
  • 一、项目需求
  • 二、python实现代码
  • 三、实现效果
  • 四、参考文献






import PIL.Image
from math import log
from SSIM_PIL import compare_ssimdef get_ssim_at_quality(photo, quality):"""Return the ssim for this JPEG image saved at the specified quality"""ssim_photo = "tmp.jpg"# optimize is omitted here as it doesn't affect# quality but requires additional memory and cpuphoto.save(ssim_photo, format="JPEG", quality=quality, progressive=True)ssim_score = compare_ssim(photo, PIL.Image.open(ssim_photo))return ssim_scoredef _ssim_iteration_count(lo, hi):"""Return the depth of the binary search tree for this range"""if lo >= hi:return 0else:return int(log(hi - lo, 2)) + 1def jpeg_dynamic_quality(original_photo):"""Return an integer representing the quality that this JPEG image should besaved at to attain the quality threshold specified for this photo class.Args:original_photo - a prepared PIL JPEG image (only JPEG is supported)"""ssim_goal = 0.9 #the original value is 0.95hi = 35 #the original value is 85lo = 30 #the original value is 80# working on a smaller size image doesn't give worse results but is faster# changing this value requires updating the calculated thresholdsphoto = original_photo.resize((200, 200))# if not _should_use_dynamic_quality():#     default_ssim = get_ssim_at_quality(photo, hi)#     return hi, default_ssim# 95 is the highest useful value for JPEG. Higher values cause different behavior# Used to establish the image's intrinsic ssim without encoder artifactsnormalized_ssim = get_ssim_at_quality(photo, 10)selected_quality = selected_ssim = None# loop bisection. ssim function increases monotonically so this will convergefor i in range(_ssim_iteration_count(lo, hi)):curr_quality = (lo + hi) // 2curr_ssim = get_ssim_at_quality(photo, curr_quality)ssim_ratio = curr_ssim / normalized_ssimif ssim_ratio >= ssim_goal:# continue to check whether a lower quality level also exceeds the goalselected_quality = curr_qualityselected_ssim = curr_ssimhi = curr_qualityelse:lo = curr_qualityif selected_quality:return selected_quality, selected_ssimelse:default_ssim = get_ssim_at_quality(photo, hi)return hi, default_ssim


from PIL import Image
import dynamic_quality
def compress(filename,originpath,targetpath):name = filename.rstrip('.png').rstrip('.jpg')im = Image.open(originpath+filename)# print(im.format,im.size,im.mode)im = im.convert('RGB')im.format = "JPEG"new_photo = im.copy()new_photo.thumbnail(im.size,resample=Image.ANTIALIAS)save_args = {'format':im.format}# print(save_args)# if im.format=='JPEG':# save_args['quality']=20save_args['quality'],value=dynamic_quality.jpeg_dynamic_quality(im)save_args['optimize']=Truesave_args['progressive=True']=True# print("JPEG Quality Changed")# elif im.format=='PNG':#     save_args['format']='JPEG'#     save_args['quality']=5#     print("PNG Quality Changed")new_photo.save(targetpath+name+".jpg",**save_args)if __name__ == '__main__':import osoriginpath = "./images/png/"targetpath = "./images/test/"for root, dirs, files in os.walk(originpath):for file in files:compress(file,originpath,targetpath)







1.使用python对图片进行批量压缩 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/161274600


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