然,您也可以从您的设备从App Store下载它……对于某些用户来说可能更容易。 只需在App Store中搜索Dropbox…

Then download and install it directly to your phone or iPod.


Using Dropbox on iPhone or iPod Touch

在iPhone或iPod Touch上使用Dropbox

To start using Dropbox on your device, click the Dropbox icon from your Home Screen.


You’re brought to the Dropbox login screen and select if you’re already a user or new and set up an account. We’re already a user so we’ll select that option.

您将进入Dropbox登录屏幕,并选择您是否已经是用户或新用户并设置一个帐户。 我们已经是用户,因此我们将选择该选项。

Log in to your Dropbox account…


When you log in you can check out the Welcome to Dropbox overview for the iPhone / Touch.

登录后,您可以查看iPhone / Touch的“欢迎使用Dropbox”概述。

Tap on My Dropbox and you will be brought to all of the files and folders that are contained.


Now you can browse through your folders and check out your files.


In Settings you can change Photo quality settings, watch a video about Dropbox, get app help, send feedback…and more.


If you’re new to Dropbox you might be interested in checking out the intro video on how it works.


There’s also a handy Dropbox Help section where you can look up how to complete specific tasks.


Share Files from Dropbox


It also allows you to share files you have in your Dropbox folders. For example we want to share this picture by sending a link to it via email. Click on the link icon in the lower left corner.

它还允许您共享Dropbox文件夹中的文件。 例如,我们要通过电子邮件发送链接来共享这张图片。 单击左下角的链接图标。

Then select Email Link. You can also copy the link or image to the clipboard.

然后选择“电子邮件链接” 。 您也可以将链接或图像复制到剪贴板。

Your email app will come up and you can add a message and send off the link to the Dropbox file to your contact(s).


The recipient will get your message with the link and can access the file in their default browser.


Save Dropbox Files to Your Apple Device


While viewing files in your Dropbox account, you might want to save them to your phone or iPod. Click on the arrow icon on the lower right corner of the screen.

在您的Dropbox帐户中查看文件时,您可能需要将其保存到手机或iPod中。 单击屏幕右下角的箭头图标。

Now you can tap on Save Photo to save it to your photo library.


Adding Files from iPod Touch or iPhone to Dropbox

将文件从iPod Touch或iPhone添加到Dropbox

The coolest thing about Dropbox is the ability to access your important files from anywhere on multiple machines or devices. While it’s a straight-forward process adding files from your PC to Dropbox so you can access them on your device, what about adding files from your phone or iPod Touch to Dropbox? Luckily this is also an easy process.

Dropbox最酷的功能是可以从多台计算机或设备上的任何位置访问重要文件。 从PC将文件添加到Dropbox以便您可以在设备上访问它们是一个直接的过程,但是从手机或iPod Touch向Dropbox添加文件又如何呢? 幸运的是,这也是一个简单的过程。

Navigate to a folder in Dropbox and click on the  plus icon at the top right of the screen.


A screen will pop up asking what you would like to upload, tap on Existing Photo or Video.


Find the photo you want to add…here we are selecting a wallpaper image.


It will then be added to the folder you want in Dropbox…actually here we added the same photo twice, but you get the idea.


Now it’s available on all computers and portable devices you have Dropbox installed on. Here we are accessing what we added from the iPod Touch on our computer at home. Notice it adds Mobile Photo to the file name which is handy in knowing where files came from.

现在,在安装了Dropbox的所有计算机和便携式设备上都可以使用它。 在这里,我们可以访问从家里的计算机上的iPod Touch添加的内容。 请注意,它会将“移动照片”添加到文件名,这在了解文件来自何处时非常方便。



If you’re a fan of Dropbox and like to have access to important files on your portable Apple device as well as your computers, this app does the trick. it’s a free app, easy to install, and easy to use. Here we looked at the basic uses of Dropbox from your iPhone or iPod touch. As we discover new tips and tricks for it, we’ll certainly be sharing those with you too. We’ll also be covering how to use it on an Android device as well in future articles.

如果您是Dropbox的粉丝,并且喜欢访问便携式Apple设备以及计算机上的重要文件,那么此应用程序就可以解决问题。 这是一个免费的应用程序,易于安装且易于使用。 在这里,我们研究了iPhone或iPod touch上Dropbox的基本用法。 当我们发现新的提示和技巧时,我们当然也会与您分享这些提示和技巧。 在以后的文章中,我们还将介绍如何在Android设备上使用它。

Do you use the Dropbox app on your Apple device? Leave a comment and let us know!

您是否在Apple设备上使用Dropbox应用? 发表评论,让我们知道!

iTunes Preview of Dropbox App

iTunes的Dropbox App预览

Download Dropbox for iPhone & iPod Touch from the Dropbox website

从Dropbox网站下载适用于iPhone和iPod Touch的Dropbox

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24596/how-to-use-dropbox-with-an-iphone-or-ipod-touch/


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