日历类的getDisplayName()方法 (Calendar Class getDisplayName() method)

  • getDisplayName() method is available in java.util package.


  • getDisplayName() method is used to return string denotation of the given calendar field(fi) in the specified style(st) and locale(lo).


  • getDisplayName() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.


  • getDisplayName() method may throw an exception at the time of returning the calendar field with the given pattern.

    使用给定的模式返回日历字段时, getDisplayName()方法可能会引发异常。

    • IllegalArgumentException: This exception may throw when calendar field or style values are not valid.IllegalArgumentException :如果日历字段或样式值无效,则可能引发此异常。
    • NullPointerException: This exception may throw when the given parameter Locale(lo) is null exists.NullPointerException :如果给定参数Locale(lo)为null,则可能引发此异常。



    public String getDisplayName(int fi, int st, Locale lo);



  • int fi – it represents the field(fi) of this Calendar.

    int fi –它代表此日历的字段(fi)。

  • int st – it represents the style that will implemented to the string denotation.

    int st –它表示将对字符串符号实施的样式。

  • Locale lo – it represents the locale of the string denotation.

    语言环境lo –它表示字符串符号的语言环境。

Return value:


The return type of the method is String, it returns string denotation of the given calendar field(fi) in the given style(st) or locale(lo) when exists otherwise it returns null when no string denotation exists.

该方法的返回类型为String ,如果存在,它将以给定的style(st)或locale(lo)返回给定日历字段(fi)的字符串表示形式,否则,如果不存在任何字符串表示形式,则返回null。



// Java Program to demonstrate the example of
// String getDisplayName() method of Calendar
import java.util.*;
public class GetDisplayName {public static void main(String args[]) {// Creating two objects of Locale
Locale lo1 = new Locale("Japanese", "Japan");
Locale lo2 = new Locale("Telgu", "Tamil");
// Display lo1 and lo2
System.out.println("Locale 1: " + lo1);
System.out.println("Locale 2: " + lo2);
// By using getDisplayName() method
// is to display the name of locale 1
String s = lo1.getDisplayName();
// Displaying the results
System.out.println("lo1.getDisplayName(): " + s);
// By using getDisplayName() method
// is to display the name of locale
s = lo2.getDisplayName();
// Displaying the results
System.out.println("lo2.getDisplayName(): " + s);



Locale 1: japanese_JAPAN
Locale 2: telgu_TAMIL
lo1.getDisplayName(): japanese (JAPAN)
lo2.getDisplayName(): telgu (TAMIL)

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/calendar-getdisplayname-method-with-example.aspx

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