在 unix 或 unix-like 的系统中,当一个子进程退出后,它就会变成一个僵尸进程,如果父进程没有通过 wait 系统调用来读取这个子进程的退出状态的话,这个子进程就会一直维持僵尸进程状态。

Zombie process - Wikipedia 中是这样描述的:

On Unix and Unix-like computer operating systems, a zombie process or defunct process is a process that has completed execution (via the exit system call) but still has an entry in the process table: it is a process in the "Terminated state". This occurs for child processes, where the entry is still needed to allow the parent process to read its child's exit status: once the exit status is read via the wait system call, the zombie's entry is removed from the process table and it is said to be "reaped". A child process always first becomes a zombie before being removed from the resource table. In most cases, under normal system operation zombies are immediately waited on by their parent and then reaped by the system – processes that stay zombies for a long time are generally an error and cause a resource leak.

并且僵尸进程无法通过 kill 命令来清除。



为了便于后面讲解清除僵尸进程的方法,我们使用日常开发中经常使用的 multiprocessing 模块来制造僵尸进程(准确的来说是制造一个长时间维持僵尸进程状态的子进程):

$ cat test_a.py

from multiprocessing import Process, current_process

import logging

import os

import time



format='%(asctime)-15s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'


def run():

logging.info('exit child process %s', current_process().pid)


p = Process(target=run)




$ python test_a.py &

[1] 10091

$ 2017-07-20 21:28:14,792 - INFO - exit child process 10106

$ ps aux |grep 10106

mozillazg 10126 0.0 0.0 2434836 740 s006 R+ 0:00.00 grep 10106

mozillazg 10106 0.0 0.0 0 0 s006 Z 0:00.00 (Python)

可以看到,子进程 10091 变成了僵尸进程。




• 第二种方法就是通过 wait 调用来读取子进程退出状态。我们可以通过处理 SIGCHLD 信号,在处理程序中调用 wait 系统调用来清除僵尸进程。


子进程退出时系统会向父进程发送 SIGCHLD 信号,父进程可以通过注册 SIGCHLD 信号处理程序,在信号处理程序中调用 wait

系统调用来清理僵尸进程。 $ cat test_b.py

import errno

from multiprocessing import Process, current_process

import logging

import os

import signal

import time



format='%(asctime)-15s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'


def run():

exitcode = 3

logging.info('exit child process %s with exitcode %s',

current_process().pid, exitcode)


def wait_child(signum, frame):

logging.info('receive SIGCHLD')


while True:

# -1 表示任意子进程

# os.WNOHANG 表示如果没有可用的需要 wait 退出状态的子进程,立即返回不阻塞

cpid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)

if cpid == 0:

logging.info('no child process was immediately available')


exitcode = status >> 8

logging.info('child process %s exit with exitcode %s', cpid, exitcode)

except OSError as e:

if e.errno == errno.ECHILD:

logging.error('current process has no existing unwaited-for child processes.')



logging.info('handle SIGCHLD end')

signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, wait_child)

p = Process(target=run)


while True:



$ python test_b.py &

[1] 10159

$ 2017-07-20 21:28:56,085 - INFO - exit child process 10174 with exitcode 3

2017-07-20 21:28:56,088 - INFO - receive SIGCHLD

2017-07-20 21:28:56,089 - INFO - child process 10174 exit with exitcode 3

2017-07-20 21:28:56,090 - ERROR - current process has no existing unwaited-for child processes.

2017-07-20 21:28:56,090 - INFO - handle SIGCHLD end

$ ps aux |grep 10174

mozillazg 10194 0.0 0.0 2432788 556 s006 R+ 0:00.00 grep 10174

可以看到,子进程退出变成僵尸进程后,系统给父进程发送了 SIGCHLD 信号,我们在 SIGCHLD 信号的处理程序中通过 os.waitpid 调用 wait 系统调用后阻止了子进程一直处于僵尸进程状态,从而实现了清除僵尸进程的效果。

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