
但是在命令行关闭nginx服务时(nginx -s quit),报错nginx: [error] CreateFile() “D:\nginx-1.20.1/logs/nginx.pid” failed


然后再在命令行中重新用start nginx命令启动,

再用命令nginx -s quit正常关闭nginx进程,




nginx: [error] CreateFile() “D:\nginx-1.20.1/logs/nginx.pid“ failed (2: The system cannot find the相关推荐

  1. nginx: [emerg] CreateFile() “D:\soft\nginx-1.18.0/logs/nginx.pid“ failed (5: Access is denied)

    win10启动nginx报错 nginx: [emerg] CreateFile() "D:\soft\nginx-1.18.0/logs/nginx.pid" failed (5 ...

  2. nginx: [error] CreateFile() “D:\nginx-1.21.6/logs/nginx.pid“ failed (2: The system cannot find the

    问题描述 nginx: [error] CreateFile() "D:\nginx\nginx-1.21.6\nginx-1.21.6/logs/nginx.pid" faile ...

  3. nginx.pid failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified

    nginx.pid" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified nginx -c conf/nginx.conf nginx常 ...

  4. Windows:nginx: [error] CreateFile() “/logs/nginx.pid“ failed (2: The system)

    先看下报错信息 这是我Nginx的第一个小坑,其实这个也算不上坑,就是不知道Nginx的加载规则. 原因:你的Nginx并未启动,所以无法加载配置文件 解决方案: 第一步:你需要先启动你的Nginx( ...

  5. Nginx报错:nginx: [emerg] CreateFile() nginx.conf“ failed (3: The system cannot find the path specified

    windows下启动nginx报错: nginx: [emerg] CreateFile() "D:\桌面\nginx-1.12.0/conf/nginx.conf" failed ...

  6. windows安装nginx莫名其妙 CreateFile()权限不够创建问题

    报错: C:\Users\Administrator>nginx nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: CreateFile() " ...

  7. nginx报错:nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() “/var/log/nginx/error.log“ failed (2: N

    参考文章1:nginx error_log 错误日志配置说明 如图,启动nginx时报错: [root@RV1126_RV1109:/usr/sbin]# nginx -c /etc/nginx/ng ...

  8. 解决nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid" failed错误

    [root@localhost sbin]# ./nginx -s reload nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid ...

  9. 解决Nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/Nginx/logs/Nginx.pid

    解决Nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/Nginx/logs/Nginx.pid 重新启动服务器,访问web服务发现无法浏览啦!登陆服务器之后进到nginx使用./ng ...

  10. nginx: [error] invalid PID number in /run/nginx.pid

    在重启云主机(系统)之后,执行 nginx -t 是OK的,然而在执行 nginx -s reload 的时候报错 nginx: [error] invalid PID number "&q ...


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